
The blood spear pierced directly on the sword qi shield, and quickly penetrated a few 10th layer sword qi, hitting Zhou Lang's head directly.

But at this time, Ye Qianxing also reacted.

Just when the blood spear was less than half a meter away from Zhou Lang's head, he hurriedly reached out and grabbed the blood spear, and then pulled it out forcefully.

"Go back!"

Ye Qianxing yelled, and threw the blood spear moved towards the direction from which it was shot.

Ye Qianxing's strength is nothing to say. With such a throw, the blood spear penetrated layers of blood mist directly, and then disappeared in the field of vision.

"Zhou Lang, are you okay?"

Ye Qianxing asked hurriedly.

Zhou Lang shook the head and took the cage out of his arms.

When I saw that the Spirit Crystal turtle spirit inside was okay, it was finally sighed in relief.

"You...oh, is it worth it?"

Ye Qianxing sighed, it seems that Zhou Lang's miss for Xiao Ba is so deep that he loves the house and Wu, for this Liuli The Spirit Crystal turtle spirit even took his own body to resist damage for it.

"It's okay, Brother Xing, isn't you still there? I will definitely be fine with you by my side."

Zhou Lang grinned. But Ye Qianxing couldn't refute it.

"Xiaomeng, go and explore the situation."

Ye Qianxing said.

Xiao Meng did not speak, but the silhouette disappeared in place, turned into a shadow and was omitted from the moved towards blood mist.

In a short while, Ye Qianxing got Xiaomeng’s vision sharing.

I saw a male Asura with a tall body.

"From the formidable power shot by the blood spear just now, the strength of this male Asura should not be strong, Xiao Kun, Vajra, Erbaiwu, you three should solve it, remember, cut weeds and eliminate the roots."

Ye Qianxing said.


With a strange cry, Erbaiwu led Xiao Kun and Vajra towards the direction pointed by Ye Qianxing.

Soon, Ye Qianxing saw an agitation in the blood mist, and the sound of one after another fighting came out.

But the sound of fighting didn't last long, and it calmed down again.

After one minute, Erbaiwu, Vajra, Xiao Kun and Xiao Meng walked back slowly.

"Boss, complete the task perfectly, that guy also the soul flew away and scattered."

Erbaiwu said.

Ye Qianxing hearing this, nodded with satisfaction.

Now each of his Spirit Pets can do their own thing, and there is no need to let him solve everything.

"Go on."

Ye Qianxing said, and the silly eagle moved on.

After another hour on the road, there is still no sign of reaching the Guixu. Instead, there are more and more Asura Races, and Ye Qianxing's brows have been slightly frowned.

"According to the map drawn by that guy, it should have arrived."

Ye Qianxing murmured.

Suddenly, Zhou Lang ran over and whispered.

"Brother Xing, Xiao Liuli told me just now that we went to the wrong place."

"en? What do you mean?"

Ye Qianxing hearing this For a moment, he asked strangely.

"Aiya, come here anyway, let Xiao Liuli tell you."

Zhou Lang pulled Ye Qianxing over.

When she saw Ye Qianxing, Xiao Liuli obviously showed a look of fear, and she retracted into the tortoise shell.

Zhou Lang said hurriedly.

"Don’t be afraid, Xiao Liuli, Brother Xing will not hurt you. Just now you told Brother Xing what you said to me again, when the time comes, we found Guixu earlier, too. I can send you back sooner."

It seems that Zhou Lang's words worked, and Xiao Liuli finally got out of the tortoise shell.

It's just that it still looks like coowering.

"Actually, you made a mistake from the very beginning. The guy who drew you the map simply didn't know the real location of Guixu, and I was not caught by him from Guixu. You were all deceived by him."

After a while, Xiao Liuli finally mustered up the courage, spoke human's words.

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