The whole city is made of pitch black material, which gives people a very depressed feeling. This depression is close to the soul.

After entering the city, the scene inside surprised Ye Qianxing a bit.

It is not the deserted and gloomy one imagined, on the contrary, this city is very lively, with human ghosts wearing different costumes of different dynasties and generations, as well as many different kinds of beast souls and monsters. Walking in the streets and alleys.

There are even vendors and houses on the street.

It doesn't look like a Hades, it looks like a city in ancient times.

"Is the underworld all so lively? I remember the legend that people enter the underworld after death and are reborn directly?"

Ye Qianxing asked curiously.

There is a local by his side, no, the local is bad.

If you don’t understand, just ask.

On hearing Ye Qianxing's question, the horse-faced bad guy on the side hurriedly answered where he dared to hesitate.

"This lord, you don't know anything, all living creatures can indeed enter the Hades after death and apply for reincarnation, but there are too many Nether Souls who apply for reincarnation and escape into reincarnation, and they are basically impossible. It’s solved all at once, so you need to line up."

"And because of some special reasons, some Nether Souls were squeezed behind the line, and they could not go to Samsara for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, so they I stayed in the city and waited."

The special reason Ma Mian said is nothing more than unwritten rules. Where there are creatures, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, impossible and fair.

When he was at Earth Star, Ye Qianxing witnessed that many people's scores were clearly enough to be admitted to their favorite Academy, but because of the limited number of places, relevant information was changed behind the scenes.

Let a person who is not as good as him but with a strong background is admitted.

Spirit within the realm is also strength is respected. There is no fairness for the weak.

This is true of the earth and stars, this is true of Spirit World, and the same is true in the underworld.

Ye Qianxing did not want to comment on this normality, let alone interfere.

"Of course, there are also Nether Soul who voluntarily stay in the underworld. After all, the Nether Soul will hardly die in the underworld, equivalent to immortality."

"However, The original Hades was actually not so lively. There are still more Nether Souls who choose to escape into reincarnation, reincarnation, but since the first Magicate Cui Mansion’s Life and Death Book was stolen, the work of Hades’ reincarnation has been greatly affected. "The influence of Cui Mansion."

"Cui Mansion relies on the Life and Death Book to determine the bits and pieces of Nether Soul’s past lives, reward Good punish Evil, and decide which cycle they should enter according to their past lives. With the disappearance of the Life and Death Book, Mr. Cui Mansion’s workload has increased, resulting in more Nether Soul being stranded in the cities of the Hades."

"It has been almost a hundred years ago, so It seems so lively."

Ma Mian Yin Cha continued to explain.

Ye Qianxing only then learned that after the Life and Death Book was taken away, it had caused such a big impact on the Hades.

No wonder Black Tortoise senior suggested that they seek the help of Cui Mansion. Obviously, it is mutually beneficial for them and Cui Mansion to seize the Life and Death Book.

In this way, Ye Qianxing has increased his confidence in asking Cui Mansion for help.

"Is Mr. Cui Mansion in this city?"

Ye Qianxing asked again.

Horse noodles shook the head.

"Mr Cui Mansion is not in the Ten Great City of the Hades, but on the peak of the soul, where is Mr. Cui Mansion's Public Area Point."

"Ten Great City? Judge the Soul Peak?"

Ye Qianxing blinked, didn't expect the underworld to be so big, there are still ten cities.

Anyway, it's boring now, so they followed the horse's face and asked curiously about the situation of the underworld.

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