Spiritual and Martial Conqueror

Chapter 602: Suzaku Xuanwu

Chapter 602 Suzaku Xuanwu "Six Chapters for Flowers".

"There are chasing soldiers in the back, strongmen in the front, brothers, flowers smashed, thank you, and one more, updated later."

This soul body expanded, but it has not become more illusory, but it has actually become a lot. The strange breath on the huge soul body fluctuates with a strong soul force, and a huge fist seal among the giant hands bombarded out, suddenly half empty There was a series of sonic booms.


Xiaolong was not afraid. After a deep roar, the giant tail pulled out fiercely and whistled away.

"Boom ..."

The soul body urging the judge was hit with a giant fist on the giant tail of the dragon. The huge power poured down. The giant tail of the dragon suddenly swayed and was hit on the square. The square suddenly cracked. , The crack spread to the distance, which shows how powerful this punch is.

Although this punch is powerful, it also makes Xiaolong absolutely painful, but then Xiaolong's eyes are cold, the scales around his body are erect, a trace of golden flames haunt the whole body, the breath is strengthened a bit, and there is a huge pressure on his body. Spread out.


The huge head Ang Tian lightning leaped, instantly pressed down, ripped the space rippled, brought a terrifying energy wave, and emptied out. The next moment, a violent golden flame in the dragon's mouth again sprayed to urge The magistrate had a huge soul body.

Under this golden flame, the urging judge was obviously somewhat willing, and his body quickly retreated, not daring to confront the golden flame of the dragon.


Just when the body of the judge was hurriedly retreated, a sharp voice came, and a huge white giant rat hundreds of meters away immediately rushed to the judge.

"Spirit beast silver phantom rat, it's a pity that the strength is too low." The judge was urged to look down, and a palm print was also shot backwards with lightning, a strange energy light roared out.


Deafening sonic booms erupted instantly in midair, and the huge silver phantom rat was flicked away, hitting the body heavily.

"His." At the next moment, Xiaolong's huge body had attacked again, and he was entangled with the desperate judge.

In the low altitude, Qingpao asked the young people to shake their wings behind their backs, float at a low altitude, and look dignified. Their hands quickly formed a strange handprint at the same time.

In his right hand, Lu Shaoyou's handprint immediately drew a Daoxuan arc, the space on the right was suddenly shrouded in a dazzling light, and a divine light burst out in front of him, and the true energy rushed out quickly. If someone is closer, it ’s not hard to hear that Lu Shaoyou has a vigorous horse sound in his body at this time, and this is the sound of true Qi running in the meridians.

In Lu Shaoyou's body, at this time the true energy was like a pouring flood, the breath also became violent, but for a moment, above Lu Shaoyou's right hand, in the palm of his hand, under the colorful light of the violent violent moment, an instant phoenix appeared suddenly. Bird body.

At the same time, the Phoenix Pass was on Lu Shaoyou's left hand, and Yin Ju was also swiftly playing. With the hand prints in Lu Shaoyou's hand, the dazzling light suddenly flashed on the palm of the left hand, but strangely, the dazzling light It is a kind of black, black like black ink, but it is so dazzling.

With the glare and glare of black light, Lu Shaoyou's face was dignified, and his face was slightly pale, and sweat droplets appeared on his forehead, which seemed to be quite expensive.

"Xuanwu tactics, cohesion." A deep cry came from Lu Shaoyou's mouth. The drink fell, and Lu Shaoyou's fingerprints changed strangely. Above the palm of his left hand, a thick, dark and powerful mansion suddenly surged. True Qi suddenly poured out, and even rumbling on the left side of Lu Shaoyou, with a strange breath, in this, Lu Shaoyou's palm, there was a magical change at this time.

Visible to the naked eye, this is above Lu Shaoyou's left palm, and an energy beast appeared abruptly. This energy beast is one meter in size, with armor scales all over the body, black ink in the whole body, like a turtle, but it has two This head, when viewed carefully, has a python hovering above a black turtle. The two beasts share one body. The turtles and snakes intersect, appearing like living creatures, with a huge coercion. The majestic energy breath spread quietly at this moment.

The next moment, this energy beast became clearer, one meter in size, although dark, but extremely dazzling. This energy animal body is like black ink and jade, and it is dazzling. The powerful energy contained in it is extremely terrifying. The breath of the whole body is also palpitation. Around the energy animal body, even the space is distorted. The ripples in the space directly spread to the surroundings.

"What martial art is this ..."

