"Well, almost, I didn't expect that monkey to be so powerful, fortunately there is a pill given by the Pope, otherwise this injury will not be really good for a while!"

Sikong Luohe said with a gloomy expression, this time it can be said that he planted a big heel, not only the existence of the magic stone was known, but he almost gave his life there, all thanks to that strange-eyed boy!

"What happened to what I asked you to check?"

The first thing Sikong Luohe did when he fled back was to ask Xia He to investigate a teenager with watery eyes, and then began to heal his injuries.

"Captain, it has been found out, the young man you are talking about is the SSS-level talent student in Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School, and Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School has issued a notice yesterday, that person named Lin Yu not only has an SSS-level Mu Duan, but also has a talent called Reincarnation Eye, he is the owner of the double talent!"

Xia He said in amazement, when she saw this announcement issued by Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School yesterday, she almost thought that Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School was crazy, and Boren's eyeballs were not so broad, but thinking of Sikong Luohe explaining her own affairs before, she had to believe it, because from the photos circulating, the unique pair of water ripple eyes were not the people Sikong Luohe named to investigate!

"Double talent?"

Sikong Luohe's expression changed, but he didn't expect that the teenager who injured himself was the SSS-level talent owner he wanted to win over before, and now he is actually the owner of dual talents.

"Yes, Lord, now the entire Rongcheng has been rumored, and it is estimated that the entire Federation will know about it soon."

"Who the hell is this kid? And that dead monkey, why could that kid command that powerful monkey?"

Sikong Luohe muttered, he couldn't figure it out, even if you are a SSS-level talent, you can't go against the sky so much!

"Have you ever touched him?"

Sikong Luohe didn't understand, so he simply put it aside, and he opened his mouth to Xia He!

"Ambassador, I had contact with him last night, but I didn't say anything! Please don't be surprised!

"No identity exposed!"

Sikong Luohe's tone was very flat, but a terrifying aura was pressed down towards Xia He in an instant, under this terrifying aura, Xia He felt that he was so small, as if he was going to be crushed and crushed by this breath in the next second, Xia He knew very well, if the answer to the meeting did not satisfy Sikong Luohe, Xia He estimated that he would not be able to leave this secret room!

"Nope! He only knew that I was the general manager of the night party, and my subordinates contacted him as his fans! Absolutely no information about the god religion was revealed! Xia

He trembled and quickly answered Sikong Luohe's question, for fear of slowness!

"Hmm! Well done! Contact a few more times, try to see if you can win him over, but you can't reveal any information about the god sect before you are sure, if you accidentally leak the wind, you have to die if he is not dead! Do you understand!

Sikong Luohe said to Xia He lightly, although Lin Yu ruined his plan, Lin Yu's talent was worth his pull, if he could win over a genius like Lin Yu, it would definitely be a huge blow to the Federation.

Moreover, the development of the god religion also needs this kind of fresh blood, and I believe that God will also be very satisfied that there is such a genius in his own believers!

"Yes, Ambassador!"

Xia He hurriedly responded, Xia He still had some confidence in the things explained by Sikong Luohe, isn't it just fooling a middle school student, she is doing this!

"And if you can't win over, don't act rashly, there is a king-level demon beast next to him to protect him, it's not something you can move, I'll deal with it myself when the time comes!"

"Subordinates understand!"

"The matter of the magic stone is also put aside first, there is no need to put it in the secret realm! Wait until the main hall sends someone over! "

The matter of the magic stone has already been discovered, and there is no point in putting it again, and when he thinks of this Sikong Luohe, his face is gloomy, how can he not believe that this well-thought-out plan will be destroyed by a newly awakened person.

Although Sikong Luohe couldn't wait to unload Lin Yu now, he couldn't do this, for the sake of a wish, Sikong Luohe was willing to become a disciple of the God of Eternal Night, and climbed all the way to the position of Right Protector!

But in order to realize his wishes, Sikong Luohe must completely awaken the God of Eternal Night, so Sikong Luohe can only do everything to help develop the Eternal Night Church to grow, because only if the God Sect has more believers, the God of Eternal Night can wake up faster and descend to the Blue Star!

Once Lin Yu, the only SSS-level awakener, joins the God Sect, the chain reaction will be huge, think about it, if even the first day of the Federation joins the God Sect, wouldn't it be more promising to show that the God Sect is more promising than the Federation?

So Sikong Luohe wants to try to see if he can win over, if not, then directly strangle! Not a friend, that's an enemy!

"Okay, you go down, the main hall is coming, you come and report to me again!"

"The subordinate understands, that subordinate retreats first!"

After Xia He finished speaking, she exited the secret room all the way, and after closing the door, Xia He suddenly leaned against the wall, as if escaping from death, breathing heavily, just now she almost thought that she couldn't get out of the secret room!

After a while, Xia He eased up, looked back at the door of the secret room, shivered fiercely, and quickly left here.


Lin Yu, who had been practicing on Li Lao's side for a day, said goodbye to Li Lao and walked back alone, today Lin Yu's cultivation was more restrained, and he didn't almost exhaust his spiritual power like last time, so Lin Yu didn't fly back directly with the Flying Thunder God, all as a walk to relax!

Lin Yu discovered a strange phenomenon along the way, that is, I don't know why passers-by always stare at him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Wouldn't it be looking at my reincarnation eye again? Isn't that right, not so many people paid attention before?"

Lin Yu wondered, he also deliberately scanned himself, with the super vision of his reincarnation eye, he dared to guarantee that he did not have anything strange on his body, so what were these passers-by looking at?

At this time, several little girls walked towards Lin Yu head-on, whispering as they walked, although the voice was relatively small, but Lin Yu still listened to it sincerely.

It's basically about who will talk to you.

Now Lin Yu was even more confused, what the hell is this?

At this time, a little girl with short hair and a relatively outgoing look walked towards Lin Yu.

"May I ask if you are Senior Lin Yu of Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School?"

The little girl boldly walked up to Lin Yu and spoke.

"I am, you are?"

"Wow!! It's really Senior Lin Yu!!

Lin Yu didn't expect that he just admitted it, and the little girl in front of him immediately ran to her little sister excitedly, roaring out excitedly, and the other little girls also stared at Lin Yu with their eyes after listening to their little sister's words, and at the same time rushed towards Lin Yu!

"Groove! What is this for?"

As soon as this idea flashed in Lin Yu's mind, he was surrounded by a group of little girls!


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