When he left Li's ancestral home and returned to the base, Li Xin was on the side. He didn't know what he was busy with. Mary sat on an old wooden chair at the door, with a red fox skin coat lazily wrapped around her, just like the look on her face.

"Mary, are you better?"

Seeing the warmth, he hurried to the front and asked with concern. But Mary's eyes were faint, as if with a little hostility. He swept his warm face and fell on the forest standing behind him.

"Isn't that obvious?"

I can hear it. The tone is very bad!

Warm a stunned, she seems to have never provoked this woman!

"Hey! I say you're a woman! Why don't you have any manners? Don't you appreciate people's concern for you?"

The woods can't sit still until warm talks. The strength of a roar is a little similar to warm at ordinary times.

Ma lixiu raised her eyebrows, and her disdain did not hide:

"Do I care with others?

And Lin Zhenting, I'm talking to this little girl film. What's your strength? What's the pain? "

"Are you sick?"

Lin Zi, who has always had a good temper, blew her hair when she heard Mary's provocative words.

"Sleeping trough! Mary, you have rabies. Bite anyone you see!"

"Yes, I have rabies, but I never bite people, because I bite people!"

"Who do you say is not human?"

"Whoever asks is who!"


Two people, you say a word and I say a word, so inexplicably quarreled. They stood warm in the middle and looked at each other.

What's going on?

However, looking at Mary's mental state, it's probably no big deal.

Standing in the warm and stunned place, I was at a loss to watch the two people quarrel. Suddenly, there was a tall and straight body behind me. As soon as I raised my hand, I carried her aside as easily as carrying one.

Then, a low, cold voice sounded in my ears:


Zi Teng protected the warmth behind him and stood between the woods and Ma Li. He looked extremely fierce and cold. Even his voice could make people feel the cold that could not be concealed.

"When you solve the things in this house, I'll provide you with space and make enough noise!"

After a word, although Lin Zi and Mary still had anger on their faces, it was obvious that Zi Teng's sentence made them dare not speak again. Don't turn your face.

Emma, it's still the director. The ox fork is shining!

When she saw this picture, she immediately threw herself into the ground in her heart. She forgot how the glittering director of niucha teased her just now in the Li family's old house.

One second, two seconds, three seconds!

The air was repressed and silent for three seconds, but the forest opened carelessly:

"Zi Teng, do you have any eyebrows?"


Zi Teng nodded gently, then went to one side and sat down slowly. Even sitting in a chair, his slender figure seemed so heroic and threatening:

"It can be preliminarily concluded that the ghosts in the Li family's old house are not ordinary ghosts, or not ghosts!"

"Not a ghost? What's that?"

Warmth can't help blurting out in doubt.

Ziteng's eyes faintly swept across his warm face:

"The skeletons we saw at the back of the hall today can first be determined to be human. It seems that they can't be accumulated in ten or eight years.

Moreover, there are more or less tooth marks and bite marks on those bones. If they are ordinary ghosts, they can't do this. "

what the fuck!

Du Ziteng is not human! In that case, he even looked carefully at the traces on those bones. But then again, I remember that he seemed to be standing behind him and didn't come to him.

This vision is invincible!

"Could it be a hungry ghost?"

Lin Zi's sword eyebrow picked slightly and interrupted Zi Teng's words.

"Hungry ghost? What's that?"

Well, warm admit that she is a little, there are many problems!

"Yo! The little girl asked again. Come on, brother Lin will popularize it to you!"

It seems that every warm question is kindly told and answered by Lin Zi. Of course, warm didn't notice that when Lin Zi said this sentence, Mary's eyes next to her became angry.

"People have life and death reincarnation, and hell has six rotations. After death reincarnation, there will be six places: Hell, hungry ghosts, animals, heaven, people and Shura. That is what we often call the six reincarnations.

Generally, people who do too much evil when they are alive say that they are greedy. After death, reincarnation is easy to become hungry ghosts.

Hungry ghosts have no clear sense of their own reason, forget the past, and even forget that they used to be individuals. They have only one instinct, that is, hunger!

Based on this instinct, hungry ghosts can only eat! Crazy eat! Eat everything! But the most is people! "


Listening to Lin Zi's explanation, I couldn't help feeling a little scary: "a person can't do anything else, just eat, isn't it no different from a pig?"

"Ha ha!"

Warmth is such a nondescript understanding that it makes the woods laugh:

"Pigs are better than hungry ghosts!

But... "

With that, the forest suddenly frowned.

"But what?"

Warm, hot pursuit.

"Generally, hungry ghosts will stay in the evil ghost hell, and there should be no chance to come up. Moreover, even if there are really hungry ghosts in this old house, it is impossible to stay here honestly!

Besides, I had seen it when I went in. There was no spell to suppress the seal in this house.

Therefore, my previous speculation should be wrong! "

Wrong. The bones in the Li family's ancestral home were not caused by ghosts.

Not a ghost

"Is it a monster?"

Following Lin Zi's thinking, warm naturally thought of the word "monster".

"It can be preliminarily concluded that it should be the evil work of monsters!"

Lin Zi nodded heavily and looked at Zi Teng, who was sitting silent, as if asking for advice:

"Zi Teng, what do you think?"


Zi Teng opened his lips lightly: "however, we need to investigate further. Even if it is a monster, we should find out what kind of monster it is. And it's a little strange.

The monster ate so many people, but didn't leave this deserted and uninhabited village. If he didn't leave this old house, I'm afraid he didn't eat people just for the sake of eating people! "

The tone of Zi Teng's voice was faint. He was still so lukewarm and slow. He looked at him warmly and quietly. Suddenly, when Lin Zi and Mary quarreled just now, he protected himself in the middle behind him

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