Sitting on the back of the silly eagle and looking down, this Great Rift Valley is like a huge scar, filled with rich Dark Aura.

It looks so oozing.

"This is the big gap. If you want to go to the underworld, you must cross the big gap."

said the black scale python demon soul.

"Can't you fly over directly?"

Ye Qianxing asked. Although this big gap looks quite wide, it shouldn't take long to fly over.

Black scale python shook his head.

"The big rift is very special, no matter who it is, flying over the big rift will feel great pressure and be forced to land."

Hearing the words of black scale python, The silly eagle still didn't believe it.

Directly moved towards the big rift and flew over.

However, just as it entered the sky over the big rift, it instantly felt a huge force pressed down.

He didn't have the least resistance to resist, and together with Ye Qianxing and the others, they fell directly moved towards the bottom.


The huge body of the silly eagle fell on the ground and made a direct sound.

On the contrary, it is Ye Qianxing and the others, who have silly sculptures as meat pads, and they are fine.

Ye Qianxing and the others hurriedly jumped off the silly eagle to check his condition.

"Are you okay?"

The silly eagle shook his head, and his body began to shrink, turning into a bird-man shape.

"It's okay."

Although it's okay to say, the face of the silly eagle is obviously ugly.

Obviously the huge force that pressed him down was not good.

After asking Sister Huang to heal the silly sculpture, Ye Qianxing also began to observe the situation of all around.

At this time they are under the big rift, all around are very high rock walls, and there are pits on the rock wall.

"Boss, look at it!"

Erbaiwu suddenly shouted, Ye Qianxing moved towards the direction he was pointing.

I saw many undead creatures that looked like ghosts floating out of many pits.

These undead creatures seemed to be burning with blue and purple flames, and their whole bodies were enveloped by a wide black robe, making it difficult to see what they looked like.

"These are Lich, after all, I said that the big gap is very dangerous, right? So many Lich appears, we must be dead."

The black scale python demon soul said with a sad face. .

It seems that it has a very deep fear of the Lich clan in this big gap.

"The creatures from the outside world, now that they are here, don't leave, stay and make our food."

"What a rich Life Aura, I like it, jié jié jié ......"

"Stay, let me eat you......"

These Lichs feel the strong vitality in Ye Qianxing and they all feel like crazy. The same, moved towards they came around.

Ye Qianxing frowned, I also know that those who come are bad.

"Since it has been discovered, then let's fight!"

Ye Qianxing coldly shouted, directly bursting out a strong flame, moved towards all around swept away.

"Burn it for me!"

Bang!! !

The waves of fire were rolling, and those Lich who had approached were swallowed by the waves of fire, and even before they screamed, they were directly burned into scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

The big sun golden flame, that is the flame taken from the sun, the yang is strong, and it has absolute restraint on this undead creature.

It is even stronger than the restraint effect of lightning.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing had all shot directly, the other friends stopped hesitating and moved towards those Lichs and launched a fierce attack.


Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, everyone rushed forward while killing Lich.

After all, their ultimate goal is to go through the big gap.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Zhou Lang took the lead, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, directly beheading the Lich who was in front of him, and forcibly made a hole.

Everyone moved towards the opening and broke out.

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