Chapter 351 Natural Disaster Comes!


The man lying on the ground suddenly stood straight and looked at him with a smile. The two scars on his mouth made his smile even more hideous!

Ye Dong suddenly felt like he was facing an enemy.

Su Rou said at this time, “Laughing wildly, don’t scare Xiao Thirteen.”

Laughter is his code name, right?

He grinned wildly, and said, “This little guy doesn’t seem to know who the protagonist is?”

Ye Dong stared at him and laughed wildly, and said, “You mean, I’m just your assistant?”

He frowned and raised his brows slightly, and said, “Isn’t that obvious? Although you are a warlord, but your Realm… it seems that there is only about Tier 5, and the minimum requirement for a warlord of the Dragon Kingdom is Tier 7, even though you have A lot of amazing records are enough to prove that your strength is more than Tier 5, but it’s almost worse than me.

Be a good foil. ”

He laughed wildly and patted Ye Dong on the shoulder, then looked at Su Rou and said, “Xiao Rourou, you can start.”

Su Rou glanced at Ye Dong.

Ye Dong didn’t seem to refute, and he didn’t know what he was thinking at the moment.

Su Rou’s face turned straight and said, “The Dark Sequence has already had contact with the Lord of the Corpse Domain on the island at X1247/Y5751 in the South China Sea, but the Lord of the Corpse Domain has not left the island, and I don’t know if the Dark Sequence has it. Win over the lord of the corpse domain, in short, you should go over and take a look now.”

After finishing talking, Su Rou threw a round GPS locator towards a wild laugh.

“The target point has been set. It is at least 30,000 kilometers away from here. Get there as soon as possible!”

Laughed wildly and nodded, then looked at Ye Dong on the side and asked, “Can you keep up with me? Kid?”

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, “I don’t want to let me hold this locator. I’m afraid you won’t be able to keep up with me.”

This kid…

It’s crazy enough!

How can you be so young and not mad!

He smiled and grinned slightly, and said, “Well, whoever surpasses whoever is allowed to take the locator, I will lead the way first, and if I have the ability, I will keep up!”

Laughing suddenly jumped up, his feet were like springs, breaking through the sky, and then stepped on the sky, and suddenly a huge bone wing spread out on his back!

The bone wings revealed a scent of corruption, with black aura entangled, and I didn’t know what it was.

I saw a frantic laughter and his bone wings suddenly unfolded and disappeared to the horizon in an instant.

Seeing that Ye Dong did not move, Su Rou came to remind him, “Xiao Shisan, if you don’t catch up, you won’t be able to catch up!”

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, “Let him fly for a while, and I can catch up. By the way, Su Rou, laugh wildly…”


Ye Dong’s head was slightly flicked, and Su Rou squinted at him slightly, “No matter how big or small, call me Third Sister!”

“Three… Three sisters? Are you ranked third among the generals?”

Su Rou said with her hands on her hips, “You are also a warrior anyway, don’t you know who the other warriors are?”

Ye Dong scratched the back of his head and said, “I only know Sun Chu, he is my Master, and the rest are…”

Su Rou said with a look of astonishment, “That old rice bucket turned out to be your Master? What can he teach you?”

Ye Dong looked shocked, “San Jie, it’s me Master anyway, how can you call him the old rice bucket…”

Is the Master’s position among the generals so low?

The third sister’s status is too high…

Ye Dong was a little bit upset for his own Master for a while.

Su Rou reminded me at this moment, “After you come back, I must let you remember who the warriors in front of you are. The man who laughed wildly just now was the twelfth warrior, the S-level ancient flying pterodactyl cell. , And it’s an upgraded flying pterodactyl. His speed is not super fast. If you don’t catch up, you will really lose it! Go ahead, and good luck to you!”

Ye Dong grinned and said, “I didn’t miss him, I was always by his side.”


The whole cloud mud suddenly sank deeply.

Su Rou’s eyes widened suddenly, and she hurriedly stepped back a few steps, her face turned pale in surprise, “This kid…”


A harsh sound rang in the ears of wild laughter.

Next second!

Ye Dong unexpectedly appeared next to him. Ye Dong glanced sideways and laughed wildly, and said, “I said, I’ll be enough by myself.”

After speaking, Ye Dong snatched the locator in the hand of the laughter, and the speed was another Ascension!

He is not flying at all, but flashing!

Do not!

It is moving in an instant!

See what you see, just one thought can go!

Ordinary people can see the sun in the sky from the line of sight.

As long as there is no obstruction ahead, Ye Dong can arrive instantly!

With a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, Ye Dong took a few minutes to arrive.

Soon, he saw the island.

And I saw a lot of ghouls in action on the island!

“The satellite is really powerful, and he can really be found! There is nothing more to say!”

Ye Dong snorted coldly, single-finger the sky, the natural disaster is coming!

In an instant!

The color of the sky and the clouds changed, and the sky was as if a piece had been taken away, revealing a terrifying and dark hole.

Below the troposphere, five generally huge hockey pucks are rapidly condensing, burning rapidly and heating up!

Unexpectedly, without using the speed of the fall, the surface has a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees!

at the same time.

Laughing wildly looked at the endless sea, and took out a mobile phone from his pocket. Laughing wildly couldn’t smile at this moment, “Hey! Third sister!”

Su Rou’s voice came from the other side of the phone.

“What’s wrong? Call me suddenly, shouldn’t you be on your way to the Lord of the Corpse Realm now?”

“Don’t mention it!”

He laughed and stopped, but now that he dialed the phone, he could only tell the three sisters the most real situation, “The kid took the locator, and then it disappeared. I fucking lost it!”


Su Rou’s tone suddenly changed incomparably shocked.

The speed of laughing wildly can also be ranked in the top five among the generals, he will lose Ye Dong in speed?

What’s more, didn’t laugh wildly fly a distance first?

Even if you are caught up, you won’t be lost?

Su Rou chuckled lightly and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll let the technology department send the location to your mobile phone immediately, it will be fine in one minute, wait on the spot.”

“Hey, all right.”

He hung up his cell phone with a mad laugh, and looked at the horizon with a speechless expression. What the hell was he doing?

What should Ye Dong say after a meeting?

It feels ashamed to think about it!


Kuang Laughter noticed a very unusual energy coming from the left side, and a very strange phenomenon appeared in the extremely distant horizon.

Five red dots the size of peanuts flashed in the sky. These five red dots were falling from the sky at a very fast speed!

Laughing wildly, his eyes widened in shock, “Meteorite? And there are still five? Is this planning to destroy the Blue Star?”

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