Afterwards, Ren Luofei led a group of scientific researchers to reassemble the fragments of Antre and put them into the Creation Core.

This process was very cautious. They had not seen the complete appearance of Antele's core and could only reproduce it through Ye Xiaoshu's description.

When the last fragment was put in, the core of creation seemed to sense something and started to operate immediately.

The apostle core and the creation core resonate with each other to form a spiritual path, which can produce unlimited energy in the true sense.

Energy is conserved, but the appearance of the apostle breaks this law and breaks the rules of physics.

The researchers used instruments to record everything in front of them, and these data will become important data for future armors.

"How is it? Is this core energy enough?" Ye Xiaoshu asked with a smile.

"Enough! Absolutely enough! It's just that the core is too big and can't match the reserved position inside the armor." The researcher explained.

"Try forcing it?" Ye Xiaoshu asked.

"Force... force it?"

"There's a first time for everything. You can always get in if you squeeze hard."

"Ah... let's try it?"

After that, several researchers held the core and walked all the way to the armor in the center of the field.

They tried putting the Genesis Core in front of the armor.

The next moment, the core actually broke away from their hands and flew towards the center of the armor.

The entire core passes through the armor's shell, like a fish entering water, directly integrated with the armor.

Sudden! The armor's 'eyes' flashed red and opened its internal structure suddenly, as if accepting its master.

"It seems like it's inviting you. Now that it can be activated, go and try it. This is an armor tailor-made for you!" Ren Luofei said with a smile.

Ye Xiaoshu was not polite, shook his wrist and walked straight towards the armor.

Su Mei looked at the armor curiously. She wanted to know how much stronger this big piece of iron was compared to the magical weapons from ancient times.

Ye Xiaoshu walked to the armor and touched the shell with his hand.

Hard and cold, this was Ye Xiaoshu's first feeling of armor.

Different from the first generation of armor, this generation of God Killer armor is more fitted to the body shape and has many lightweight designs.

Ye Xiaoshu turned around and fell towards the inside of the armor. After he entered the armor, the God Killer closed completely.

He was in darkness, and in just a moment, various red data appeared in front of him.

AI's voice came.

(Hello, Chief Ye, PR403 is at your service.)

The armor continues to use the previous generation's AI, and it has memorized Ye Xiaoshu's name.

(Core loading detected, binding core energy to you...)

(If the binding is successful, you can try to use your mental power to control the energy release of the core.)

"Full power." Ye Xiaoshu's mind moved.

Suddenly, a heat wave set off across the entire venue, and the black fuselage was covered with a layer of red energy shield.

This heat wave forms a wind ring, which retreats all debris around it.

Everyone was frightened by the wind pressure and couldn't help but retreat back.

(In full power mode, the overall efficiency of the armor is increased by 500%, and the body temperature increases by 1°C per minute.)

(To prevent operator accidents, please reduce the proportion of cores turned on.)

"Hey, I won't listen."

PR403: (…)

If 403 had feelings, he would really complain: ‘This generation of operators is too difficult to lead. ’

Ye Xiaoshu pulled out the giant tower from the void. He held the giant tower inside the armor, and it felt like he was holding a thin piece of iron, without feeling any weight.

After swinging it casually a few times, the sword wind spread out in all directions without any feeling of difficulty.

Ren Luofei was in the distance and said via remote communication:

"The armor of the God-Slayer is built with the spiritual core of the imperial-level spiritual beast - the Mechanical Beast."

"The spiritual core has been modified by the resonator. It can consume spiritual energy to create three types of siege firepower. You can try it."

After speaking, Ren Luofei pressed the button on the console.

"Then give it a try." After Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, he stood the giant tower on the ground.

Three stone pillars of forbidden spirit iron rise from the ground, and the interior of the forbidden spirit iron is mixed with steel.

For those with superpowers, the Forbidden Spirit Iron is the most troublesome thing. This thing is immune to energy attacks.

But for kinetic attacks, Forbidden Iron is more brittle than ordinary steel.

"But how does this thing work?"

After all, the resonating spiritual core is not his own spiritual skill, so he really doesn't know how to release it.

(The siege module is being prepared... When it is ready, you can choose from three types of firepower.)

(1. ‘Swarm’ cluster missile, 2. Destroyer cannon, 3. Death spike)

"Then try one by one."


After Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, several grooves popped up on the back of the God Killer, and two hundred missiles instantly condensed into the empty missile launch slot.

Each missile is about the size of a pencil.

(The target has been locked for you to attack the Forbidden Spirit Iron Pillar.)

The swarm missiles were launched, and the already small missiles split in the air, split into two, and then into four. Then the field of vision was filled with smoke and dust from these missiles.

It was really like a swarm of bees flying all over the sky, dividing into three waves and attacking different stone pillars.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

A series of explosions sounded, and the power of each missile explosion was very small, probably a full-strength silver-level blow.

But it can’t handle large quantities. If there are too many mosquitoes, they can kill an elephant.

A layer of iron sheet was blown off three pillars, and the ground was also riddled with holes.

Before the explosion is over, the next round of 'swarm' is ready and can be launched at any time.

(The attack is ready, have you locked the target?)

"How many rounds can this swarm fight?"

(As long as you have enough aura, you can theoretically launch unlimited shots.)

"Fuck... so cruel?"

It's really 'siege' firepower. If you encounter a small country with relatively weak strength, just one of your own armors can bombard the country 24 hours a day.

The researchers watched the swarms of bees hitting the pillars one after another, and asked in shock:

"Is his aura infinite? How can he keep making missiles!"

"I've gotten to know this Commander Ye, and I heard that he pulled out a spiritual vein and stuffed it into his Dantian to specifically produce spiritual energy for him."

"Ruthless man! This is too cruel! Isn't he afraid of exploding and dying?"

"Before you explode your body, you have to think about how to extract your spiritual pulse. Which country can agree to this?"

"He is a ruthless person. No wonder he is favored by the director at such a young age. The director usually doesn't even look at me."

Ye Xiaoshu in the armor ignored these people's discussion and focused on the second siege firepower.

"Try the second one." Ye Xiaoshu said.

(Module loadout... Destroyer Cannon.)

On the shoulder of the God Killer's armor, a black square cannon was assembled, with destructive energy stored inside.

10% of the spiritual energy in Ye Xiaoshu's body was instantly drained, and all the drained power was concentrated on the giant cannon.

Then a cannon was fired, and the bright red beam penetrated the pillar, causing a violent explosion.


The entire forbidden spirit iron pillar was blown to pieces. Although it was a beam attack, it was mixed with kinetic energy strikes.

This kind of lethality has far exceeded the power of terminal killing!

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