Inside Wanyan City.

The streets are full of bustling people, very prosperous.

He finally knew that, in fact, most of the people in this city were not emperor-level powerhouses, and there were also many Sovereign level, king-level, and even lower cultivation bases.

Most of these people have lived on Duanmu Island for generations. They are considered as aboriginals and do not need to travel in the Eastern Sea.

And there is also the guardian of the Island Lord, so there is no need for a too high cultivation base.

Ye Qianxing and the others walking in Wanyan City, Xiao Taixu and Silly Diao were worried that their appearance would attract attention, but they soon knew that they were thinking too much.

No one paid attention to them at all, and after walking for a while, they saw many stranger existences than them.

Some are directly beast-headed human bodies, and some are simply monster beast forms, but their size is reduced, and they don't attract any strange eyes.

Sure enough, as Zi Mo said, on Duanmu Island, there is no racial difference.

"Miss Zi, you have arrived at Duanmu Island now, what are your plans?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Zi Mo thought for a while and said.

"Actually, I don’t have any destination. I just want to stroll around and see if there are any fun things. So I’ll just follow you directly and be a companion. The island is more familiar than you, maybe I can answer your questions."

Listening to Zi Mo's words, Ye Qianxing glanced at her with some complicated eyes.

But he quickly retracted his gaze, nodded and said.

"In that case, let's go together. By the way, do you know if there is any good restaurant in Wanyan City?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

During this period of time, I was traveling on the sea. Although I was not hungry, I would always eat the same things and I would get bored.

Even more how, Ye Qianxing would like to try other continental delicacies.

Ye Qianxing pays much attention to food.

"Yes, there is a restaurant where there is a lot of food, and it covers the characteristics of each continent."

When he heard the dry rice, Zi Mo's eyes were also bright.

It seems that he is also a proper foodie.

Soon, under the guidance of Zi Mo, they came to a restaurant outside.

"There really is a restaurant."

Looking at the restaurant plaque, it says [有家restaurant] in four large characters, Ye Qianxing secretly nodded, this name comes from Connotation.

On the second floor of the restaurant, the waiter specially put together a large table, so that they can sit down to a dozen of Ye Qianxing.

At this time, it is the meal, and the whole [Youjia restaurant] is almost full.

Ye Qianxing They can put together such a big table, I have to say it is also good luck.

Looking at the menu, there are indeed many tricks.

Many dishes are unheard-of. It is very appetizing to look at the pictures.

It's not bad for money anyway, Ye Qianxing just ordered about 20 special dishes.

This table is still not big enough, otherwise I will order more.

I have to say that this restaurant has a lot of people, but the serving speed is quite fast.

In more than half an hour, more than 20 dishes have been served.

Ye Qianxing and their big men started to eat and drink, only Lin Ruoxi, Xiao Meng and Huang Jie still maintained the feminine style.

It's the Zimo, Ye Qianxing originally thought this was a gentle lady, but he was wrong.

When this guy saw good food, it was ugly compared to the big men of them.

And what makes Ye Qianxing most puzzled is that this girl has always been wearing the veil, and he can't be affected if he doesn't take it off.

It seems that this veil is not a mortal thing. This Zimo can shield the system's eyes from probing, perhaps because of that veil.

"Eh, hurry up, Xingyu Chamber of Commerce's auction is about to start. I heard that there will be many good things, we can't miss it."

Just when Ye Qianxing was eating right, a voice came from the dining table not far away.

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