Chapter 329

The catacombs of the rebels.

Xi Ying, deputy of the rebel army, is directing the rebel army into the tomb.

Ye Dong and Lanya stood in the distance, their faces calmly watching what happened in front of them.

Lan Ya raised his head and glanced at Ye Dong on the side, with an expression that he didn’t know where to ask, he thought about it, and then asked, “Cultivator?”

Ye Dong raised his brow slightly and smiled bitterly, “To be honest, I don’t believe it, but he is indeed a cultivator, and he is also an undead ghoul, and the owner of this tomb. His name is Zhugetian.”

The term cultivator is not unfamiliar.

It’s just that no one knew that he actually existed.

But when I think about it carefully, the world has become what it is now…


Maybe it really existed.

It is not unacceptable.

Lan Ya asked, “You have played against a cultivator, how is his strength?”

Ye Dong was about to speak when Ying, who had finished commanding the rebel army, walked over.

“What are you two talking about?” Ying looked at Ye Dong curiously.

Ye Dong said with a smile, “I’m talking about the cultivator who escaped from the tomb before.”

Ying raised her brows slightly, and said in doubt, “In other words, the cultivator who escaped was once the owner of this tomb?”

Ye Dong nodded, and then concisely told Ying Yiwuyishi about the tomb and Zhugetian’s affairs.

“Ten thousand boys and girls?” Ying said with a look of astonishment, obviously unable to accept this fact.

Ye Dong said, “Yes, there are 10,000 boys and girls. He was trapped in the tomb. I helped him open the tomb. Now he is able to leave the tomb.

Judging from the information on the stone tablet, this cultivator Zhugetian is an existence that cannot be ignored.

He is not only a ghoul, but also a cultivator.

Where should he hide in cultivation at this time, and wait until he reappears in Renmen’s field of vision.

Perhaps many people will suffer because of him. ”

Ying wondered, “Why do you think so?”

Ye Dong explained, “Ghost eaters make a living by sucking human blood and cannibalism. He has been locked in the tomb for so long. After he comes out this time, he will definitely kill the precepts. He is also a cultivator himself and will use it. Some weird Magic Treasures tricks.

When I left the tomb and came up, I noticed that the corpses in the cave seemed to be gone.

He will not take away the corpses for no reason, indicating that these corpses are still valuable to him.

In short, you can also help find him, and at the same time, I will report to the Dragon Kingdom and ask them to look around too. ”

Sakura nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll tell Sora, but you have to be careful. Maybe you are the first person he comes to find!”

Ying raised her eyebrows slightly at Ye Dong, looking gloating.

Ye Dong smiled bitterly and shook his head, and suddenly said, “By the way, I think I will enter the tomb one last time, and then I will be separated from you.”

Ying Wei was puzzled and asked, “You have only just been here for a while, won’t you stay for a few more days?”

Hearing Xiao Wuhe Sword wound described Ye Dong’s strength, but she hadn’t witnessed it with her own eyes, which was a pity.

I originally planned to find a time to discuss with Ye Dong, but he didn’t expect the other party to leave in a hurry.

Ye Dong said, “I still have serious things to do, so I won’t bother you. Don’t worry, I won’t talk about this place.”

Ying smiled slightly and said, “If this is the case, then we won’t keep you. I was so drunk last night that everything fell on me. I have to deal with it, goodbye.”

Ye Dong nodded and watched Ying walk into the elevator.

Lan Ya asked at this time, “Brother-in-law, you said you will enter the cemetery again. Did you find something?”

Ye Dong nodded and said, “It’s not much to discover, but after Zhugetian left, my entire collection seems to be able to penetrate into the tomb. I plan to look carefully to see if I can find anything. Something of value.”

Lanya couldn’t help but smile when he heard the words, “Then you go, don’t worry, I will keep it secret for you.”


Ye Dong took a deep breath and quickly flew towards the tomb. Under his divine mind, the original appearance of the entire tomb was unreservedly displayed before his eyes.

He came back to the bottom of the abyss.

The huge stone before has disappeared without a trace at this moment.

A pile of unrecognizable stone towers and gold threads were left behind.

Standing in the position of the original Eight Trigrams, Ye Dong thought to himself, “How did Zhuge Tian get out of the underground palace? Is it because time has passed for too long and the Eight Desolation Array has failed, so he has come out?

Later, because I opened the tomb, he also noticed this, so he pretended to be Yang Jue…”

Maybe that’s the way it is.

Ye Dong looked up at the empty caves on the stone wall in front of him.

“He took away the corpses of virgin boys and girls. After so many years, the corpses in those caves should have become bones long ago.

However, it seems a little bit different from what I imagined. The corpse was not completely decomposed and weathered.

Are they all turned into ghouls? ”

There are many things that I don’t understand, but unfortunately no one can give him an answer.

Zhugetian’s escape is directly related to him. As a ghoul and a cultivator, once he leaves this tomb, I am afraid that Zhugetian will definitely become even stronger when he meets in the future!

It seems that he has unintentionally set up a terrible enemy for himself!

Ye Dong smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Under Divine Mind’s glance, there is indeed no other secret way or the like here.

Just when he was about to leave here.

Ye Dong’s eyes suddenly fell on a stone exuding milky white light in the distance.

His face changed slightly, and he said in doubt, “This is…”

The stone looked like a piece of soap in all directions, with a faint light gleaming on the surface.

This made Ye Dong couldn’t help thinking, could it be this little stone that was pressing the entrance of the underground palace.

This small square stone should be something like Magic Treasures.

However, I just don’t know how to drive it for a while.

Ye Dong picked up the little stone and put it into the Interspatial Ring.

There is really nothing worth exploring here, he turned around again, and then slowly flew towards the ground.

Ye Dong found the Dingshui Divine Spear from the Interspatial Ring. He came to this place based on the route map drawn on the Divine Spear.

Then this divine spear should also have a close connection with this tomb.

But after arriving, he discovered that this divine spear didn’t seem to have any effect, it only played a role in leading the way.

It seems that if you want to solve these questions, you can only figure it out after seeing Zhugetian the next time!

Ye Dong took a deep breath and faced the depths of the Death Forest.

He has not forgotten his purpose of coming here.

In order to awaken lifelessness!

From now on, he decided not to use the supernatural powers, and to survive here as much as possible with physical skills alone, and to explore the deepest edge of the Death Forest!

He ran with all his strength until he came to a high mountain. He stepped onto a raised rock on the edge of the cliff and stared at the overlapping peaks in the distance, with a slight smile from the corners of his mouth.

Then, jumped down!

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