
With a crisp sound, King Wuguan slapped his son's face heavily.

With great strength, he directly fanned King Wuguan Young Master out more than ten meters away.

"Mr. Cui Mansion, it is really sorry. I am busy with official duties and have no time to discipline this unfilial son. He didn't expect to provoke you. Don't worry, I will fiercely teach him a meal."

King Wuguan moved towards Cui Mansion with an apologetic face.

King Wuguan Young Master also came back to his senses at this time, feeling the hot pain on his face, and tears of grievance and anger lingered directly in his eyes.

At this age, he was beaten for the first time.

Although it was his father who beat him this time, he was still very dissatisfied.

"Father, why are you helping an outsider beat me? Are you dignified by a Hades, you are afraid of even a Magicstrate!"

King Wuguan Young Master loudly shouted directly.

King Wuguan's face suddenly became more ugly.

"Come here, put this unfilial son in a small black room and ban it for six months!"

"See if you dare to cause trouble for Laozi."

Soon, a few bad guys came over and wanted to take the King Wuguan Young Master away.

King Wuguan Young Master saw this, complexion changed, knowing that his Royal Father was really moving, so scared he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Royal Father, I was wrong, please don't put me in the little black house."

He is a person who can’t stay idle, put him in the little black In the house for half a year, this equivalent to killed him.

"hmph, then you apologize to Mr. Cui Mansion, if he forgives you, I will revoke this order."

King Wuguan snorted.

King Wuguan Young Master couldn't care about his face at this time, and quickly turned to Cui Mansion to beg.

"Mr. Cui Mansion, I had eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai before, and I ran into you. Please do not remember the villain, forgive me this time."

Cui Mansion Jun hehe smiled and kicked the ball directly to Ye Qianxing's feet.

"Then you apologize to him, if he forgive you, I will let you Royal Father leave a way out."

Being kicked around as a ball, King Wuguan Young Master is a little impatient.

His face showed anger, staring eyes looked towards Ye Qianxing.

"Boy, you'd better not have fun with this Young Master, and quickly say forgive me, otherwise, you will feel better in the future!"

Ye Qianxing was speechless for a while .

I just pretended to be like a grandson in front of King Wuguan and Cui Mansion, how come I am now being threatened again.

Do you look so kind and bully?

People respect me, and I respect others. This is Ye Qianxing's principle, but if others make him unhappy, then he is bound to make that guy even more unhappy.

So he shook his head and said.

"Not sincere at all, I don't forgive, I'd better send it to the little black room for education."

"You...don't shameless your face! Be careful with me..."

"Don't shameless your face, please apologize, don't get me moths."

King Wuguan Young Master was kicked by his father fiercely before he finished talking. Kick.

King Wuguan has been in officialdom for so long, his eyesight must be extraordinary. I know that Ye Qianxing and Cui Mansion have an extraordinary relationship.

Naturally, it should not be offended.

But he can understand, his stupid son can't understand.

Even more bluntly, let him apologize to Ye Qianxing, don't even think about death.

King Wuguan was so angry that he no longer gave him a chance, and directly ordered the bad guy to lock him into the small black room.

Ye Qianxing did not interfere in this matter either, so he was happy to watch the excitement.

In fact, everyone present can guess that this is just a cutscene. King Wuguan Young Master will definitely not be confined for half a year.

It just pretended to show Mr. Cui Mansion.

After they leave, it is estimated that they will be released soon.

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