Spiritual and Martial Conqueror

Chapter 603: Soul seizure

Chapter 603 The soul wins the soul "Seven more flowers".

At this moment, the two energy beasts have completely overlapped together, and the light group has expanded to two meters in size. Within the light group, the colorful Phoenix and the black turtle snake beasts are called together, vaguely showing cheerful The expression, the space trembles, and Zhou Kong suddenly has a terrifying energy from all directions. A strange energy begins to gather. The terrifying energy emitted from above has already begun to distort the airflow in space.

During this time, the violent energy on the two beast shadows suddenly calmed down at this time. The energy of the two beast shadows seemed to have no energy fluctuations, but it was not difficult to see around the energy body. The space ripples are lined up directly, and there are space cracks rippling around.

"A terrible breath."

"What kind of martial arts is this, terrible?"

At this time, I felt the breath in front of Lu Shaoyou, the terrible energy, the old people of Lushan, Hua Manyu and others were startled.

Feeling the fusion of the Suzaku tactic and the Xuanwu tactic in his hand, Lu Shaoyou smiled a little at the corner of his mouth. The power contained in it was Lu Shaoyou knows best. Once the power of this horror is released, it will be compared to the last time he urged him The power is even more terrifying, but this is equivalent to the martial arts of the late Xuan level. This power, Lu Shaoyou felt that if the fusion of Suzaku and Xuanwu tactics were used to deal with the quadruple martial arts command of the Kunshan Gate, it was enough. Blast him to pieces.


In the front air, a loud noise exploded, and a deafening sonic boom erupted. The dragon's huge body flew away with Zhen Fei, hitting **** a small mountain peak, the boulder suddenly shattered, and the stone shattered.


At this time, Xiaolong's huge body twisted, shaking the dust and gravel on the scales around him, and stood upright again. This powerful attack made Xiaolong suffer from severe pain, but it did not seem to be substantially traumatized. This powerful defensive force had already frightened the urging judge.

If it is normal, this urging judge may not be able to take it seriously, but at this time his soul body, every time he attacks, the soul power consumed cannot be recovered, but the divine monster is basically not injured, After several attacks, the opponent seems not to be a big deal.

"Huh, you old man, I'm so bully, isn't it." The severe pain in the body made the dragon angry, and roared at the moment, the scales around the body stood upright, while the golden flames filled, the breath of the whole body suddenly changed. The strange breath spread out.

"Ao ..."

A sound of Longyin spread, and the next moment, in the heart of Xiaolong's eyebrow, the third erected giant eye opened instantly, and a dazzling dazzling light rushed out like a sun.


The entire space changed abruptly. As this dazzling light appeared, the light in the sky was suddenly dim, but the light spread by the dragon at the moment was more and more dazzling. It seemed that the light in the sky was also swallowed up. There is also a pervasive, like a spirit "What kind of talent attack is this, is this a monster or a spirit beast." At this moment, the judge's face was urged to change greatly, and when he felt this strange breath, he was in the air. The strange light has shrouded it in an instant, and the whole body is trembling suddenly. This strange attack power seems to be special to deal with the soul power. He is the soul body, and he is undoubtedly directly restrained.

Among monsters and beasts, only spirit beasts can exert their offensive force, but the powerful attack and defense of the strange monster beast will definitely not be spirit beasts, which makes the urging judge even more unexpected.

At the same time, the judge was urged to change his hands and prints, and the fog was surging, and a stream of surging fog was directly gathered around his body. The surging fog quickly condensed, and finally turned into a huge ball of gray light fog, which was hundreds of Mi's huge soul body is wrapped in it.

The dense gray mist makes people feel uneasy, and there are waves, but at this time, although the soul body that urged the judge is quickly hiding in the gray mist, the strange dazzling light in the giant dragon's eyes shines under the gray mist. It is rapidly disappearing, and the surface of the gray fog is also rendered into a strange transparent light layer.

A very fast process, the thick gray fog sphere instantly disappeared into smoke under the strange light of the dragon, but at the same time, the dragon seemed to be unable to persevere, above the third giant eye, The light began to dim.

"Damn, what a weird monster, but the strength is not enough. If the strength is stronger, I really want to overturn the boat in the gutter." At this moment, the figure of the urging judge appeared again, and a strange laugh came out. At the same time, a huge palm print was shot fiercely, and the space trembles suddenly, it seems that the dragon has just completely irritated this urging judge.

"I can't do it anymore, leave it to you. I have just let him consume a lot." Xiaolong has already felt that the boss has condensed his attack power and suddenly retreated quickly. It seems that the attack power has just been consumed too much. The golden flames on his body began to dim.

"Leave it to me." Lu Shaoyou lightly said, his body had already jumped into the front space, staring indifferently at the urging judge who was being shot with a palm, and said coldly, "I urge the judge, let's try this power with you."

