Chapter 350 Parting!

Tiebao, Longteng Hotel, Supreme VIP room.

The women with hot bodies and heavy makeup are scratching their heads on the stage, and the delicate-looking female singers have a recent pop song.

In the audience, there are fifteen tables, but only one table is seated.

Obviously, Ye Dong didn’t know many people, but he still made up a table.

On the wine table, Ye’s father was drunk, telling some interesting stories about Ye Dong’s childhood. The mother Ye next to her also wore luxurious evening dresses, but her rough palms still couldn’t hide her former king.

Ye Dong sits in the main seat. The person sitting next to him is naturally his girlfriend Lan Lan. Next to him are Lin Jian, Wang Xiaoyu, Fatty He Xingxing, Wang Bing, Wang Ju, Mu Zhien…

Almost all the people you know can come.

Even the cousin Xiao Nan, who had been boarding at Ye Dong’s house for a few months, also came.

I heard that Sister Xiao Nan abandoned Wu to study and became a teacher in a certain elementary school.

No wonder I haven’t been in contact with Ye Dong.

Ye Dong looked at the familiar faces in front of him, and his hand under the table held sister Lan’s soft palm tightly.

Lanlan blinked at him slightly and shook his head, as if asking him if he was happy?


That is inevitable.

However, I am afraid that in the future, occasions and days like this will gradually leave him.

As a warlord of the Dragon Kingdom now, all his actions will be under the control of the Dragon Kingdom, and he can come to participate in this gathering.

It was his boss Su Rou who gave him a special day off.

After attending the party, parents will be sent to the safest place in the entire Blue Star Life.

I don’t know if they can live the habit of life.

Sister Lan will continue to stay in the 18th Military Region. Perhaps one day, she will also become a warlord of the Dragon Kingdom. Ye Dong firmly believes that all this will happen. Sooner or later, she is also one of the few domineering awakeners.

As for Wang Xiaoyu, Lin Jian also has Fatty.

At this moment, they also recalled how Lin Jian and Fatty sighed after a hunt.

Ye Dong’s growth is so fast, we may not be able to keep up.

From that moment on.

They decided to work hard to cultivate.

In the end, Ye Dong was dumped several blocks.

Ye Dong looked at Lanlan, he was very happy today, but he could be even happier!

Ye Dong spoke slightly at this time, and suddenly the people on the wine table were no longer talking, no longer discussing, and focused on him.


Once a person reaches a certain height, no matter what you want to say, the noise around you will automatically stop at the moment you speak.

“Why the Boston Lobster I ordered hasn’t come up yet?” Ye Dong asked inexplicably with a knife and fork.

When everyone heard the words, they were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

I thought Ye Dong was going to say something, but he didn’t expect that one of the dishes he ordered hadn’t come yet.

A few minutes later, the waiter successively served all the remaining dishes one after another.

After a group of people were satiated and satiated.

Lin Jian and the others left one after another, Xiao Nan and Ye Mu helped their drunk father to leave.

Lanlan looked at Ye Dong who was sitting on his seat and hadn’t moved his butt, and asked softly, “I didn’t expect it to be just a meal. I thought you were going to be emotional for a while, saying something that made everyone’s eyes full of tears. It’s a declaration of belly laughter again.”

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said nothing.

He also wanted to say something that made everyone laugh and tear everyone’s eyes.

But he did not do so.

He hoped this was just an ordinary dinner.

And ordinary dinners will be many times, countless times.

People who don’t want to do it are in a bad mood, and they don’t want to do it like a farewell ceremony.

Everyone just gathers together in their spare time and eats a simple meal.

Lanlan’s pretty face suddenly blushed, and then asked, “When will we… go home? After all, maybe we won’t be able to see each other for a long time…”

There was a hint of weeping in her voice.

Ye Dong sighed and said, “I just want to sit for a while and feel the atmosphere here.”

This kind of opportunity is really running out in the future.

Lanlan pulled the stool to Ye Dong’s, and gently leaned on his shoulder.

Ye Dong took the opportunity to hold her shoulders, and the two put their heads together. Sister Lan on the side suddenly cried, and Ye Dong’s heart was also broken…


There will still be differences in the reluctant difference.

Where you don’t want to leave, you will eventually leave.

The next day.

Ye Dong wakes up from own bed.

This is the most reassuring sleep he has slept in the past few years.

He lives in a spacious and clean house with his most beloved woman lying beside him, and The next moment, he is about to go to the battlefield.


The cochlear communicator on the table suddenly vibrated twice.

Lan Lan suddenly woke up suddenly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab the right side, which was where Ye Dong had lay down.

She stretched out her hand and found that there was no longer the man who had spent the good night with her last night. The whole room was empty and quiet.

It seems that he has gone.

“This cruel man! Just left?”

Dragon City.

Ye Dong walked on the cloud and mud with the characteristics of Dragon City. In front of him stood a young woman with a hot body wearing an OL uniform, Su Rou!

Su Rou stood there like a model with one hand on her hips. After Ye Dong walked in, Su Rou smiled and said, “I thought you should have come here last night, but you came here this morning. Looks like you made a poor woman cry and sad again?”

Su Rou felt very mysterious to Ye Dong, she couldn’t see through, and she didn’t know her strength.

It seems that he is Dr. Qin’s personal secretary, and he is also a supernatural person of the Space Department. The existence of it is very interesting.

Perhaps, if you continue to get along, you will be able to know.

Ye Dong stopped less than five meters away from Su Rou and asked, “Have you found the Lord of the Corpse Domain?”

Seeing that Ye Dong didn’t want to chat with her, Su Rou cut directly to the subject. After she sighed in her heart for the uninteresting little boy, her expression gradually became serious, “I have found it, but the people in the dark sequence seem to have come into contact with him. I don’t know how it turned out.”


I heard such a news early in the morning!

Ye Dong’s face changed slightly, and he said, “Why didn’t you notify me earlier? If you notify me earlier, I can stop them!”

Su Rou shook her head and said, “As soon as I find him, I will let you know.”

Ye Dong’s face changed slightly, “Just found it a few minutes ago?”

Su Rou nodded and said, “Since I don’t know the strength of the enemy, I will send one more person with you. He is also a warrior.”

Ye Dong said, “It’s not necessary. If I can’t deal with it, it will be the same as how many people are here.”

“Hey! Saying that will make Uncle sad!”

A slightly playful voice came from the sky, and then a man stood up from his feet.

Ye Dong was shocked suddenly.

When is there a person lying beside his feet!

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