"This island looks pretty big."

They were standing on the backs of silly eagles, flying nearly a thousand meters in the sky.

Naturally, you can see the whole island at a glance.

The area of ​​this island should be almost equivalent to a dynasty on the Heavenly Jade continent. It's not big, but it's definitely not small.

On the islands, human cities have been built.

According to Zi Mo, there are 18 cities on the entire Duanmu Island, and every city has a City Lord to maintain the order of the major cities.

And above these City Lords is the Island Lord.

Island Lord generally doesn't care about things, but I heard that he is very strong, and those who dare to make trouble on Duanmu Island since ancient times have no good end.

People from various continents need to pay an entrance fee to enter Duanmu Island, and to conduct transactions on Duanmu Island, they also need to pay an intermediary fee.

Relying on these fees, the major City Lords and the Island Lord in Duanmu Island are making a lot of money, which arouses many people's jealousy.

Can be afraid of the strength of the Island Lord, so no one dares to make trouble.

"Go down."

Ye Qianxing patted the silly head, said.

The latter was nodded, so he leaned over and fell.

"Don't fall directly into the city, Duanmu Island has now formed a complete set of order, and it is forbidden to fly over the city."

Zi Mo reminded.


Ye Qianxing didn't want to cause trouble when he first arrived.

Then let the silly eagle fall to the edge of the island.

Soon, they descended on this Duanmu Island.

The silly eagle is also in human form, so that they can enter the city together.

Zi Mo told them that there is no racial prejudice in Duanmu Island. Whether it is Human Race or Monster Race, even those Sea Clan in the sea, you can enter Duanmu Island and the city.

But the premise is that it must be transformed into a human form or reduced in size.

Otherwise, if you are too big and destroy the city, that would be a big crime.

Therefore, both Silly Diao and Xiao Taixu can also enter.

So, the entire group moved towards the nearest city.

At their speed, naturally they will arrive soon.

The city gate is guarded by soldiers, and from time to time there are humans or monster races coming in and out.

To be able to walk through the Eastern Sea, at least there must be an emperor-level cultivation base.

Or there is a strong guard, otherwise you will die halfway.

Therefore, what they saw at this time was basically an emperor-level powerhouse.

The emperor-level powerhouses rarely seen on the Heavenly Jade continent, at this time they have seen no less than ten before they even entered the city.

It is indeed a transit point between the continents on the Eastern Sea.

"This city seems to be called Wanyan City, named after its City Lord."

Zi Mo said.

"Wanyan? This surname is rare."

Ye Qianxing murmured, without thinking too much.

"Go, go in."

Ye Qianxing said, leading everyone moved towards the city gate.

"Stop, you have to pay the city fee when you enter the city, one hundred gold coins for one person, you have... one, two, three, four... thirteen people, a total of 1,300 gold Spirit coins."

The soldier who guarded the gate counted and said.

One hundred gold spirit coins per person, this is too much, it really is too bad.

But if you think about it carefully, those who can come here are either the emperor-level powerhouse themselves, or the emperor-level powerhouse around them, so you can get a hundred gold spirit coins. Shot.

Fortunately, there are also spirit coins circulating here, otherwise it would be really troublesome.


Ye Qianxing directly took out 1,300 gold coins and gave them to the gatekeeper.

The most important thing he lacks now is money. He has only pitted tens of billions of gold spirit coins from Emperor Tianyao. Although most of them are replaced by other Heaven and Earth Treasure, there are also Billions.

"Go in."

The gatekeeper counted, and waved his hand to let Ye Qianxing and the others enter the city.

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