Pu chi!

As the woman Asura screamed, she was cut in half by the angel holy sword.

In the same way, her soul escaped, but she was wiped out by Erbaiwu with the Magicstrate pen.

In the end, the male Asura did not escape this tribulation either. Under the siege, soon body dies and Dao disappears, the soul flew away and scattered.

"Continue on the road."

Ye Qianxing said.

I have just met three Asura Races, and have the strength of the Emperor Level five.

If this continues to deepen, what a formidable opponent will be met.

This Asura Race has existed since the Ancient Times. No one knows how many strong there are.

But since they can control a Sea Territory and make almost everyone on the Eastern Sea talk about it, they must be stronger than Ye Qianxing imagined.

The next step is to continue on the road.

Fortunately, I didn’t meet Asura Race again on the following journey. I don’t know if it was because the number of Asura Races was scarce, or because they belonged to their respective territories, and Ye Qianxing did not happen to be among their territories. middle.

Anyway, not meeting Asura Race is a good thing.

On the way, Ye Qianxing found that Zhou Lang had been holding the cage containing the Liuli Spirit Crystal turtle spirit, looked at the Liuli Spirit Crystal turtle spirit inside, and smirked a few times from time to time.

Ye Qianxing knows that he is thinking of his little eight.

speaking of which, although Zhou Lang is now mainly cultivation sword dao, he is still closest to Xiao Ba in terms of feelings.

After all, Xiao Ba grew up with him since childhood.

It is similar to the relationship between Ye Qianxing and Erbaiwu, and has long been regarded as a biological brother.

"Zhou Lang, what do you plan to do with this turtle soul after finding the turtle market?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Zhou Lang hearing this, did not hesitate for too long, and said directly.

"Of course I let it go. I can see that Xiao Liuli still yearns for freedom, and Guixu is its real home."

Xiao Liuli is Zhou Langwei. Liuli Spirit Crystal is the temporary name of the turtle.

"Then if... I mean if, ha, if Xiao Ba is not in the Guixu? Do you plan to keep it?"

Ye Qianxing asked .

What he meant was that it was a thought for Zhou Lang to keep Xiao Liuli.

Zhou Lang shook the head.

"I won't deprive it of freedom because of my own selfish desires. I put myself in the imagination. If it is a small eight and is deprived of freedom by others, would it be miserable?"

"Whenever I think of this, I feel distressed."

Zhou Lang shook his head and said.

He is not kind, nor is he Holy Mother.

For other demons, or humans, he can kill without blinking.

But Turtle Ling reminds him of Xiao Ba, which arouses the gentleness in his heart.

Liuli Spirit Crystal Turtle Soul seems to understand that Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang are talking about it, staring at them with big, crystal-like eyes.

But when Ye Qianxing looked towards the Liuli Spirit Crystal turtle, the latter hurriedly withdrew his gaze and retracted into the turtle shell.


At this moment, there was a whistling sound in the air.

A blood spear directly breaks through the blood mist around it, and lass away towards Zhou Lang.

"Zhou Lang, be careful!"

Ye Qianxing yelled. Unexpectedly, Zhou Lang's first reaction was not to dodge, but to trap the Liuli Spirit Crystal Turtle Soul The cage was in his arms.

He actually planned to use his body to protect the Liuli Spirit Crystal turtle.

"Sword qi surround!"

At the same time, countless sword qi circles around Zhou Lang, forming a shield, covering Zhou Lang.

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