Spiritualist sweet wife

Spiritualist sweet wife

599 Chapters Completed Status

The moon is dark and the wind is high. When a beauty hits a ghost. With a warm and frightened face, he looked at a belly black man undressed: "what are you doing, sir?" the evil spirit of a belly black mans lips raised: "guess?!" can I refuse? "A bel


The moon is dark and the wind is high. When a beauty hits a ghost. With a warm and frightened face, he looked at a belly black man undressed: "what are you doing, sir?" the evil spirit of a belly black man's lips raised: "guess?!" can I refuse? "A belly black man slightly picked his sword eyebrow:" you still owe me 4 million! "He is the director of a strange spirit office that can solve all strange and strange events. She is the most unlucky little girl in history who will be haunted by male ghosts in a dream. I wanted to ask for help, but when I grew up, everyone was bad, his mouth was not sweet, he was too handsome and had money! what? A water tank is worth four million? Why don't you grab it!!!


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