"Hello! Zi Teng, no problem?"


Warm and dizzy, in my ears, suddenly there was another person's voice.

Suddenly opened his eyes, but found himself lying on the ground, surrounded by gray, cold touch and pain under his body, and then hit.

And Zi Teng, squatting beside her, looked dignified.

what the fuck? What just happened is true? The millennium old demon really smiled gently at her?

incorrect! incorrect!

He blinked his eyes hard. Only when he was warm did he find that Ziteng in front of him looked completely different from Ziteng in his dream. That face, like an iceberg for thousands of years, is still cold.

Sure enough, there is a gap between reality and dream!

But why, for a moment, she seemed to see worry in Ziteng's eyes?

It's an illusion!

"Well, no problem. I'll take her up now!"

Ziteng's faint voice sounded in his ears.

Pull it up?

oh by the way! She just fell into a dry well! Above the well, Zhao Xin and Lin Zi looked anxiously at the bottom.

"All right! I'll take you up!"

See the warm face wandering, some trance. Zi Teng immediately whispered.

"Well, it's all right! You're back!"

Warm and knowingly ask.

"That's why I'm here!"

"...." he sipped his lips warmly and ruthlessly. Sure enough, this is the master!

Seeing this, Zi Teng flashed a smile under his deep black eyes. However, he had a good sense of propriety and disappeared for only a moment.

Therefore, the warmth did not see the expression of a once-in-a-million-year iceberg at that moment.


At the moment when he was stunned, his body was suddenly held in his arms by an unusually warm embrace.

Her 1.68-meter height is not short among girls, but she still looks small in Ziteng's arms.

Ziteng's chest is very strong and hard. It should be because he has fitness on weekdays!

"That... That..."

Warm, a little embarrassed. I want to say I can go up. But Ziteng's cold eyes swept over, and the warmth immediately put it to his mouth and swallowed it back to his stomach.

In this way, the warm quilt Teng hugged, followed the rope and returned to the ground bit by bit.

"Little girl, why are you running into the well? It's okay. We're worried to death!"

As soon as the woods saw the warmth, they covered their faces without asking the reason.

She ran into the well herself?

There is no mistake! What does Linzi think?

But he just said worry? Are they all worried about themselves?

When I think of this, I sweep my eyes from several faces one by one

Originally, some people care, some people worry, that's the feeling!


Ziteng let go of his warmth, slowly stood up and took out some paper like things from his arms:

"Put these spells in the villa!"

"Zi Teng, do you want to make a boundary?"

Seeing this, Linzi couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" Zi Teng lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the dry well in front of him: "tonight, there will be an end!"

to end? So it's all over?

"What are you going to do?"

"Get Yatong back and give it to that woman!"

Zi Teng uttered a word, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"But Yatong disappeared as early as a hundred years ago! It must be dead now!"

"Yes!" Zi Teng replied expressionless, "but if you don't bring Yatong back, that woman won't stop!"

Bring it back! Bring it back!

Suddenly, a bad idea came into my mind, and I was surprised:

"Are you going to take Xiaoxue..."

There was no sound in the room. Hearing the warm words, Lin Zi and Zhao Xin couldn't help showing a trace of surprise on their faces.

In the face of warm questions, Zi Teng still chose Indifference:

"The problem is that if you don't lead her out, everything will be meaningless!"

As Zi Teng said, he immediately gathered his eyes and stopped looking at the warm eyes full of resentment

"But that woman is not easy! She pulled me down in the well before.

Should we consider the safety of light snow? "

Holding his hands hanging on his side, he questioned Ziteng loudly. Although Zi Teng's attitude has been very clear, she has always been unwilling to believe that Zi Teng will do so.

Mingming, I just told her, no problem, I will save Xiaoxue!

But now

Sure enough, a dream is a dream. Can it never extend to reality?

"How... Can it be like this!" he bowed his head warmly, repressed almost all his emotions, and broke out for fear that one could not be controlled:

"Don't we care about Xiaoxue's life and death?"

After a word, the room is still quiet, quiet enough to hear the stimulating sound of breathing.

Warm and incredible looked at Zi Teng, Lin Zi and Zhao Xin, but they all had a dignified and helpless expression on their faces.

Does everyone... Agree with Ziteng's practice?

He bit his lips warmly, but he couldn't say a word. Here, she is the only one without any ability. She can't exorcise ghosts, let alone protect Xiaoxue.

Suddenly, Ziteng's face, like an iceberg for thousands of years, suddenly a strange, deep black eyes swept over several faces in turn:

"There are four of us here, but she plays around. If we don't solve this matter, we can close the business in the future!"

"Zi Teng!"

With Zi Teng's voice falling, the warmth could not be restrained and almost screamed hysterically:

"If you act recklessly, not only Xiaoxue's life will be in danger, but even we may be destroyed!

As a director, do you just let us take risks with you?

You are selfish, arrogant, cold-blooded and ruthless. You don't listen to other people's opinions and go your own way!

In your heart, you only care about your reputation. Isn't human life worth mentioning in your eyes? "

The warmth was almost a breath, shouting the words. She can accept Zi Teng's indifference and disregard for her, and can accept Zi Teng's poisonous tongue, but she can't accept his ruthlessness.

"Warm! Come on! Son Teng him..."

Seeing this, Zhao Xin tried to dissuade him, but was mercilessly interrupted by warmth:

"Come on?


Are you going to help him? Oh! By the way! I forgot, you're all together! "

He gave a warm sneer, and his face was full of ridicule and contempt.

"Believe it or not!

Warm, if you want to go back, no one will stop you! "

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