"Little girl!"

Seeing this, Lin Zi hurriedly wanted to stop the warmth, but when he looked back at Zi Teng, he still stood motionless by the window.

"Zi Teng, it's not safe for the little girl to go back alone so late. I'll go..."

Linzi wanted to say, go and get the warmth back. But I saw a meaningful smile on Zi Teng's angular and handsome face.

"Who said to let her go back so late?"


At a moment when Lin Zi was confused, Zi Teng had put down his exquisite glass and chased out in the direction of warm departure.

Which one are these two singing!

Warm and angry, he walked out of the unit building where Ziteng and Linzi were located. Somehow, a layer of dense water vapor gushed out of his eyes.

She had long known that Guiling office was a place without feelings. With Ziteng's cold director, how could there be any human feelings. However, Mingming is at Xiaoxue's house and Mingming is at the police station. She feels a trace of warmth from Ziteng.

"Dead millennium old demon! Smelly millennium old demon!"

Thinking of this, warm involuntarily stopped his steps and cursed loudly. She just wanted to see Xiao Yuan's ghost, but wanted to say something to her face that he didn't have time to say when he was alive. Why didn't Zi Teng help her with such a simple thing?

Tears finally flowed down. The sadness of seeing Xiao Yuan's body in the afternoon and the grievance of being rejected by the woods all poured out.

Zi Teng's slender and tall figure stood quietly not far behind the warm, disappearing in the black night. The warm curse made his handsome face half black. But when I saw the figure crouching on the ground and shivering with thin shoulders, there was a sudden burst of strange acidity at the bottom of my heart, and the sword eyebrows twisted unconsciously.

I don't know how long I cried. When the warmth finally calmed down, I slowly stood up.

Perhaps, she is really difficult!

It doesn't make sense. If an exorcist can catch ghosts, he must be able to summon souls. And Lin Zi couldn't help but refuse. Moreover, Zi Teng didn't say a word from beginning to end. It seems unfair for her to blame Zi Teng.


Warm involuntarily sighed heavily. Xiao Yuan's death seems very calm. In fact, only she knows the shaking and sadness in her heart.

"Enough crying?"

Suddenly, a cold and low voice came from behind. Although it was not big, it was like a ghost from hell. It was so caught off guard that it floated into the warm ears.


Almost a conditioned reflex, a general exclamation, warm and frightened turned his head, but saw that Ziteng didn't know when he had stood beside him.

It's him!

Warm and relieved exhale:

"Why are you here?" when did you stand behind others? I didn't even say it!

Zi Teng glanced at the warm face with tears: "are you sure you want to leave?"


Just now I was just trying to make trouble with the woods, so I didn't think so much. Now as soon as Zi Teng said that, the words before Lin Zi suddenly came out again. The moon is dark and the wind is high. I don't know if it's a warm psychological problem. I always feel that there are bursts of cold wind blowing around, running into my back bit by bit along my clothes.

Looking at Xiang Ziteng again, although he still looked at himself expressionless, there was a little meaningful smile in his dark and deep eyes.

"Er... That..."

"Do you really want to see Xiao Yuan?"

Suddenly, Zi Teng's conversation turned, which made him stunned.



Facing Zi Teng's question, warmth could not help drooping his eyelids slightly:

"I never gave him a good face before I was alive. In fact, I know in my heart that he is very kind to me! It's just that I'm... Not suitable for him! But it's not his fault.

So I want to apologize to him face to face.

And -- "

Then he raised his head warmly, held a pair of incomparably clear big eyes, and looked at Ziteng firmly:

"I absolutely don't believe it! He will kill himself!"

A pair of warm dark eyes are as bright as stars. The light is directly reflected into Ziteng's heart. In his heart, it seems that something has melted.


After a long time, Zi Teng finally opened his lips lightly, but only returned to the word of warmth.


Does that mean he's willing to help himself?

"Don't you know how to summon souls?"

Zi Teng didn't answer immediately. His thin and sexy lips gently pulled out a meaningful arc.

"You forgot who I am?"


I took a hot bath and lay on a big European bed in the forest. I felt warm and comfortable. I thought it would be difficult to fall asleep after so many things happened today.

However, unexpectedly, warm soon felt that his eyes were unusually heavy and soon fell asleep.

Where is this?

Warm stared a pair of eyes and looked around in disbelief. Isn't she sleeping? Why did you come to a strange place in a twinkling of an eye?

Did you dream again?

Recalling the previous experience at Xiaoxue's house, the warmth can't help sinking. No, again?

Habitually looked behind him, but Zi Teng didn't appear in his dream as before. I don't know why a trace of loss appeared in the warm heart.

Look at the room where you are. There is a smell of books everywhere. The tall wooden bookshelves occupied the whole wall. Leather sofa and glass coffee table are placed in front of the bookshelf.

"Squeak --"

With a crisp sound of opening the door, a woman in a red tight skirt came in slowly. The beautiful face of the woman was beautifully dressed. Under the thick mascara, a pair of big black eyes were uncanny, and the long hair of the waist poured down like a waterfall and scattered on the beautiful back of the line.

The warmth widened a pair of eyes and looked at the woman in front of her.

Bai Jie!

Isn't she dead? How did you show up here? Is this what happened before she died?

Bai Jie gave her a dream?

Bai Jie neither too fast nor too slow, but he sat on the leather sofa leisurely, picked up a mirror and a lipstick from the tea table, and painted it on his thin lips.

The red lipstick is more and more enchanting under the white face.

"Bai Jie! I am warm! Can you hear me?"

Warm and stunned at Bai Jie's strange behavior, she couldn't help shouting at he

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