Rou Mengyao couldn't help feeling a little emotional as she saw her brother becoming more and more masculine.

Children who a few years ago still had to rely on themselves to grow up are now able to take control of the entire company and become the leader of the entire team.

Ye Xiaoshu stood up holding on to the table and was supported by Nie Qiuling.

"Go back, you have to show off." Rou Mengyao said worriedly.

"If I don't come back, my body is still strong. I just want ten more apostles to come..."

Before Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, Rou Mengyao lowered her head and leaned close to his ear, opening and closing her lips and speaking softly.

He didn't know what he said, but Ye Xiaoshu blushed and then left obediently.

Only the people who had been spoiled were left in the conference room with depressed expressions.


Back in the room, Ye Xiaoshu felt that the power in his body was getting stronger and stronger.

If you can fuse all the apostle factors in your body, you can at least break through to platinum five stars or above.

It's just that the foundation is not stable and needs several warm-ups.

The method of nourishment is precisely the martial arts that Rou Mengyao has cultivated to the top.

Nie Qiuling put Ye Xiaoshu on the bed, then closed the door of the room tightly and said softly:

"Miss, regarding the Hehuan Kung Fu, although Qiu Ling often practices it alone, there is always something wrong with it."

Rou Mengyao patiently explained:

"Come, sister, teach you~"

Since she completely accepted the other self in her heart, she has become more and more proficient in the art of charm.

My understanding of this technique has also become more refined.

She has mastered a folk training method for two people, which can improve the strength of both parties simultaneously during the clouds and rains.

That pure apostle energy is also of great benefit to her.

In an instant, the two of them took action.

They will always be here until Ye Xiaoshu lays the foundation.


Living room on the first floor——

"Master Zhang, please!"

"Brother Nie, please~"

Nie Hanhai and the head of the Zhang family were sitting in the living room drinking tea together.

Ever since the Zhang family and the Nie family entered the express delivery company together, the two hit it off and would drink tea here whenever they had nothing to do.

The head of the Zhang family said with a smile:

"Oh, young people are getting more and more powerful now."

"Qiu Ling is now the head of a family at the age of seventeen or eighteen. He is really outstanding."

"You have a good granddaughter. Unlike my son, she is not that capable."

Nie Hanhai also smiled and said:

"What are you talking about? I have heard that Xiao Zhang is going to open a pharmaceutical production line recently, and it has been approved recently."

"Your Zhang family is going to be prosperous!"

The two exchanged business blows, both laughing.

Having a young and promising junior in my family is naturally the happiest thing.

Nie Hanhai picked up the teacup, took a sip and said:

"This company is not simple. There are several large defense formations surrounding the entire company building."

"I heard from my granddaughter that a few of their core members can practice at twice the speed in the company."

"Not only that, Brother Ye also ensures the food of the entire company's employees."

The head of the Zhang family nodded and said:

"It's not enough to just eat and drink for free, we have to do something practical."

"Recently, it seems that some companies are eyeing this company and want to use a monopoly to prohibit 'Quick Delivery' from reaching agreements with merchants."

Nie Hanhai said solemnly: "It will definitely not make things easier for Xiao Shu if it affects the jobs of several big families in Shangjing."

"I'm going to contact a few old friends, as well as the younger members of the Nie family who have nothing to do recently, to help Brother Ye clear out this group of things without eyes."

Head of the Zhang family: "I agree. The Zhang family will do our best to help."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they heard some coquettish sounds coming from upstairs, and they couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

"Today's young people are full of energy."

"Hahaha, yes, I still want my granddaughter to have a fat boy as soon as possible. I also want to hear about Grandpa Zeng in my lifetime."

"You are still lucky. It's a pity that my Zhang family doesn't have a daughter, otherwise I would definitely give it to Xiaoshu."


A few days later——

"Bang!" A loud noise came from the room, followed by a continuous "crackling" sound like fried beans.

Ye Xiaoshu woke up from the bed refreshed, feeling the power in his body.

The level has soared all the way to platinum seven stars, and the understanding of the power of the law has become deeper and deeper.

His mental power is also much stronger than before, and he can sense the movements of the entire company through his spiritual thoughts.

The past few days of 'cultivation together' made Nie Qiuling also benefit from it, and he went all the way to the platinum five-star level.

