Vajra met a male Asura, Ye Qianxing met Erbaiwu and Xiao Taixu together with another one. As for the female Asura, Lin Ruoxi and Zi Mo dealt with each other together.

No way, this female Asura seems to have a special power of charm, even Erbaiwu can't help it when facing this female Asura.

Lin Ruoxi and Zi Mo, both females, will not be affected.

Ye Qianxing is not the kind of person who disdains more and bullies less. On the contrary, for him, if he can fight in groups, he will try his best not to single out.

Isn’t it better to solve the opponent quickly?


Erbaiwu took out the Magicstrate pen. During this time, he has learned how to use this Magicstrate pen.

I saw him waving a pen in midair a few times, and drew a big character in midair-a tick!

The character'hook' suddenly moved towards the male Asura and shot it directly on his body. The male Asura Body suddenly stagnated, and an illusory shadow burst out of his body, but Immediately began to struggle.

It seems that Erbaiwu's ecstatic ability is not very strong yet.

However, the short absence of male Asura is deadly enough. Ye Qianxing directly took out the Thunder Fire double-edged blade and pierced the male Asura's throat.

To be honest, the body of Asura Race is indeed very strong, even though Thunder Fire double-edged has been promoted to Divine Item, almost there is no stronghold one cannot overcome.

But the stroke on the male Asura's throat was only a two-centimeter deep cut, which was not a serious injury to his huge body.

It's just like a small hole in an ordinary person.

"áo hǒu!"

It seems that the cutting of Thunder Fire's double-edged blades infuriated the male Asura, only to hear him roar, the soul that was hooked out suddenly It was back in the body of the male Asura.

Male Asura's eyes suddenly burst into blood, and at the same time, the sea of ​​blood under his feet began to violently churn.

The surrounding one after another blood mist moved towards the male Asura's body.

Ye Qianxing can clearly feel that the male Asura Body in front of him exudes very richness, and even condenses into a substantial killing intent.

"It's the innate ability of Asura Race, killing fighting intent, and quickly kill him to avoid future troubles!"

Ye Qianxing has already learned about these Asura Races from the eyes of the system. information.

Fighting intent This ability is definitely regarded as a perverted ability in Asura Race, which can burst out power beyond itself in a short period of time.

At this time, this is the Asura Sea of ​​Blood and their territory. Ye Qianxing also doesn't know how much this guy can improve.

Just in case, let's solve it now.

"Space slash, die!"

Xiao Kun did not hesitate, and directly stretched out his hand in midair and volleyed at the male Asura, suddenly a black line pierced it. The body of only male Asura.

The blood mist was still moved towards the gathering of the male Asura, at this brief moment, but suddenly stopped.

A few seconds later, with only a click, the huge body of the Asura Race was directly divided into two halves, moved towards the left and right sides.

It's dead!


As soon as the male Asura died, a white shadow burst out of him, as if he was planning to escape.

Ye Qianxing complexion changed, hurriedly shouted.

"Can't let him run!"

This is Asura Sea Territory, the site of Asura Race. Since they want to kill these Asura Races in front of them, they must cut weeds and eliminate The roots, even their souls cannot be left behind.

Otherwise, they are likely to suffer endless pursuits by Asura Race.

Their actions in the Asura Sea Territory will also be greatly restricted.

Ye Qianxing originally thought that the system could recover the spirit of Asura Race, but did not get a prompt.

It seems that system can only reclaim monster souls.

Since it cannot be recycled, it will be destroyed!

"Destroy the soul!"

Erbaiwu was clearly prepared, and the Magicstrate pen in his hand quickly danced in midair, drawing out the word'Mie'.

The word'Mie' shot out at a faster speed, and soon caught up with the fleeing soul of the male Asura, and hit on the Dao Soul soul.

"Li! ”

A faintly discernable scream sounded in everyone's minds at the same time, and the Dao Soul next moment burst out like a balloon, Disappeared without a trace.


That Asura Race died, another male Asura who was fighting Vajra, and the female Asura exclaimed at the same time.

It seems that he didn't expect that his companion would die.

At the same time they looked towards Ye Qianxing and their eyes were full of anger and fear.

Since they can kill Pierre, they must be able to kill them too.


The girl Asura yelled, she stopped fighting and wanted to run away.

But how can Lin Ruoxi and Zi Mo make him happy?

"Elemental storm!"

Lin Ruoxi loudly shouted, and the wind and thunder came out of her magic wand. Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth among the elemental power, formed a tornado storm, directly The female Asura was trapped inside.

Zi Mo was not idle either, two sleeves suddenly stretched out and wrapped around the female Asura's waist.

The sleeves seem to be weak, but in fact they are extremely tenacious.

There was no damage under the ravages of the elemental storm, and she couldn't break free under the struggle of the female Asura.

"Angel Judgment!"

A huge holy sword appeared in Lin Ruoxi's hand, and the moved towards female Asura was severely cut down.

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