
While Ye Qianxing entire group was so bored, watching the sea that was about to vomit below, suddenly a cry for help came from my ear.

During this half a month, all they heard were shouting, shouting and killing.

This is the first time for help.

So they moved towards and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw, on the surface of the sea, I don't know when there was an extra ship.

The ship is jet-black, and it seems to be floating on the sea with some special material.

At this time, all around the ship was surrounded by a group of iron sharks.

Originally, the iron-tooth shark was just a very low-level sea monster, which also exists in some inland seas, and the strongest is only a king-level.

But in this Eastern Sea, it seems that a mutation has occurred.

They are all above the Sovereign level, and there are even a few emperor-level iron sharks.

This is a very strange thing at first, but Ye Qianxing has long been used to it. In this half a month, they have seen a lot of breakthroughs that should have a very low cultivation base upper limit, but broke through the Sovereign level. Even a powerful sea monster at the emperor level.

It was this ship that really caught Ye Qianxing's attention.

The sea monster can’t sail, so the inside of the ship...

"Boss, look at it, it's a man, it's a woman!"

Erbaiwu is suddenly frightened yelled and flustered, shocked Ye Qianxing.

But before he scolded Erbaiwu, he saw that a person came out of the boat, a woman wearing a purple skirt.

The woman also wears a purple gauze scarf on her face. The gauze scarf is nearly transparent and does not completely cover the woman's face, but it gives people an extremely vague feeling.

People can't see her looks, but they absolutely think that she must be an extremely beautiful woman.

At this time, the woman wearing a purple skirt was standing on the bow of the ship, watching the iron sharks all around colliding and biting at the boat, frowning very tightly.

As Ye Qianxing thought before, the material of this ship seems unusual.

Allow the iron shark to bite and collide, the ship is not broken at all, and there is no sign of capsizing.

"Boss, it's a human being, or a woman!"

Erbaiwu turned into a human form, holding Ye Qianxing's arm and said excitedly.

Ye Qianxing glanced at this stuff for nothing. Although this stuff was transformed, it was still a dog in essence. It was so exciting to see a human beauty.

"It's frightened and flustered, it seems like I haven't seen a woman in a long time."

"It's really been a long time since I saw you."

Erbaiwu is very Said aggrievedly.

They have been flying in the Eastern Sea for more than 20 days, and they have seen a lot of sea monsters, but this is the first time they have seen humans.

"What do you mean, don't treat us as women?"

However, Erbaiwu tone barely fell, and I felt a cold behind him.

Sure enough, Lin Ruoxi, Sister Huang and Xiao Meng were standing behind him quietly.

said coldly.

Sister Huang has long been transformed into a human form, Lin Ruoxi is a human form, Xiao Meng has always been an assassin image, her whole body covered by clothes.

After becoming an emperor, at the request of Ye Qianxing, she took off her hood and face mask, revealing the appearance of a cold beauty.

Although she didn't wear a crown, she still carried the queen's style.

After all, she is the queen of the shadow world.

"No, I mean, the three elder sisters are not humans, they are all gods, and they are all Goddess above Nine Heavens. How can they be called mortals."

Erbaiwu was very quick to respond and explained quickly.

This full desire to survive just aroused his IQ as high as Erbaiwu ten.

"Brother Xing, what are your plans?"

Zhou Lang is quite normal, and asked moved towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing looked at the ship, and then at the woman in the purple dress.

My brows can't help but frown.

He just opened the eyes of system, wanting to see if that woman is a human or Monster Race incarnation.

But what surprised him was that his system eye was on the woman in the purple veil.

It turned out to be invalid!

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