
Suddenly, those Lichs around did not gather again, but chanted incantations that they didn't understand in unison.

pu! pu! pu...

It didn’t take long for Ye Qianxing and the others to see the ground began to agitate. Skeleton soldiers crawled out from the ground, holding Bone Blade, moved towards them.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Jiang Feng predicted that the skill was triggered and felt danger.

Loudly shouted, moved towards and flashed to the side.

Although Erbaiwu and Zhou Lang were immediately reminded by Ye Qianxing, they were still a bit slow after all.


The ground vibrated, and the ground under Zhou Lang's feet bulged a big bag, and then a Bone Dragon broke out of the ground, directly pushing them up into the sky.

Then opened a big mouth full of sharp teeth, moved towards they bit it.

"Space transfer!"

Xiao Kun immediately reacted, urging Power of Space, and a space vortex suddenly appeared under them.

Before the sharp teeth of Bone Dragon closed, everyone was involved in the space vortex, and the next moment appeared next to Ye Qianxing.

"Damn skeletons, I'm going to tear you apart!"

Vajra was furious, her size skyrocketed, and her skill Celestial Phenomenon land!

Soon, Vajra's body shape surpassed the Bone Dragon, and stepped forward to Bone Dragon's side.

It seems that he felt the deterrence on the Diamond Body. Bone Dragon wanted to get into the ground and escape, but Vajra pinched his throat with one hand.


Vajra roared, one hand pressed the Bone Dragon to the ground, and the other hand actually started to pull it up. bone.

"ao ao ao ......"

Bone Dragon suddenly screamed in pain.

Although its fleshy body has long since turned into a skeleton and there is no pain, but the soul still exists. Once its carrier is destroyed, it can only become a lonely ghost.

Vajra ignored the screams of Bone Dragon, and his hand speed did not decrease.

Soon, the skeleton of a huge Bone Dragon was forcibly dismantled by Vajra, and the broken bones were scattered all over the place. It is estimated that even with the legendary 502 watering, it won’t be touched. .

"It's ruthless enough, even this stupid big fellow is going crazy, how can he not show it? Hold my soul, take it!"

Erbaiwu is very fast, using Magicstrate pen Waving continuously in midair.

I quickly wrote dozens of hundreds of "ju" characters.

"go! ”

With Erbaiwu shouting loudly, these'hold' characters moved towards the four directions.

Every time you hit a Lich or undead creature, you can force their souls out.

"Soul Eater!"

Seeing the emergence of souls, Erbaiwu's mouth was dripping with water.

Turned into a prototype, opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and a deep black vortex appeared in the mouth, like a black hole.

An extremely powerful suction force is generated from the Black Hole Vortex, and the surrounding souls can’t compete with it. They are directly pulled over by this suction force, and finally swallowed by Erbaiwu. In the belly.

Turned into pure Soul Power, it became Erbaiwu's tonic.

"Hey, it's delicious."

Erbaiwu chuckled his mouth after eating, patted his slightly swollen belly.

I swallowed so many souls at once, and there are even some powerful Lich souls of Sovereign level and emperor level.

You must know that these Lichs are very special. They cost their lives in exchange for the immortality of their souls, so their souls are very nutritious.

It is estimated that after digesting these souls, Erbaiwu's level can be raised by one or two ranks.

While rushing forward, kill the enemy at the same time.

Killed so many Lich and their summon undead creatures, and soon, they finally saw the exit leaving the big gap.

"Kill out!"

Ye Qianxing shouted, and everyone rushed towards the exit.

As for those Lich and undead creatures, they can't stop them at all.

Just as everyone was about to leave, suddenly, a huge deep purple Six Pointed Star Array appeared on the ground at the exit!

In the Six Pointed Star Array, the earth is torn apart.

Ye Qianxing can vaguely see the situation inside the crack, which is an endless dark abyss.

Yes, it is the abyss of darkness.

This is the Promise Abyss, which is already an abyss, but looking down through that crack, there is a more intuitive feeling.

Inside, is the real abyss!

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you.

Ye Qianxing felt at this moment that in the crack, there seemed to be a pair of scarlet eyes, staring at him firmly.

At this moment, even Ye Qianxing felt deep fear.

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