Li Xin stood stunned. He didn't seem to be too surprised by Zi Teng's sudden words. Instead, he took a trace of clarity on his face.

He looked at Li Xin and the direction of Zi Teng's disappearance. Suddenly, a bad hunch came out of his heart.

"Hello! Little girl!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in my ear, and the warmth immediately eased my mind.

"Mary, you call me?"

"It's not you, is it a ghost?"

Mary obviously has no patience here, but in her warm impression, this woman has always been that kind of dismissive attitude. It seems that I don't care about anyone or anything.

To some extent, it is very similar to Zi Teng.

Perhaps, because of this, no matter how mean, cold and warm Mary is to her, she can't afford to be angry.

"What's up?" asked warm and good tempered.

"How's it going?"

Mary raised her eyebrows and asked for warmth.


"Didn't you say you wanted to be a psychic? Didn't you say you wanted to help the thing in the Li family's old house? How's it going?"


He is also a master who cherishes words like gold!

Warmth can't help but feel sick. Comparatively speaking, she prefers the chatter of the forest.


He hung his head slightly. Although he had thought about it for a long time, it could not be as simple as Mary said, he could not help feeling some loss and frustration after he really experienced it.

"Oh! Expected!"

"..." warm really didn't know what to say. She couldn't help wondering whether this Mary was sent by Zi Teng to ridicule her.

"However, you don't have to worry. Now that you have decided to become a psychic, you can follow me!"

Mary's conversation changed a little quickly. One second, she was still laughing at the warmth, and the next second, she was solemnly comforted. Even said to let yourself hang out with her?


She means, isn't she, ready to take herself as an apprentice?

The warmth widened a pair of eyes, raised her eyes and looked at Mary with no expression on her face, trying to find a clue.

Mary couldn't help frowning when she saw the warm and confused look:

"I said you are really... Dull enough! I don't know why God is so unkind and gives such a powerful spiritual power to people like you!"

Paralysis! Someone like her?

Warm some wronged pie mouth, okay! She admitted that she was quite dull at some times.

"So... What should I do?"

I don't know when Mary has lit a cigarette and swallowed the clouds and puffed up wantonly. After hearing the warm words, she just replied faintly:

"This kind of thing is not urgent. But fortunately, you have this opportunity to start by training your own magnetic field!"

"Training magnetic field?"

"Yes! In fact, everyone has a strong magnetic field, which is fatal to ghosts. The magnetic field of psychic media is much stronger than that of normal people.

Don't you already have some weird dreams? You can try to control yourself in your dreams! "

Mary said that the clouds were light and the wind was light, but she was warm, but she was stunned. I always felt that these things came out of her mouth and it was no different from taking off my pants in the toilet.


Warm face a little embarrassed, gently coughed:

"Well... I've tried before, but in my dream, I can't control myself. Sometimes, it's like entering someone else's body."

Think of the previous experience, warmth is really no good impression.

"No special circumstances?"

Ma lixiu's eyebrows were slightly picked, and she seemed to be surprised at the warm encounter.

Special circumstances

"Ah! Only once, Xiao Yuan... The person who went to you to help summon the soul at that time. When he appeared in my dream, I could communicate freely with him and express myself freely!"

Think of Xiao Yuan, warm heart can not restrain a burst of sour.

Counting up, it has been several months since that incident. Xiao Yuan, who is so sunny and cheerful, will inevitably end up dead. I just don't know how he is now.

It is said that after a person dies, he will enter the underworld. After the trial of the king of hell, he will decide whether he will stay in the underworld to suffer, enter the heaven, or reincarnate.

Xiao Yuan is such a good man. I'm afraid he has already entered the heaven!

"Only once?"

Mary seemed to be unable to believe it. She whispered to herself and then continued:

"It seems that you are busy!

You know that person, or you are close to him, so you can communicate with him. But if you become a psychic, you have to communicate with any ghost! "

As she said this, Mary immediately looked at the warmth. After seeing her somewhat confused look, she finally sighed helplessly:

"Well, it's no use telling you so much now. Just remember a little now!

It's a monster, not a ghost! Compared with human beings, what monsters are more likely to believe is psychic media or people with psychic physique.

Of course, some monsters are evil and evil, and want to achieve some purpose through psychic media.

Anyway, just ask for your own blessing! "

Like a firecracker, after saying a pile of warm and incomprehensible words, Mary turned around and walked towards the base, throwing herself into the snow.

While walking, he was still talking about something warm and incomprehensible.

Overhead, the moon has unknowingly risen into the sky. Clouds are rarely seen in the north in winter, so at the moment, the night dome above the warm head is also very dark and bright.

On the ancient trees beside him, the crow still quietly fell on the broken branches, holding a pair of black strange eyes and looking at the warmth.

Suddenly, one was caught off guard and suddenly opened his throat and shouted wearily:

"Ga Ga"

Warm was startled, instinctively shrunk, turned and looked at the crow.

Although for birds, she is not so clear. But I don't know why, the one in front of me seems to be the one that appeared when I first came to the Li family's old house.

This feeling is particularly strong.

"Today, please!"

I don't know when, Li Xin, standing at the door of Li's old house, also came over and said with a warm smile.

However, the smile looked warm, but it was reluctantly.

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