The pure apostle energy and spiritual veins in Ye Xiaoshu's body are huge opportunities for her.

But now she collapsed from exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep in bed, unwilling to wake up.

She couldn't bear the struggle these days. If it weren't for the Nuwa rune, she wouldn't be able to keep up with Ye Xiaoshu's pace.

At this time, Rou Mengyao walked in from the door, holding a steamer in her hand.

"Huh? You woke up so early and came to try my sister's craftsmanship."

Rou Mengyao was fine. As a beast-turned-superpower user, her physical strength and energy were far stronger than those of ordinary superpower users.

Just as Ye Xiaoshu was about to reach out his hand, she knocked him down.

"Go wash your hands first."


Ye Xiaoshu put on his pants and walked to the bathroom. Just as he was about to wash his hands, he heard a text message coming from his cell phone.

He picked up his phone and found a text message from Ren Luofei,

Text message: (How was your rest? Have you brought back the core you promised?)

Ye Xiaoshu replied: (I brought it back and will go today.)

Ren Luofei: (I've been waiting for you for a long time, come on, come on.)

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and put down the phone, washed his hands and returned to the room.

Rou Mengyao opened the steamer and handed over a bun, then took one herself and sat next to him to eat together.

"Xiaoshu, do you want to go out today?"


"Sister, do you want to change clothes?"

Ye Xiaoshu glanced at the beauty beside him. She looked elegant in a white robe.

This outfit should have been simulated by Su Mei using aura, and her spotless aura came out of the dust.

"No need to change, our wife is so pretty, she can wear whatever she wants." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

"My husband's words are really pleasing to my family, his mouth is so sweet~" Her voice changed, with a bit of charm.

Ye Xiaoshu knew as soon as he heard this that Su Mei had taken control of her body.

I don’t know how they allocate their time, but Rou Mengyao is controlling the body most of the time.

After breakfast, the two walked together towards the Shangjing Institute of Science and Technology.

Along the way, Su Mei, who looked like a fox fairy, attracted a lot of attention and caused many disputes among young lovers.

Su Mei seemed to be happy about this, as if she wanted the whole world to see who she belonged to, she hugged Ye Xiaoshu's arm tightly.

" don't have any bones, you're all on me!" Ye Xiaoshu complained.

"Hey, I've been toying with you for several days. I'm tired. You won't lose a piece of meat if you lean on me."

"You still have the nerve to say that you are the most enthusiastic."


Two foxes, one is delicate and charming, the other is elegant and quiet.


Soon, the two arrived at the research institute.

Ye Xiaoshu passed the news in advance and told Concubine Ren Luo that he would bring someone with him. With her permission as the director of the research institute, Ye Xiaoshu waited for Su Mei to go in.

The two took the elevator and arrived at the underground laboratory.

Su Mei looked around like a child, curious about what was on each experimental table.

"These objects are really magical. How can they fly without internal force?" Su Mei asked curiously.

"Aerodynamics." Ye Xiaoshu answered.

But this answer did not relieve Su Mei's doubts.

Su Mei said: "In the past, there was a group of scholars who used wood to make small gadgets that could play a huge role on the battlefield. There were also instruments that could fly into the sky and escape from the earth."

Ye Xiaoshu asked: "Is it... the Mo family?"

Su Mei shook her head. Apparently she didn't have much memory of human civilization, and her mind was filled with the word 'Lang Jun'.

Ye Xiaoshu felt a little incredible that it could fly purely by matching wooden parts together.

If possible, he really wanted to see it.

After a while, Concubine Ren Luo came down from upstairs to greet Ye Xiaoshu.

"I hope for the stars and hope for the moon, and finally the one I hope for you is here!"

"Come on, come on, the armor made with your body data is complete, waiting for you to try it out."

Not knowing where to start, Concubine Ren's tone became much more polite.

At this time, she noticed the fox girl next to Ye Xiaoshu, smiled and blinked.

"It turns out that I'm here with my wife, let's go together." Ren Luofei waved her hand and guided Ye Xiaoshu.

Su Mei held Ye Xiaoshu's arm, looked at the sloppy woman in front of her with vigilance, and whispered:

"Mr. Lang, her strength far exceeds yours, why is she so groveling?"

"In ancient times, it was common for the strong to occupy a place and oppress the people. How can you be so humble?"

Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile: "The world is different. Although strength is important, it is only part of it."

