The dull light of the display is projected and floated straight into the warm line of sight.

Lin Zi is now concentrating on reading warm scriptures that he can't understand. I don't know why, looking at them, he can't help but get nervous at the bottom of his heart.

The hand hanging on the side of the body began to grip hard.

"Zi Teng! Look here!"

Suddenly, Zhao Xin's eager voice sounded in the base. Looking at the past with warmth and homeopathy, I saw that Zi Teng had gathered in front of Zhao Xin's computer and narrowed his eyes.

"Although the temperature in Xiaoxue's room began to drop, the temperature in the living room fell faster and began to drop below zero!"

Below zero?

You know, it's summer!

Bite your lower lip and look at the monitor again. The doll was still sitting in the opposite side of the forest, but the forest didn't know. At the moment, behind him, there was a black fog.

This... What is this?

Just when I couldn't say a word warm and nervous, suddenly there was another heart rending cry in the villa:

"Ah --"

It came from the corridor on the first floor!

It's Ruan Qing!

Without saying a word, warm ran out of the base without hesitation, but saw Ruan Qingzheng sitting down in the corridor alone, with a painful expression.

"Sister Ruan, what's the matter with you?"

Didn't she go out with Xiaoxue? Why are you here again?

"What's going on?"

There was a man's voice behind him. Warm immediately turned his head and looked. The forest that had been exorcising ghosts in Xiaoxue's room also heard Ruan Qing's scream and shouted out.

"I don't know! I came back to get something. Just now I was in the corridor, my ankle was suddenly pulled!"

Ruan Qing whispered back.

The forest looked dignified and gloomy. He stepped forward and squatted down to see Ruan Qing's exposed ankle.


Lin Zi came to a conclusion, but he suddenly opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

Because just at that moment, she clearly saw that Ruan Qing's ankle and a child's small hand were tightly clenched on it.

"Lin Zi, take Ruan Qing to deal with it first!"

Behind them, Zi Teng and Zhao Xin did not know when they had walked out of the base and stood in the empty corridor.

"This... Don't you have to go to the hospital?"

Warm eyebrows frowned slightly and asked Ziteng.

"No, Lin Zi's technique is better than that of the hospital!"

Ziteng explained briefly, then crossed the warmth and walked straight to Xiaoxue's room.


How can you even talk about other people's things? Yes!

Warm and indignant, he turned a white eye at Zi Teng's tall back, and then helped the forest and helped Ruan Qing up together.

"Mom! What's the matter with you?"

"Xiaoxue? Mom just fell down accidentally. Are you tired of waiting in the car!

Sorry, I can't take you to the aquarium today! "

Seeing the light snow suddenly appearing at the door, Ruan Qing couldn't help showing a touch of apology on her face.

But what makes warm strange is that Xiaoxue didn't say a word when she heard the news that Ruan Qing was injured.

Even, there was no surprise on his face.

It's like

Everything was within her expectation yes!

"Xiaoxue, go to your mother's room and play by yourself. When your mother is ready, go back to you!"

Seeing that Xiaoxue stood in place, biting her lips silently, Ruan Qing quickly ordered a sentence, even if she followed the warmth and the woods, went to the next living room.

The medicine boxes are in the living room, and I have to say that the technique of Linzi is really good! Three times five divided by two, he restored Ruan Qing's dislocated ankle and carefully wrapped it up.

"Lin Zi, how dare you know medicine?"

Warm and knowingly asked, he showed his admiration to the forest.

"That is!

Brother, who am I? There are only things you can't think of in this world. I won't do without my brother! "

As soon as he saw that he was admired, the forest pulled up impolitely.


"Of course!"

"So... Will you have children?"

Warm and careful, there was no teasing on his face. It was completely a worship of the forest.

"Puff -"

Before Lin Zi could reply, Ruan Qing on the side couldn't help but be happy:

"I'm fine! Thank you! I have to go and see Xiaoxue!

Originally, I promised to take her to the aquarium today, but as a result... Hey! "

"Sister Ruan, can you do it yourself?"

Ruan Qing looked sorry and couldn't bear to see the warmth.

"I'm fine! You go and be busy!"

I always feel that since these people came to her family, it seems more and more not peaceful!

Looking at Ruan Qing limping out of the living room, the forest's completely black face eased slightly. In the handsome black eyes, a touch of cunning flashed immediately:

"Little girl, as for the question you asked, I think you should ask Zi Teng first and see what his answer is!"

Ask the millennium old demon?

What does it have to do with him? Will he have children?

As soon as the idea came out, the warmth suddenly flashed into his eyes. No, that millennium old demon really can have children!

Is it a transgender?

No wonder the character is so strange!

"Go! Little girl!"

Looking at the warm face of "so it is", Lin Zi couldn't help feeling funny. Then he raised his hand and rubbed the warm hair, got up and walked outside the living room.

Warm looking at the back of Linzi in strange clothes, recalling what he just said, he was more and more sure of his guess.

Therefore, the first thing to go back to the base is to run to Ziteng:

"Director, I have a question for you!"

The warm and serious face made Zi Teng feel a little confused.

What strange things are going on in this woman's mind?

"I don't have much time!"

Implication, let the warmth have something to say!

Warm and cautious, he looked at the rest of the base and frowned slightly.

Zi Teng is about transgender people. Here, is it really good?

"Cough! Well, director, shall we go out and talk?"

Although he usually makes trouble for himself, he is also very venomous. But this is his privacy after all. I'd better ask his opinion!

Go out and talk?

Zi Teng didn't understand the meaning of warmth more and more, but in his opinion, there would be no nutritional problem in a simple brain like warmth.

"Forget it!"

Coldly replied, Zi Teng immediately turned back and continued his work.


You forced me!

"All right!"

He swallowed his saliva warmly and energetically, summoned up his courage, stood upright in front of Ziteng, and asked Ziteng word by word with extremely serious and pious eyes:

"Director, will you have children?"

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