Ye Xiaoshu felt a little pain in his head, and the stinging pain made him open his eyes.

He recalled the files the system showed him just now.

The system is the doctor's technological power that changed the nature of the godhead and remained in Ye Xiaoshu's body in a digital form.

"Doctors of the second era, the end of humankind's eventual demise..."

"The predecessor of the system is the godhead of World Tree!"

At that moment, Ye Xiaoshu seemed to understand the almost crazy Aion.

For humanity, no matter what the cost.

Although the method is extreme, it is very effective.

Even his own time travel was planned in advance, and he would travel when the system was about to be completed.

"Crossing planes will cause memory deletion, but why... do I still retain the memory of the 'last life'?"

"Could it be that... the passage has been opened and I still have a chance to return to the Blue Star where I once lived?"

Ye Xiaoshu's eyes widened, he could not verify his conjecture.

"Xiaoshu? Are you awake?" A gentle voice came from beside him.

Turning his head, he saw the person he had longed for.

Rou Mengyao was about to say something when she was suddenly hugged tightly by Ye Xiaoshu. She was a little surprised, then smiled and stroked his back.

"Do you miss your sister?"


"Have you listened to your sister and taken good care of yourself?"


"You must be very tired from this journey."


Ye Xiaoshu hugged her tightly and didn't want to let go. He didn't want to see his sister leaving him when he opened his eyes again.

"Xiao Shu, take a rest when you are tired. My sister will protect you forever." Rou Mengyao said softly.

'You have finished saying all the good things, and if you still want to say this, your husband must be so fascinated by me that you can't find your way. ’ Su Mei complained in her heart.


Military Department, Office of the Commander-in-Chief——

"Is Ye Xiaoshu back?" Cui Zhenjun asked.

"Back." Wu Ding (chief of staff) replied.

Cui Zhenjun looked at the various documents on the table, which basically stated that the international situation was turbulent, and the people turning into zombies had caused huge damage to surrounding countries.

Zombies that can use spiritual skills are really scary.

Fortunately, the contagiousness of the virus is now contained by something, and we only need to focus on those who have been infected.

Although there was no photographic evidence, Cui Zhenjun still saw something in the few words in the report.

The chief of staff said with a wry smile:

"The evil spirit spewing out between heaven and earth must be Ye Xiaoshu's doing again."

"The same goes for this kid. Why don't you call for support immediately when you encounter an apostle?"

Cui Zhenjun said seriously:

"It should be that this apostle is too dangerous for us to get close to."

"If you really need help, when have you seen him ever be polite?"

Wu Ding: "Tsk, it's true!"

"By the way, I remembered something. A beast-turned-human being flew into the package delivered by Express Company yesterday. His visual acuity was diamond level."

Cui Zhenjun: "I know her. She is Ye Xiaoshu's sister. With her here, we don't have to worry about her."

"Let's not talk about Ye Xiaoshu for now. This time the Beiying region requested China's support. How much did it cost?"

Wu Ding stretched out a finger.

"Only 10 million?" Cui Zhenjun asked.

Wu Ding shook his head.

"One hundred million? It's rare to see Beiying generous."

Wu Ding shook his head again.

"Ten billion! The sun is coming out in the west!"

Wu Ding smiled and said: "It's 100 billion. Please ask China to use space-based weapons."

"Now this is the only method of large-scale destruction that will not leave any radiation. If they want to get their land back, they can only cut money to China."

Cui Zhenjun laughed: "Okay! Great!"

"Ye Xiaoshu also did a good job this time, we must not treat him badly!"

"Just giving money is too tacky. When the time comes, let's see what requirements he has and try to satisfy them if you can!"

Wu Ding was ashamed: "Well, are you sure you don't regret it?"

Cui Zhenjun nodded seriously: "I don't regret it, but I can't give you space-based weapons."

Wu Ding: "Okay, I will notify him later."

After speaking, the chief of staff left the office.

Cui Zhenjun looked at the document in his hand happily and said with a smile:

"God bless my China, God bless my China!!"

[Favorable mood value from Cui Zhenjun +1000]

The military has a large influx of funds and purchases resources needed for cultivation in various countries in bulk.

With this influx of funds, the supernatural teams and troops began to grow at an incredible speed.

At this moment in China, the country is rich and the people are strong.

after one day---

Ye Xiaoshu walked out of the room and walked slowly to the conference room.

Nie Qiuling was supporting him beside him, and Rou Mengyao also wanted to support him, but Nie Qiuling stopped her sharply.

She said: "This is the responsibility of the maid, and we must never let the lady help."

Rou Mengyao could only follow the two of them to the conference room helplessly.

In the conference room, the core members have already gathered.

"Hey, brother, if you have anything to say, you can just say it. Why don't you come over in person?" Zhang Kuang quickly pulled out a chair and said.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be fully recovered in two or three days." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

He deprived Antre of his self-healing ability. Although it was only partial, it was enough.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Rou Mengyao.

Her beautiful face put girls to shame, she seemed to shine like the sun, dimming all other lights.

"She is so beautiful..." Yin Sui whispered.

"Oh, she should be Master's Wife. Look at the way Master looks at her, so gentle. When will Master look at me like this?" Lan Xinyu said with a sigh.

"She is charming yet pure, like a fairy who has just emerged from the earth. She is so powerful that I admire her." Qin Yunxue nodded in appreciation.

If allowed, she would like to make an ink painting on the spot.

Ye Xiaoshu coughed lightly, and the conference room fell silent instantly.

"I'll make a long story short, there are two things going on this time."

"First, welcome the android 'Anjie' to join our core member group. She will join the Purifier's investigation team in the future. Please introduce yourself."

After speaking, Ye Xiaoshu picked up the hot tea at hand and took a sip.

Anjie stood up, held up her skirt and saluted in a very standard Western posture.

"Hello everyone, I am Ye Xiaoshu's electronic pet."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Pfft——"

[Negative emotion value from everyone +21440]

"Huh? Isn't it funny?" Anjie didn't know where she found the joke.

"Okay, my name is Anjie. I'm a bionic doll made by Nettle Leaf Company. It's a special model. Its power is - data overwriting."

Nie Qiuling wiped the table in front of Ye Xiaoshu with a handkerchief.

After wiping, Ye Xiaoshu continued:

"The second thing is, I'm going to build a mecha production line as the standard army of the Purifiers."

“Who can bypass the eyes and buy large quantities of raw materials?”

Qin Yunxue raised her hand and said:

"Leave this matter to me. Yunxue knows some friends and can get a lot of steel and polyethylene materials."

"It's just...the company may not be able to put those things away."

Ye Xiaoshu replied: "I will figure out the venue and leave the rest to you."

Qin Yunxue said jokingly: "Yes, yes, Sir Leader~"

Ye Xiaoshu suddenly broke out in cold sweat and glanced at Rou Mengyao behind him.

Rou Mengyao tilted her head and looked at Ye Xiaoshu with her beautiful eyes.

Ye Xiaoshu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his sister was not angry.

"The meeting is over!"

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