Spiritual and Martial Conqueror

Chapter 601: Prepare the cards

Chapter 601 prepares for the card "Five More Flowers". // Hot Book Pavilion

"Thanks to the refrigerator shop brothers for the reward, and there is more, later."

At the same time, a strange power surged across the sky, and the strange gray mist also quickly shook, a huge paw print broke through the air, and came out with a gruesome sneer: "Boy, Come over to me. "

"Master, be careful." Hua Manlou and Hua Manyu both drank at the same time. Between the real qi of Hua Manlou, the whole body swelled out, at the same time his arm shook, and a palm print instantly cut through the space. Turned into a yellow light, photographed against the paw print above.

"Look for death." As soon as he shouted violently, he urged the magistrate's paw prints to glow even more, and he crushed heavily.


The two forces directly touched, the space exploded, and a terror force violently spun up in the sky. The force flooded and overturned a square in the sky, numerous cracks in the ground cracked, the soil layer swept the sky, and the sky was overwhelmed. Amidst the energy of terror, a tremendous amount of extreme terror was crushed on Huamanlou.


There was no time to spend time in Huamanlou. The tower-like body flew straight away, and a mouth of blood spewed out, which had already fallen to tens of meters away.

"Ao ..."

At the same time, the sound of dragon, phoenix, lion and tiger's beasts spread. At this moment, I saw Huamanyu's hands infused with the power of the Beast Order, and a faint light above the Beast Order quickly lingered in the flower. On Man Yu's body, it turned into countless small energy gatherings, and a magical expression like a dragon and a dragon, and a tiger and a tiger, appeared magically.

In the next moment, Hua Manyu's hand squeezed out his hand, as if flying into the sky, and the sound of the dragon's beast slammed into the sky.

"Beast Power." The judge was sullen, and said: "Brothers and sisters of the Flower Family, it seems that this is related to the pervasive control of the monsters and beasts in your Valley of the Beasts. It is just right today. Even if you take it back, it is a credit . "

The voice fell, and in the fog above the sky, a fist seal condensed, and a surging force suddenly burst out. Visible to the naked eye, the fist seal fell directly on the Yin Ju.

"Kaka." This fist contains great power, which directly twists and cracks the Yin Ju urged by Hua Manyu, and the space ripples are directly broken. The Yin Ju is transformed into a broken blood, and it has disappeared into the air. .


At the moment, Hua Man Yu Jiao's body was also directly blasted for hundreds of meters, and a mouthful of red blood spewed out from her mouth. The seal was broken, and she was also hit hard.



In the sky, several giant monsters appeared directly out of nowhere. It was the monsters such as Inverse Scale Demon Peng, Taiyin Rabbit and Hua Manyu's Mount Tiger and Python Beast. The huge body immediately stood like a hill on the square.

Several monster beasts appeared, Defying Scale Demon Peng, Taiyin Demon Rabbit flew into the sky first, Defying Scale Demon Peng's wings fluttered, and between the huge two-wing vibrations, two violent air currents surged out of thin air . This airflow is like a violent tornado. At the same time, a strange breath flows in the reverse scale above the head of the anti-scale demon Peng, a violent and strange breath gathers, and the scale of the lotus-like reverse scale begins to spread. , Involved in the space distortion, and suddenly turned into a huge space vortex, with an extremely powerful and violent force, all twisted space, and finally enveloped the soul body that urged the judge.


At this moment, Taiyin Yaotu's huge body flashes blue, the sound is very sharp, just like wearing gold and jade, and the swaying gray fog keeps swaying, which is directly equivalent to a sonic martial art. Attack power is stronger.


The blood jade demon tiger roared with high beeping sounds and penetrated the airflow in the space. An inexhaustible energy gushes out from the whole body. The huge front paw sends out a paw print that tears the space and shoots directly to the urging judge.

Immediately, on the huge two heads of the two-headed water and fire monster, a fire column and a water column opened their mouths and rushed out at the same time, and they were brutally crushed to urge the judge.

Then even blood lizards and tiger pythons participated in it, and the huge body was crushed out.


The attack power of several monsters converges, and the space is distorted, especially the wind blade attack of the demon scale demon, and the sonic attack of the lunar demon rabbit, is undoubtedly the most powerful.

"Huh, a few evil animals also want to hurt me, you are a little bit worse." There was a cold drink in the sky, and the gray fog shook in the sky, and the thick gray fog surrounded the soul body that urged the judge The center turns into a huge vortex, a circle of vortices spins instantly, and the majestic energy bursts. The ripples of the space directly spread in this moment, bringing a terrifying force of ripples. Out, and where the vigour spreads, the space is shaking.

In an instant, this terrifying vortex collapsed like a terrible beast that swallowed the ground, and the space of thousands of kilometers was distorted.

