"Cough cough, just walk around, why are you so fierce."

"It's just that I want to take this group of people away. They are the bodies of living people and sneak into the underworld. They must be ill-intentioned. , I must take them back for a strict interrogation."

King Wuguan Young Master also admits at this time, but still doesn't want to let Ye Qianxing and the others go.

Mr. Cui Mansion glanced at King Wuguan Young Master, then pointed to Ye Qianxing and said.

"They are friends of this seat, and this time they entered the Hades and this seat called them, why, are you planning to interrogate me with me?"

"This... "

King Wuguan Young Master showed unwillingness on his face, and finally gritted his teeth and said boldly.

"It's not impossible. This is the first time that a living person has entered the Hades. Who knows if your Cui Mansion has a conspiracy against the Hades."

Ye Qianxing glanced at the King Wuguan Young Master in surprise. This child is so brave.

How dare to speak to Cui Mansion like this.

Even if his father sees Cui Mansion, he must be polite to three points, he still dares to interrogate Cui Mansion?

Sure enough, he is a spoiled child, thinking he is the boss.

"hahaha, you can try me, but you are not qualified, let your dad come over, let me see if he has the courage!"

Cui Mansion is extremely angry and laughs stand up.

"Okay, then you follow me to the Five Senses City!"

At this time, the Young Master of King Wuguan also broke the jar and said directly.

Cui Mansion Jun hehe smiled, did not object, and directly took Ye Qianxing and the others to Wuguan City.

King Wuguan Young Master stared fiercely at Ye Qianxing fiercely, dreaming about how to punish them later.

Even this Young Master dared to offend, I must make you regret living in this world!

Soon, they entered the city of five sense organs and came outside a palace.

Here is the palace of King Wuguan.

Different from the style of the Magistrate Hall, the palace of King Wuguan is very similar to the ancient Imperial Palace style of Earth and Star.

It seems that King Wuguan was probably a man from the earth before his death.

King Wuguan Young Master took Cui Mansion, Ye Qianxing and the others all the way to King Wuguan’s office. A man in his forties who looked like an ancient official uniform was dealing with something document.

When King Wuguan Young Master saw his dad, he was immediately emboldened.

Kneeling down suddenly, crying and crying.

"Royal Father, give me a comment. I heard that some living people outside sneaked into the Hades and wanted to arrest them for interrogation, but I was stopped by Cui Mansion."


"Living person?"

King Wuguan, who was immersed in processing documents, was also interested when he heard the word "living person?"

Lifts the head, but soon I saw Mr. Cui Mansion smiling at him.

King Wuguan was so scared that he stood up immediately.

"Mr Cui Mansion, why didn't you say a word when you came?"

King Wuguan treated Mr. Cui Mansion very kindly.

In the Hades, there are a total of ten Hades, but Magicrate has only four, and Cui Mansion is still the first of the four Magicrates, and his status is not lower than these Hades.

So King Wuguan's courtesy three-pointer to him is no exaggeration.

"King Wuguan, I was caught by your old man. He said that I was in collusion with these living people and wanted to be against the underworld. He also said that you have to interrogate me personally."

Cui Mansion looked at King Wuguan playfully and said.

The latter hearing this, his face suddenly changed.

King Wuguan Young Master didn't see the discoloration on his father's face, so he hurriedly said.

"Yes, Royal Father, Mr. Cui Mansion personally admitted that he is friends with these living people, they must be planning something..."


King Wuguan Young Master before he finished speaking, there was a crisp bang.

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