In the two hands of visual landing and less swim, each has a terrifying energy beast. The old man of Lushan, Huamanlou, Huamanyu, Zhang Xiao, Lu Xiaoling and others are all surprised.

At this time, around the square, thousands of Gui Wuzong disciples had gathered together. When they saw this scene, they were all breathing cold. In the battle between the dragon and the mysterious strongman, they did not dare to step forward. This is only a palpitation, and many people are frightened by their soft legs.

Looking at the two energy beasts on his hands at this time, Lu Shaoyou's face became more dignified, but without much hesitation, in the surprise of everyone, Lu Shaoyou's palms held up the energy beasts on his hands. Melt into the middle.

The two one-meter-sized energy beasts are filled with unparalleled beast power, and the ripples of the body space are spreading around. At this time, the ripples of the space are melted together. The ripples in this space are like two floods in a flash, and they hit in an instant. Together, for a time, the ripples of the water wave turned upside down violently.

At this moment, Lu Shaoyou's face was pale again, and his body was all trembling. It seemed that this contact was already somewhat difficult to eat.

But it's also "Boom!"

A low dull sound came out, two lights touched, and a more dazzling glare burst out of it. The whole space was shaking at the moment, and at the same time, in the burst of strong light, a new strange breath Spread and spread.

This breath, at this time, seemed to make everyone feel extremely dangerous. Around this glare, even the void began to twist.

"What are you doing?" The flying spirit gate, everyone immediately puzzled. This dangerous breath also made everyone stunned, vaguely knowing that the head should be preparing an extremely powerful. Martial arts.

Controlling the fusion of these two seals, Lu Shaoyou's body is like a pouring flood, and the two seals are swallowed up. Only Lu Shaoyou knows his situation at this time. The two seals merge. The required cost is not even comparable to the Nine Strike, which is like a bottomless hole. At this time, in the Dantian Qihai, Wu Dan is already spinning rapidly, releasing a violent and majestic qi. .

At this moment, Lu Shaoyou intends to perform the Suzaku recipe and the Xuanwu recipe. Separate Suzaku recipe and the Xuanwu recipe, Lu Shaoyou knows that he can't compete with the judge.

Separate Zhuque Jue and Xuan Wu Jue are only equivalent to the high level of the yellow level, and if the Zhu Ju Jue and Xuan Wu Jue are combined, the level can reach the level of the high level martial arts of the Xuan level. If this is a combination of the Suzaku formula and the Xuanwu formula, the power will definitely be extremely powerful.

At this time, the two seals were controlled to merge, and a terrible palpitation burst into the sky. At the same time, Lu Shaoyou's heart was also extremely uncomfortable. It is not so easy for the two seals to blend. The two distances are extremely repulsive. Just like the magnets of the same level repel each other, a huge force repels them, no matter how Lu Shaoyou controls it, they don't blend together, and this Lu Shaoyou's anti-repelling force is undoubtedly beaten by two great forces in the body. This kind of pain, the average person can't bear it.

"Must be merged." Lu Shaoyou gritted his teeth, and the Qi energy was rampant in the body, just like countless beasts rushing in the body, but the mind was quiet, but the Xuanwu tactics, and the Suzaku tactics have not been short of time. With the two-print method, Lu Shaoyou can also find some rules.

The huge force of repulsion did not disappear. As Lu Shaoyou once again controlled and merged, it became more and more repulsive. Lu Shaoyou's painful clenching teeth ~ www.readwn.com The repulsive force acts on his own body. The internal organs of the body seem to be broken and burst. If it is not a strong body, Lu Shaoyou can be sure that he will never persevere.

At this time, Lu Shaoyou controlled the fusion of the two beasts and fell in the eyes of outsiders, only to see the two energy rays bloom, touch a little, and then bounce back, each touch will make the space tremble. "I I don't believe it. "Lu Shaoyou secretly said, he continued to control the fusion of the two seals, his body was full of qi, and blood came out of his mouth. Dan Lu Shaoyou was still forcibly supporting it.

With the support of Lu Shaoyou, the two-time Yin Jue met again for the nth time. At the same time, Lu Shaoyou's face became more and more pale. Suddenly Lu Shaoyou gritted his teeth, and all the remaining real energy in the body came out. Just after the two energy beasts touched, and once again there was a sign that they wanted to bounce back, Lu Shaoyou's true energy forcibly struck up and forced the two energy beasts to touch hard. together.


The space trembled for a while. At this moment, Lu Shaoyou gritted his teeth, and really let the two seals hit hard together. Suddenly, within the space, the breath changed suddenly again.

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