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Under a tall cylindrical tower stood a doctor in a white coat.

He wore a monocle and was obviously in his early thirties, but his hair had turned pale.

"Dr. Ye, stop hiding it at this time and tell me your plan."

"Please, Doctor," the girl begged with tears in her eyes.

The doctor softened his expression, took off his glasses and breathed a sigh of relief:

"How much do you know about God?" After speaking, the doctor looked at the sky.

The sky no longer had the blue sky and white clouds of the past, but was only gray, with acid rain falling from time to time.

The war gradually made this planet no longer suitable for living creatures.

"Gods... I don't understand Doctor, aren't you a materialist? Why do you still believe in ghosts and gods?" the girl asked doubtfully.

"No, God exists." The doctor's tone did not sound like a lie.

"Since I was born, my body has carried an ability - reincarnation."

"Once I die, I will uncontrollably return to my infancy."

"I have seen the destruction of human beings more than ten thousand times."

The girl was a little shocked. She stared into the doctor's deep eyes and breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"So that's it... No wonder the doctor always makes the right choice at critical moments."

"The fact that China has survived to this day is all thanks to the doctor."

"So...Dr. Ye, what is the connection between your words and gods?"

The doctor smiled and said: "In the process of coming back again and again, I caught a glimpse of the shadow of God."

"For him, human beings, and even all living entities in the entire universe, are all pawns on a chessboard."

"And God is the chess player."

The girl murmured: "Is there no chessboard for chess?"

The doctor said: "It's not that there's no game, it's that the game hasn't started yet."

"Human beings have gradually transcended the category of living creatures, and increasingly powerful races are a huge threat to gods."

"Obviously, we have lost our status as pawns."

Human space travel and the rapid development of science and technology are all manifestations of creatures gradually beginning to master abilities far beyond their own.

The girl asked a little discouraged: "So we humans...will eventually perish?"

"No." The doctor gently patted the girl's shoulder and said, "Human beings are not chess pieces after all. When they lose their qualifications as chess pieces, humans take a step closer to becoming chess players."

"What we have to do is stand on the other side of the chessboard, look directly at God, and play chess with God!"

"I leave my final plan to you, this is humanity's last hope."

Girl: "Doctor, tell me! My life, my body, and even my soul have already been sworn to you."

He took out a card from his arms and handed it to the girl next to him. On the card was [Wheel of Fortune].

"The Frozen Ark can only be implemented once, and it will not take effect in the next era, so the first thing is to 'screen', leaving only those who can resist the apostles, and all other drags will be washed away!"

"The second thing is that I will use all the energy of the abyss to seize the godhead of the World Tree!"

The girl reminded: "No! If you do this, you will be found out no matter where you escape to in the universe!"

The doctor slowly explained: "Of course, the universe in this plane is not good enough. The power of reincarnation is far more powerful than I imagined."

"As long as I cross planes, escape the pursuit of World Tree, sublime my godhead, and completely merge with my soul."

"By that time, World Tree will completely lose its power."

The girl thought of the entanglement machine that the doctor had been studying. It seemed that the research had been completed recently and it had been integrated with something.

"Across parallel worlds...godhead...world tree...reincarnation."

The girl is also a scientist, and these new terms are difficult for her to understand.

"Doctor, is there anything you need me to do?" She didn't need to understand these things, she just had to do what the man in front of her wanted.

The doctor looked at her, frowned, sighed and said:

"You need help for this, but I never wanted you to do it. It will be extremely difficult and you will have to endure the pain of mental tearing."

"Even this pain will last for tens of thousands of years."

The girl nodded seriously and said with firm eyes:

"For the sake of Doctor, I am willing to bear it."

There was no human righteousness in her heart, only the man in front of her.

The doctor took out a blueprint from his sleeve, spread it on the ground and said:

"What you have to do is to fuse the [Wheel of Fortune] tarot card and become the 'holder' of this card."

"One of the powers of this card is to change destiny. It's up to you to adjust my luck and allow me to successfully cross parallel worlds."

"After that, my memory will disappear and my power of reincarnation will dissipate."

"Instead, I will occupy the godhead of World Tree forever!"

"In that moment, you pulled me back into this world."

"Let me, no, let us, completely end the fate of humankind's destruction. Then... we will fight the gods!"

The girl looked at the blueprint, tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and she said with a trembling voice:

"Doctor, will you forget me?"

Doctor: "No, I will remember it at some point."

Girl: "Are you worthy of doing this for humanity?"

The doctor smiled, easily.

"Some things are destined to be done by certain people."

"Okay, time is running out. I look forward to our next meeting, my assistant."

The girl clutched the doctor's white coat tightly, reluctant to let go.

"Power: Abyss Control!" The doctor finished his words.

A golden seed slowly flew upwards from the abyss. The doctor grabbed the seed with his hand and used the entanglement device to integrate it into his mind.

Then, his figure disappeared... leaving only his white coat falling to the ground.

Using a mortal body to steal the power of gods.

The golden seeds caused his figure to collapse, as if he was about to dissipate into various planes.

But at that moment, the wheel of fate turned, and the gears collided, making fate turn.

All luck reaches its limit at this moment!

A human feat is accomplished at this moment!

What was sacrificed was nothing more than the Doctor's future destiny.

The girl who was using tarot cards felt the severe pain in her brain. From the moment she used the power of the [Wheel of Fortune], her fate was tightly bound to the doctor.

She would not die, could not die, and suffered the pain as if her brain had been run over by a wheel.

She will follow the path of the Doctor and bring salvation to mankind with the Tower of Eternity.

Until...the day the Doctor comes back.

The girl endured the pain, picked up the card on the ground, and held it tightly.

I don't know how long later, a baby was born on a blue planet.

His parents named him Ye Xiaoshu.

————(End of video)————

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