When the words fell, Lu Shaoyou pushed with both hands, and the two tricks of the fusion Suzaku Xuanwu instantly pushed into the front of the sky. A terrifying and powerful energy suddenly surged into the sky.

"Suzaku Xuanwu tactics." With a deep cry, Lu Shaoyou's hands merged into the energy beast, and the moment the energy beast was launched, the space couldn't help but tremble, Lu Shaoyou's body space, the space ripples were all Like You Yi, it fluctuated rapidly.



The roar of the three beasts rose into the sky. When the two-meter-sized energy beast was launched, it rose against the wind. At the next moment, while the light was working, the two one-meter-sized beasts broke away from the aperture, and they just slap The size of the colorful phoenix energy body, the next moment, is already full. At this time, the tortoise and snake body has also expanded to the same terrifying volume. The whole body is dark, and the black is palpitation. With a huge coercion, the majestic energy breath was terrified, and the whole body seemed to be vaguely wrapped with a wave of energy.

The two horror monsters were above the sky at this time, like flying dragons and phoenixes, prostrate and churning, and resembling crouching tigers and hiding dragons. Watching and feeling this terrifying power, everyone's face changed drastically. Surprised and lost his voice: "How can the military commander level urge such a terrifying martial art, is this a high-level martial art of martial arts."

The speed is extremely fast. The next two entangled energy beasts stagnate for a while, bringing a strange strong coercion and energy fluctuations, which directly hit the imprint of the urged judge to attack Xiaolong.


Suddenly, both of them contain powerful and terrifying attack power, but they touched together in mid-air, and the thunder-like explosion suddenly sounded in vain, just like the continuous explosion of the thunder, let everyone in the air double There was a buzz in the ear, and there was a feeling of impact in my mind. Those with low strength were directly dizzy.

Just where these two fierce attacks collided, a dazzling light burst out, and then a burst of energy fluctuations spread like crazy, and the surrounding space was suddenly distorted by such a terrible energy impact burst.

"Suzaku Xuanwu tactics, let me burst." In the distant space, Lu Shaoyou gripped with five fingers and sipped.


In the sky, it blew again, visible to the naked eye, the huge flame phoenix burst into a sea of ​​flames, and the body of the turtle and snake exploded, which directly turned into a monstrous wave like a tsunami Usually swelled in the air.

The flame erupted immediately, the fog was tumbling, the terrible water waves were entangled, and the whole sky directly fell into chaos. From this, it can be seen how terrible the two attacked this time.

In the distorted space, Lu Shaoyou and the huge soul body that urged the judge were also wrapped. In the terrible energy confrontation, the old man of Lushan, the Huamanlou and the several generals of Nawutang, all the disciples of Guiwu Zong were present It's a tongue-twisting, and all took a breath.

Dai Gangzi, who was seriously injured on the ground, was already in shock.

Flames, water waves, and gray fog, the horror energy fluctuations that filled the sky, finally began to dissipate into energy, and the twisted space gradually became clear.

At this moment, the sight of the people, two violent strengths, also fell on the body of Lu Shaoyou and the urging judge, Lu Shaoyou's body was directly shocked, the body of the Qingling armor suddenly dim, and a blood mist sprayed in his mouth. Out.


The huge soul body that urged the judge, the body shrank rapidly, and once again became the size of a baby, the original illusory body, this "桀桀, such a strong boy, the strength of the general, was so powerful, comparable to the five heavy martial arts, five series The warrior, the body is also very powerful, if you are stronger, I am really hit by you, but unfortunately, you are still a little bit different. My soul is damaged because of you, and I ca n’t take away 80% of the marshals. Well, it's also my chance to urge the judge to seize all the warriors of the whole system. Maybe I can get some benefits, 桀桀. "When a sneer sneered, the soul body of the urging judge was already extremely fast to Lu Shaoyou. before.

At this time, Lu Shaoyou was being shocked, his figure was not stabilized, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

"Duo She ~ www.readwn.com ~ A voice came out coldly from the mouth of the urging judge, and immediately urged the soul of the judge to turn into a dazzling light, and rushed into Lu Shaoyou's eyebrows with a flash of lightning.

Lu Shaoyou couldn't stop it at all and was exhausted. He was just hit again by Jin Qi.

"Not good." When Lu Shaoyou screamed badly, it was too late. This soul body penetrated into his eyebrows and broke into his mind, and suddenly there was a sudden pain in his mind.

"Head ..."

"Lu Shaoyou ..."

The old people of Lushan, Hua Manyu, Zhang Xiao, Lv Xiaoling and others changed their faces, shouting in panic, but they were too late to stop and could not stop.

At this moment, everyone did not notice that Lu Shaoyou's hidden storage ring appeared automatically, and a fluorescent light appeared directly along his arm.

"Seven times more, I have a strong desire for flowers, thank you."

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