The room was quiet, quiet and almost suffocating.

Mary's voice was faint, but every word seemed to be a heavy hammer, knocking heavily on the warm heart.

She once thought about the possibility of countless seed Teng's identity, big and small rich families, rich second generation, high-ranking children, domineering president, etc., but she didn't think that as soon as Zi Teng was born, he had been deeply suppressed by the heavy shackles of the family.

But fortunately, Ma Li said, Zi Teng knew his fate since childhood, so he never gave in for a moment.

"That thing... Ha ha!"

Mary smiled with an unidentified meaning, and her warm heart was as cold as the cold wind changing in winter and spring.

"I'll tell you the details myself!

However, after that, Zi Teng left his family and came to this strange city. I don't know why he chose here.

In short, he chose here and opened a strange spirit office.

Later, by chance, Lin Zi and I handled a difficult matter together with Zi Teng, who couldn't catch ghosts at all. Zi Teng's ability and calm mind made Lin Zi and I deeply admire him.

Since then, the two of us followed him and began to accept all kinds of entrustment and deal with all kinds of things in Guiling office.

But later, because of something else, I left the office and went out to do it alone. Later, you appeared! "

Mary gave a simple account of Ziteng's affairs, which can be said to be very general, so that after listening to it for a long time, she was still in the dark, unclear and messy.

Mary paused slightly, her eyes suddenly turned to the warm eyes full of doubt, and once again showed the unknown smile:

"When Zi Teng came here, he once took a ring with him.

That ring, to tell the truth, I always thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to exist in reality.

Because of the mission of the family, Zi Teng was born with a special constitution that is easy to lead to the invasion of ghosts. Moreover, compared with ordinary people, his body is like a delicious cake, which makes those things from another world covet.

But because of the existence of the ring, Ziteng's body was protected from invasion.

Unfortunately, he gave the ring to someone else, so when I knew the news, I guessed that something like today would happen. But I didn't expect it to happen so soon! "

Mary finished her words, took two more puffs of cigarettes, and some impatiently put out the unfinished cigarette butts. With a little anger, she looked at the warmth without hesitation:

"So you said, is it related to you that Ziteng has become like this?"

Warmth could not say a word at this time. A pair of eyes stared at the boss and motionless looked at the black ring on his index finger. The ring is still set on her hand quietly at the moment, flashing a dull, mysterious and strange light. It clearly has no weight, but it seems that there are thousands of kilograms in the end. It hurts her fingers.

Mary said that Ziteng's body is naturally vulnerable to dark things!

Mary said that Ziteng became what he is now because he gave himself the ring!

Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is in front of me. I have to face it. She is the truth that causes all this!


Why did Zi Teng give himself this ring when he knew it would be like this?

Warm biting his lips, but he can't argue, but he doesn't want to argue. She wants to know the truth of the matter, but she doesn't know it. The truth is so hard to accept, so hard to breathe.

She calmed down slightly, then raised her eyes and looked at Mary:

"Why did he give me such an important thing?"

Clearly, it is more important than his own life!

Mary's lips were slightly ironic:

"Ask him to go! Ask me what to do?"

The more Ma Li's attitude is like this, the more clear it is in her warm heart. She must know the reason!

However, after so long contact, she also learned something about Mary's character. Mary doesn't want to say anything, no matter how she asks, she won't ask half a word.

Just leave these questions until Zi Teng is well.

Because now, there are more important things to do!

"What's on Ziteng's body? Why can't I feel it as a psychic medium?"

As long as you know what that thing is and feel warm, you can think of ways to help Ziteng. Or

"If I return the ring to Zi Teng now, will he return to his original state?"

"Little sister, do you always think things so simple?

If it's really as easy as you said, do you think you'll still take this ring well until now? "

Warmth was speechless by Mary's sharp words.

Yeah! If you return the ring to Ziteng, he will be safe and sound. Lin Zi and Mary won't stop doing it all the time!


"As for what he has now

To tell you the truth, I don't know what it is! But I feel it is a very powerful and difficult role!

Only once, Ziteng was tossed into this half dead look. If there is a next time, we can't guarantee whether Ziteng still has life to see the sun tomorrow.

So the forest has used the array to suppress the things in Ziteng's body. For the time being, we can only wait quietly, and then think of other ways! "

At this point, I finally understand the thorny degree of this matter.

That thing, the dark and terrible thing in Ziteng's body, is mercilessly gnawing at Ziteng's life, and all this is because of her!

For a moment, the warm heart can't restrain a burst of sharp pain, overwhelming, uncontrollable!

She won't let Ziteng do anything! Definitely not! No matter what price you pay!

At this time, an unusual violent sound suddenly sounded in the originally quiet room. The direction of the sound came from the room where Zi Teng was located!

What's going on?

Isn't the sound insulation effect of this room amazing? How can there be a sound?

Suddenly, the warm heart suddenly mentioned his voice. Without thinking about anything else, he jumped up and ran to the room where Ziteng was. Mary and Zhou Hang's faces became dignified at this time, and they rushed together behind the warm.

The moment I opened the door, warmth was stunned by everything in front of me

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