Chapter 330: One Year Later

one year later.

Old Sun and Lanlan stood on the edge of the beach, staring in the direction of the Death Forest.

One year has passed.

And last night, Lanlan took the initiative to contact Ye Dong. Ye Dongzai learned that it has been a full year, so he promised Lanlan that he would come to see him early tomorrow morning.

Sun Chu looked at Lan Lan, who was waiting anxiously beside him, smiled slightly, and said, “Xiao Lan, don’t worry, since he is still alive, it means he will definitely come to see you. This kid is probably delayed because of something. It’s okay to wait for him for a while.”

Lanlan nodded softly when he heard the words, but still couldn’t help but stared in the direction of the Death Forest.


Lanlan and Sun Chu were slightly shocked, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

A pair of big hands pushed away the cat’s vegetation, and then Barong walked out.

Lanlan and Sun Chu were speechless at this moment.

Barong noticed the change in the expressions of Lao Sun and Lanlan, and walked over with embarrassment, “I’m sorry, I let you down, I’m not Ye Dong.”

Lanlan asked with a wry smile, “Barong, how is your stockade? Is everyone okay?”

Barong nodded and said, “It’s all okay, and the young people in the stockade have awakened their abilities. Everyone is getting stronger every day. In time, they can easily deal with strange beasts.”

After speaking, Barong walked up to Lanlan and said, “Ye Dong is also true. It’s almost noon, why haven’t they come yet?”

After Barong awakened from his ability, he gradually understood the true identities of Lao Sun and Lanlan.

During this year, occasionally I would pretend to pass by here and bring some food here to ask Lanlan and Sun Lao for some tips.

Seeing that Mr. Sun doesn’t need to worry about finding food in the future, Barong will bring them to them every day, and he also prepared two thatched cottages for them to sleep in, avoiding the need for food and sleeping.

As the old saying goes, eating people’s mouths is short, so I just pointed out a few tricks casually.

If you come and go, the relationship will become familiar.

Lan Lan also said with a faintly resentful expression, “Who said no, I didn’t know to contact me this year. If he hadn’t called him yesterday, I would have thought he was dead inside!”

Barong smiled slightly and said, “How could Ye Dong be so powerful that he would be killed by these strange beasts.”

Old Sun chuckled at this moment and said, “Come here.”

Lanlan and Barong hurriedly spread their entire concentration towards the forest.

Old Sun raised his brows slightly and sneered, “Little thing, is it itchy?”

Old Sun suddenly turned around and punched behind him.


With this punch, he used nearly 50% of his power, but he was relieved by a man with shoulder-to-shoulder hair, dark skin and animal skins.

This man is too dark, he is almost catching up with Barong, but Lanlan still recognizes this man as Ye Dong at a glance!

Lanlan immediately beamed with joy and said, “Ye Dong!”

Ye Dong ignored Lanlan, his eyes were fierce and fierce like wild beasts, and his expression was calm as a lake, as if there was nothing in this world that could change the meaning of his expression!


The face of Sun Lao suddenly changed upside down, a wave of power was constantly being uploaded from his fist, and his eyes and expressions had also undergone amazing changes.

In just one year, what exactly has this kid experienced, it turned out to be like a different person!

Ye Dong, with an unchanging expression on his face, suddenly grinned and let go of Lao Sun’s fist, “Master, I didn’t expect it will be a year so soon!”

Old Sun snorted and said, “I haven’t seen you in a year, do you even dare to fight with the master? It’s incredible?”

Ye Dong smiled slightly, then looked at the big black man standing aside, and said in astonishment, “Barong, I didn’t expect you to be there too? Has the ability awakened?”

Barong scratched his head with an awkward look, and said, “I’m awakened, but only a C-rank, and a beast, but it’s better than nothing!”

Ye Dong nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Lanlan.

Lanlan looked at him angrily, this guy actually said hello to him last, really begging!

Ye Dong walked slowly in Lanlan’s direction, smiled slightly, spread his arms and gently hugged Lanlan, “I miss you, sister Lan.”

Lan Lan, who was still a little angry, immediately lost all anger after hearing these words, her nose was slightly sour, and she hugged Ye Dong at the same time, “I miss you too, little bastard!”

Ye Dong suddenly raised his eyebrows, and suddenly found that Ye Dong’s stature seemed to have grown a little bit taller, and his body had become a strong man.

The former Ye Dong looked like a lean boy.

But at this moment, Ye Dong has completely turned into a tall and strong man!

Ye Dong’s change really made Lanlan feel pleasantly surprised, and at the same time he was also curious whether he was awakened to death, and angry.

Old Sun also asked directly at this time, “Little thing, ask you, have you awakened your death and anger?”

Ye Dong slowly let go of Lao Sun, smiled slightly, and said, “No, I didn’t even touch the door there.”

After speaking, Ye Dong’s mouth was wide.

This smile almost flashed the old waist of Sun Lao.

Lanlan was also shocked at this time, “Ye Dong, what you said is true? You haven’t even touched the threshold of lifelessness and anger? So what have you been doing this year?”

Ye Dong looked up and thought for a while, and said, “I’ve been fighting almost all animals in the Death Forest this year. Sometimes I chased and killed them, sometimes they chased me, and I also touched the death forest. The end is over, there is nothing there, there is still an endless sea.”

Old Sun was astonished, “Don’t you have encountered an alien beast of the kind that can kill you?”

Ye Dong nodded and said, “Of course there is! I have indeed not encountered an alien beast that can threaten my life in the first three months. However, for the next few months, I was hunted and killed by alien beasts every day. , The higher the level of the alien beast, the higher the intelligence, I can’t kill them, and they can’t kill me. In short, it was a headache at first, and then I gradually got used to it.

It’s just a pity, I never killed one of them in the end. ”

Ye Dong sighed helplessly.

He was really helpless.

If he could kill a high-level alien beast, he would have become a superman by now!

Of course, thanks to Death Forest, his Realm has experienced a terrifying growth, although not as fast as the previous growth rate in the old city.

With Realm’s Ascension, the speed of Realm Ascension is getting slower and slower.

Of course, the biggest regret is the lack of awakening of death and anger!

Old Sun took a deep breath and said to Ye Dong earnestly, “Ye Dong, come with me.”

Ye Dong sighed helplessly, and then walked in the direction of Lao Sun.

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