"hmph, I still want to run, watch the dog and let you snorted!"

Erbaiwu coldly snorted, he has to wave the Magicstrate pen in his hand to kill this group of evil men.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly wanted to stop him when he saw it.

But those who were trapped were a step faster, and they moved towards Erbaiwu and knelt down.

"Meet Master Magistrate!"


Erbaiwu was stunned, and Ye Qianxing was stunned.

Obviously didn't expect this group of Ghost Messengers to say so suddenly.

Even if they kneel down to beg for mercy, Ye Qianxing, they will not be surprised, but what does it mean to kneel down and call to see Master Magistrate?

When is Erbaiwu Master Magicstrate?

"Are you crazy? I'm not a Magicrate."

Erbaiwu asked with a puzzled face.

One of the Ghost Messenger said tremblingly.

"If you see the Magicstrate pen, if you see the Magicstrate pen, the one you have is the Magicstrate pen."

Ye Qianxing hearing this, his eyes lit up.

Indeed, Erbaiwu’s pen is the Magicre pen, it seems to be a set with the Life and Death Book, and I heard that both the Life and Death Book and the Magicre pen are owned by the first Magicate Cui Mansion in Hades treasure.

Therefore, Erbaiwu showed the Magicstrate pen, and they thought that Erbaiwu was Magicstrate, or at least it was related to Magicstrate.

"Erbaiwu, let them go."

Ye Qianxing suddenly moved towards Erbaiwu and said.

If the problem can be solved peacefully, of course it is the best.

Erbaiwu hesitated, but after listening to Ye Qianxing's words, he waved the Magicstrate pen a few more times.

Formation of the soul of the town disappeared.

Those who are sighed in relief immediately, but they do not appear to run away or continue to attack, but stand respectfully on the spot.

It seems to be waiting for instructions from Ye Qianxing and Erbaiwu.

"You, come here!"

Ye Qianxing pointed directly at one of the horse's faces and hooked his fingers. The latter's face changed obviously, but he left obediently come over.

This horse-faced shameless shaman was previously working with the bull head shameless shameless man who was burnt to death by Erbaiwu with a ghostly Nether Flame.

It walked to Ye Qianxing with a look of fear, very scared.

Maybe Ye Qianxing and Erbaiwu are worried about it because of previous events.

"We need to enter the Hades now. We have something very important to find Mr. Cui Mansion. Can you stop it?"

Ye Qianxing asked directly.

That Ma Mian shook his head quickly.

"If we don't stop, how dare we stop Master Magicstrate? If a few adults show off the Magicstrate pen in advance, I just didn't dare to stop a few adults just now."

"Yours It means, it's our fault?"

Erbaiwu asked, squinting, making his horse's face tremble even more terribly.

Shaking his head again and again.

"That's not what it means to be small, small..."

The poor horse's face was so bad that he was so afraid that he couldn't even speak.

Ye Qianxing glared Erbaiwu, then said.

"Okay, you take us to Cui Magistrate, so that we are satisfied, the previous things will be forgotten."

"Okay, okay, sir please follow I'll come."

Ma Mianlian repeatedly nodded, and took Ye Qianxing and the others into the Gates of Hell.

Entering Gates of Hell, walking through Yellow Springs Road, and stepping through the red Resurrection Lily cluster, Ye Qianxing and the others are also eye-opening.

Even though he was still alive, he experienced all the experience of death.

Soon, they entered a city.

There are also bad guards at the city gate. Ye Qianxing and the others have gained experience this time and they directly showed the Magicstrate pen. Those bad discs did not dare to stop them, and even took the initiative to open the city gate for Ye Qianxing and the others.

Ye Qianxing can't help but start to sigh, Magicstrate's status in the underworld seems not only not low, but also very high!

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