After Lin Yu listened to Cao Yiyu's words, he was stunned, he didn't expect that Cao Yiyu and the others would be so attentive, the Spark Plan knew that it was not simple when he heard it, you must know that it was the full support of the Federation.

Lin Yu's heart was inexplicably touched, Cao Yiyu and others were not talking about their own goodness, they were all taking practical actions.

"Uncle Cao, thank you for everything you have done for me!" Lin Yu said sincerely.

"Haha, no need to thank you specifically, to put it bluntly, your talent is worth it."

Lin Yu actually understood that if he changed to an ordinary person, it was estimated that Cao Yiyu and others would ignore others, in the final analysis, it was because Lin Yu's talent was too against the sky.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Yu decided to expose his talent in the first place, in addition to not wanting to be afraid, it is also one of Lin Yu's purposes to win the Federation as his backing.

Obviously, things have happened according to Lin Yu's predetermined trajectory, as long as the Spark Plan is activated, until he can stand alone, the Federation will become his strong backing.

"Well, Lin Yu's affairs will be talked about then, the most important thing now is the matter of the Eternal Night Church stronghold, it is hard to catch the big fish, this time it must hurt the Eternal Night Church!"

Elder Li opened his mouth at the right time, for the Eternal Night Church Li Lao is now more attentive than anyone, hidden under his nose for so long, in Li Lao's opinion, his old face is considered to be lost, so he is unhappy not to hurt the Eternal Night Church once.

"Don't worry, Elder Li, with you and Commander Huang here this time, Sikong Luohe can't turn the sky!"

"Sikong Luohe?"

Huang Han looked at Cao Yixi with a little doubt, who is this?

"He claims to be the Right Protector of the Eternal Night Church, and according to Elder Li's speculation, it is likely that it was only Jiluohe on the first day of Deep City 30 years ago!"

"Jiluo River!"

Huang Han's pupils shrank, and the memories in his mind gushed out, he and Ji Luohe belonged to the same period, but there was no intersection between the two sides at that time, at that time he still wanted to fight with Ji Luohe, wanting to see if his cold ice was powerful or his dark ability was better, but he didn't expect that before he could take practical action, the news of Ji Luohe's death came, for which Huang Han regretted for a long time.

"I didn't expect him to die, it seems that this time he can get his wish,"

Huang Han's eyes burst out with endless battle intent, after Ji Luohe's death, Huang Han sprang up, and the ability to seal the sky Jedi with one hand was unbelievable, but it has always been used to compare with Ji Luohe, which also made him more and more regretful that he didn't have the opportunity to fight, but he didn't expect to come to Rongcheng this time and have this unexpected joy.

"I remembered that you kid has been nagging in my ear for this matter, now you can see who is the first day of the year!"

"Yes, but Elder Li, when will you point me out again!"

"Don't, you are better than me now, I can't point you out, besides, I have even learned the skills of housekeeping, there is nothing to teach you..."

"Also blame me, I couldn't suffer in the first place, if it weren't for this, I would have already worshiped under your old door."

Huang Han said with a little regret, he was instructed by Elder Li at the beginning, but in the end he couldn't endure hardships, plus he was a little floating after awakening the ability of cold ice, and Elder Li didn't accept himself as a real student after he handed over the heaven-breaking to himself in the face of his grandfather.

"Hahaha... You kid didn't say that at the beginning, and he still raised the bar with me, not to say that martial arts are useless!

"Alas! Don't tease me, I can only say that I didn't understand things when I was young.

Huang Han looked helplessly at Elder Li laughing there, and his face was unbearable to look back.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to business, how is Xiao Cao's adversity investigation!"

"Elder Li, the secret realm near Rongcheng is almost investigated, and now there are several relatively large secret realms that are still being investigated, but I believe it is fast, it should be all over in this day or two, I didn't expect the Eternal Night Church to be so frustrated, if it weren't for Xiao Yu this time, I don't know what kind of disaster Rongcheng would fall into!!"

"What's going on, why is it related to the secret realm again?"

The more Huang Han listened, the more wrong it became, how could he get involved in the secret realm, and the Eternal Night Church did something to the secret realm? If they have that ability, they will not be hiding in hiding like they are now.

"Xiao Cao hasn't told you yet?"

Li Lao was stunned for a moment, he thought that Cao Yixi had already told Huang Han, but he didn't expect that Huang Han didn't know yet.

"I haven't had time to say it yet! The commander is like this.............""

Magic stone?" Huang Han's face changed, why did the magic stone flow out again, didn't it have completely sealed the dark secret realm, how could there be magic stone, could it be that there was a problem with the dark secret realm?

"How exactly did it come about, then you may have to interrogate the people of the Eternal Night Church, the magic stone was put by them, and they should be clear about how it came."

Cao Yiyu said, now the matter of the secret realm can be said to be solved for more than half, and now as long as Sikong Luohe can be caught, the source of the magic stone is believed to be not difficult to find.

"Huh? In this way, when the secret realm is cleared, we will start the action, let them bounce for another two days! Xiaohan, it's okay on your side, right?

"No problem on my side! It just so happens that I can learn a few more hands with Elder Li.

"Good! Then it was decided like this, Xiaocao, you hurry up to check the secret realm, and at the same time keep an eye on the night banquet, be careful not to startle the grass.

"Don't worry, Elder Li, I understand!"

Cao Yixi nodded, except for Lin Yu, the other two in this room had more weight than him, and he only had to obey the arrangement in this.

"Elder Li, if I lose my company first, I also have to arrange for someone to investigate the secret realm of Xia Fujian Province, otherwise my heart is not steady."

"Well, it's to prevent trouble! Xiao Cao, you first arrange an office for Xiao Han, my side will go back first, and call me when I act!


Cao Yiyu called his assistant Xiao Li over with a call, and then ordered him to take Huang Han to an office, while Lin Yu returned to Li Lao's practice ground with Li Lao.

"Xiao Yu! Today you are in my cultivation against the sky, but don't consume so much spiritual power like last time!"

"Got it, teacher."


On the other side, in the golden night banquet, the woman named Xia He that Lin Yu met before was standing respectfully in a dark secret room.


A strong exhalation came out of the mouth of the man sitting cross-knee in the middle, and the man slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

"Ambassador, you're all right!"

A slightly surprised voice came from Xia He's mouth, the man in the dark slowly walked to the light, a feminine face appeared in front of Xia He, the man was Sikong Luohe who was injured by the ape demon before, looking at Sikong Luohe's appearance, it was obvious that the injury was almost healed.


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