Within this twisted space, several huge forces suddenly spewed together.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

All this distorted space collapsed and shattered, the airflow turned into fragments and annihilated, then several huge monsters were also directly flew out, and they fell down hard in the distance. Slowly.

The two brothers and sisters of the Hua family and a group of monsters were instantly hit, and the light of the body of the judge was urged to appear slightly dimmed. The old man of Lushan was injured first, and then the brothers and sisters of the Hua family and the beasts were immediately damaged. However, this consumption cannot be recovered.

The urging judge did not pay any attention to the Huajia siblings. It seemed that because he did not want to consume any more, he immediately turned to Lu Shaoyou and said, "Boy, no one will come to help you now."

"Head, you go first." Lushan old man said suddenly.

"Lushan enshrined, you also retreat." Lu Shaoyou said helplessly, the old man of Lushan was already seriously injured, could not stop the urging judge.

Looking at the sullen face of the soul body urging the judge, Lu Shaoyou exhaled slowly, something like "Can you stop it for a while, Xiaolong?" Lu Shaoyou said to Xiaolong on the shoulder.

"Can't deal with that guy, but it shouldn't be a problem to block him." Xiaolong's eyes were wiped with a fine mane. At this moment, his momentum was completely irrelevant to cuteness. On his small body, he was violently angry.

"I'll leave it to you, and let me stop him for a moment." Lu Shaoyou said, Xiaolong's strength Lu Shaoyou is very clear. Although it is extremely powerful, it is estimated that it can't help but urge the judge at this time, but Xiaolong's defensive strength, nine heavy marshals It is difficult to help Xiaolong, it is estimated that it is absolutely difficult to urge the judge to actually hurt Xiaolong.

"Relax, boss, I will stop him for a while." When Xiaolong's voice fell, the little body suddenly jumped out, and then a roaring dragon-like roar came out ...

"Oh! ..."

The sound of Xiao Long's roar echoed around Zhou Kong like Long Yin. The next moment Huang Huang flashed around the body, instantly revealing a huge body of 500 meters. The strong breath was now spreading by looting.

"It's a good monster." The judge was urged to look at Xiaolong at the moment, his brow furrowed. With his eyes and eyes, he couldn't even see Xiaolong's identity, but he could feel that Xiaolong's breath was definitely not ordinary.

At this time, in the distance, the two people who had been hit by the flowers, Yuhua Manlou, grew up together with monsters and beasts. Although they have seen Xiaolong's body many times, each time there will be some surprises. Xiaolong's breath is absolutely It's scary.

By Lu Shaoyou's side, Lu Xiaoling's face was always surprised, staring at the landing Shaoyou, and said lightly: "Lu Shaoyou, what shall we do."

"Some back, let me come." Lu Shaoyou said sinkingly, the voice fell, the wings of the wind behind him expanded, the body floated into the low altitude, and suddenly closed his eyes, and then a handprint began to come out in his hand. , A strange breath suddenly began to gather.

With the change of this handprint, Lu Shaoyou's entire body space, a piece of space ripples are swiftly fluctuating like Youyi, and the breath has become extremely strange at the same time.

Watching the changes in the landing Shaoyou, the urging judge in the sky looked dull. He also knew that Lu Shaoyou was a little weird. At this time, he could feel that Lu Shaoyou seemed to be preparing for an attack.

It is naturally impossible to urge the judge to make the other party calmly prepare to deal with his attack and condense. At this time, he is a soul body, and naturally he can not have any accidents. Suddenly, while the handprint of Lu Shaoyou changes, the gray fog in the sky is also a fierce move. , Immediately, weirdly shaken, a paw print came out of the air, and immediately shattered to Lu Shaoyou.


The dragon's huge body was waiting in front of the boss, and suddenly a head of power, a huge monstrous beak, a golden flame spewed out, a hot breath enveloped ~ www.readwn.com ~ a golden flame erupted violently.

The golden flame shook the space in an instant, and seemed to turn into a sea of ​​fire. The ripples in the sky were burned directly into red, and the moisture in the air seemed to be evaporated in a flash.

Under the golden flame, the strange paw prints were directly burned into white smoke.

"What a strong flame." Everyone around was also surprised at this moment. They could clearly feel the violent flame of this flame.

"Damn it!" The judge's soul was urged to stun, and his eyes suddenly stunned. The body was swiftly receding, and the surrounding fog was swaying, staring at the dragon more and more horrifiedly.

"Huh, look at how you block me." His eyes dimmed, and the soul body expanded instantly. In the surprise of everyone, the soul body suddenly changed.

A strange air gathered, urging the magistrate's soul body to expand immediately. The baby-like body broke through the gray fog shrouded in the whole body, and then the naked eye space was directly transformed into a huge hundreds of meters. Although it is a somewhat illusory body, but its The terror of the whole body is extremely powerful.

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