"Danmu Island? Where is that place?"

Ye Qianxing, Zhou Lang and Lin Ruoxi and the others hearing this, looked at each other.

The doubts were seen in the eyes of the other party.

"Don't you know? Didn't you go to Duanmu Island?"

Zi Mo's expressions when they see Ye Qianxing are also a little strange.

"We don't have a destination, we just wandered around, but what place you said about Duanmu Island? We have been in the Eastern Sea for more than half a month, and we haven't seen an island."


Ye Qianxing half true half false said.

I also have some interest in Duanmu Island in the mouth of Zimo.

"Eastern Sea boundless, but there is not no island, but only a small number, and Duanmu Island is the largest of the islands..."

Purple Mo Da was not impatient, and began to answer Ye Qianxing and the others.

The history of Duanmu Island can be traced back to a long time ago. It is not clear how long it is, but in short, it is a long, long time.

Originally, Duanmu Island was just a desert island, but with the exchanges between the continents, people began to cross the Eastern Sea.

With more and more such people, some people began to plan to transfer stations.

Duanmu Island is this transit station.

Almost everyone who wants to travel to the continent has to pass through Duanmu Island. They can rest on Duanmu Island, conserve strength and store up energy.

But as Duanmu Island becomes more and more prosperous, it is more than just a transit station. Many people even choose to stay on Duanmu Island.

Duanmu Island thus formed a small country in which many people from various continents gathered.

So many people’s destinations have changed directly from other continents to Duanmu Island, because Duanmu Island gathers people from various continents, so naturally they also own the specialty products of each continent, and you can buy other products here. continent stuff.

So why should they waste more time on other continents?

Duanmu Island has transformed from a transfer station to a trading post.

"I just plan to go to Duanmu Island to stroll around, have fun, and have a long experience. Who knows that I have encountered these annoying iron sharks. In fact, these iron sharks are not too strong, I It can be dealt with completely, but the key is that they are large in number and have strong destructive power."

"If you let them destroy my ship, it would be really bad."

Purple Mo said.

After hearing her talk about Duanmu Island, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but become interested.

The Eastern Sea is too big, and he doesn't understand it at all. Maybe you can go to Duanmu Island to get a general understanding of Eastern Sea. If you can have a map, it would be better.

Apart from this, he can also go to Duanmu Island to find out the location of Dragon Island.

With so many people gathered on Duanmu Island, maybe someone has news about Dragon Island?

Let them look for it directly, they have to find the year of the monkey.

Moreover, they are still wanted by the deep-sea octopus family. Although they are not afraid, it is really troublesome.

You can also go to Duanmu Island to hide.

Ye Qianxing said what he meant to Zhou Lang and the others, but there was no other opinion, and the vote was unanimous.

"Then Miss Zi, why don't we go to Duanmu Island together?"

Ye Qianxing said.

"Okay, okay, getting on your demon bird, the speed must be much faster than my ebony boat."

Zi Mo without the slightest hesitation agreed .

"Then please Miss Zi for guidance."

"No problem."


Next, in Under Zi Mo's guidance.

Three days later, a seemingly large island finally appeared in front of Ye Qianxing and the others.

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