"Third Brother!"

"Damn, this guy dares to kill Third Brother, let's go together and kill him!"

The remaining two electric eels Guai saw the tragic death of his companions, instead of fearing, he became even more angry.

Release one after another thunder, strikes on Xiao Lei's body.

Xiao Lei did not evade, letting this one after another thunder flood into his body.

At this moment, he is like a battery of energy-gathering Huan Nanfu, charging unscrupulously.

The electricity released by these electric eels does not hurt Xiao Lei at all, and can only be regarded as his tonic.

"Boss, what's the matter, how come this guy has nothing to do?"

"Ghost knows, maybe this guy is holding on, let's continue to discharge, he will definitely not be able to hold on How long have you lived."


Tzzzzzzz ~~

After a full half an hour, the two electric eels felt that the electric energy stored in their bodies was almost used up, but Xiao Lei was still full of energy.

"I can't do it anymore, boss, I'm going to collapse."

"Me too, hu hu, if you don’t fight, you can’t fight anymore. This guy is just going to hang up, let's Let's go."

The two electric eel sea monsters glanced at each other. I don't know where the thunder and lightning are not useful to Xiaolei, but their ability is only to discharge.

If this is useless, then they can only retreat.

"Why, I'm playing well, I just want to go."

"Have you asked me if I am?"

Xiao Lei is sneaked, full of lightning Suddenly, it seemed like Thor had come.

"The lightning you gave me just now, I will give it back to you now!"

Xiao Lei yelled, and the lingering lightning moved towards the two electric eels. Blame it.

Just like a thunderstorm in the sky, the crackle hit the two electric eel sea monsters.

Shocked, these electric eels screamed, moving towards the sea and fleeing.

Xiao Lei still wanted to chase, Ye Qianxing called him.

"do not chase after cornered enemy, we have offended the deep-sea octopus family, so please stop making trouble."


Xiao Lei shrugged and returned to the silly eagle's back.


Continue to drive in the Eastern Sea, the time of half a month is fleeting.

Eastern Sea is really boundless, half a month, what they see in front of them is still a vast ocean.

It is as if they have been spinning around for more than half a month.

In this half a month, Ye Qianxing and the others were not having a good time, but they really experienced what it means to be a rat in the street.

Now they are well-known in this Sea Territory, and the deep sea octopus family has given them huge benefits in order to want them.

Almost as long as Sea Clan finds them, they will immediately launch an attack.

In just half a month, Ye Qianxing and the others were attacked by hundreds, and they had to encounter seven or eight attacks in one day together.

Fortunately, these sea monsters who want to capture them to get the deep sea octopus family bounty are not particularly strong. So far, Ye Qianxing and the strongest sea monster they have encountered are not at the emperor level. Seven paragraphs only.

With the current strength of Ye Qianxing's camp, the opponents of the 7th dan of the emperor level can also contend.

Of course, this half a month's time, although it is always attacked, but also not good.

They killed a lot of sea monsters, and Ye Qianxing also got a lot of recovery value. These recovered values ​​were purchased as treasures and used by Spirit Pets.

In the past half a month, all Spirit Pets of Ye Qianxing finally stepped into the palace of the emperor realm, incarnate in human form.

Even the silly eagle, with the support of Ye Qianxing's Immortal Pill, became the last of them to step into the emperor realm.

Yes, when they step into the emperor realm, they can already be called human beings.

The silly eagle changes his human form. He looks like a young man in his early twenties. In other respects, he is similar to a normal human being, except that he still has a pair of golden wings on his back.

According to the idiot, this is more handsome.

Xiao Taixu also thinks that the draconian form is more handsome, so he did not completely Human Transformation.

In this regard, Ye Qianxing did not interfere.

It is their own choice to change into what form, and they just want to be happy.

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