"Money, status, strength, power, each is a measure of ability."

"Besides, I helped her a lot, so I should be so polite."

Su Mei couldn't understand what Ye Xiaoshu was talking about, she just felt that her husband was far more powerful than she imagined.

Soon, the three arrived at the testing site.

This time the venue was reinforced with tungsten steel, and a thick layer of forbidden iron was specially applied to the outer layer.

There are also a lot more energy storage devices, for fear that insufficient energy will cause a power outage in the laboratory.

Ren Luofei pulled the switch, and the entire test site suddenly became brightly lit.

An armor was parked in the middle, and its shell made of tungsten steel and dark iron showed a metallic luster.

The gaps in the pure black armor shell were mixed with red energy pillars, which were also a kind of ore used to amplify Ye Xiaoshu's huge blood power.

Ren Luofei explained:

“Since the last test, our team has been in a state of enlightenment.”

"Armor should not be a carrier, but a tool that complements the warrior."

"This time the armor is built on dragon blood stone powder, which can increase the strength and defense of the entire armor when you use the power of blood."

"At the same time, each part of the armor is equipped with an additional spiritual core resonance device. Ten emperor-level spiritual cores were put into the entire armor during production."

"Comprehensive increases in all aspects including long-range firepower, agility, speed, strength, etc."

"The name of the new armor follows the God-Killer plan and is called the God-Killing Armor."

Ren Luofei still wanted to say it, but no matter how much she said, it would be better to try it herself.

Her explanation already made Ye Xiaoshu feel a little itchy.

"It's a pity that the armor does not have a core now. It is impossible to put it into actual combat just by relying on the energy supply device of the research institute." Ren Luofei said with a frown.

"It's okay, I have it." Ye Xiaoshu waved his hand, and a dozen standard termination cores appeared on the table next to him.

Ren Luofei's eyes were locked on these cores, and she ran over quickly, observing excitedly and carefully.

"Yes, that's it!"

"It's so clever! Use the compressed spiritual energy to convert it into spiritual liquid, and then electrolyze the spiritual liquid to produce new substances, which will be condensed to form a spiritual energy channel..."

"It's like the circulation of internal martial arts, continuously generating energy!"

Just by holding it in her hand and looking at it, she had already analyzed the way out.

"Unfortunately... there is not enough energy. It is difficult for this kind of core to load customized armor."

Ren Luofei turned her head and said apologetically:

"It seems that your trip this time will be in vain. The operation of the armor requires a more powerful core."

"But give us some time and we will definitely be able to research it as soon as possible!"

Hearing what she said, Ye Xiaoshu was thoughtful.

"Core... core."

"I just happen to have one here that I got from Eagle Country. The name is really cool. It seems to be called something, Creation Core."

As he spoke, Ye Xiaoshu took out a mechanical device the size of a human head from his pocket.

Everyone didn't care why he could take it out from such a small pocket, and all their eyes were focused on the Creation Core in his hand.

Ye Xiaoshu handed over the core and let them study it.

The precise mechanical structure on it was like a work of art, and every part was made of materials they had never seen before.

The entire core is integrated, and if it is disassembled at will, they are not even sure to put it back together.

At this time, Ren Luofei noticed a groove in the center, which seemed to correspond to something.

"The energy emitted inside is highly consistent with Biduo's apostle's power. Is it possible that this core can use the apostle's energy?"

"It's a can't be used. It can't activate its power without a large amount of concentrated energy."

After Ren Luofei finished speaking, just when she was about to hand the Creation Core back, Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile:

"As for the disaster-level spiritual core, I happen to have one here."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and took out a handful of fragments and placed them on the table.

The green fragments shimmered on the table, and the huge energy inside indicated the power of the disaster.

"This is Antre's spiritual core fragment. Although it has been completely destroyed, the energy has not dissipated."

The broken spiritual core could not be absorbed, but Ye Xiaoshu always felt that it would be of great use, so he kept it.

The scientists suddenly knelt down.

Prowling forward like a pilgrimage.

Since joining the Godslayer Project, they have always wanted to see the power of the Apostle with their own eyes.

And now, the core is in front of you.

Not to mention using it for research, just taking a look at it feels like it will extend your life...

For scientists, this rare experimental material is a blessing from heaven.

[Favorable sentiment value from scientific researchers +41510]

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