No. 1 middle school.

It's strange to say in recent days. Since Guiling office intervened to investigate the strange things that happened in the school, those things seemed to disappear overnight!

Everyone soon jumped out of the shadow of Li Zihan's suicide and those strange events on campus and returned to their previous life.

In the girls' toilet, two girls just finished urinating, stood by the washing table and whispered while washing their hands:

"Hey? Do you think it's strange? Since those strange people came last time, nothing strange has happened in the school!

You see, even the broken lights in this toilet are ready! "

"Of course I did!"

Another girl quickly echoed at the sound:

"Hey? Did you say it would really be like what they said?"


"That is to say, these strange things in the school are all made by the ghost of Li Zihan! Those people are ghost hunters. After catching Li Zihan's ghost, naturally nothing will happen again!"

"Cut! How could it be! That Li Zihan, who was so annoying in his life, obviously looks like us, but he is a death star full of danger!

That kind of person, if there is anything, will not let others bully her and bear it silently when she is alive!

And -- "

The girl suddenly paused and deliberately lengthened the ending:

"I tell you, if it's really her ghost that makes so many things, I'm really not afraid! What can that kind of person do except commit suicide?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Another girl couldn't help showing a little fear when she heard about it.

"I'll talk nonsense! What's the matter?

Did Li Zihan commit suicide in the innermost room? "

With that, the girl suddenly moved her steps and walked towards the innermost end of the toilet.

Another girl saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it, but she couldn't stop it at all:

"Hey! What are you doing? Come back quickly! Don't go!"

"Don't pull me!"

The girl replied. She just walked to the door at the innermost end and shouted angrily:

"Hey! Li Zihan! Let me tell you! Don't always pretend to be a ghost! If you have the ability, come out to me!

I'm so big that I haven't seen a ghost! "

"All right! All right! Let's go! Class is coming soon!"

Another girl saw this and pulled her out of the toilet!

However, the moment they left, no one found that the lamp that had been repaired suddenly flashed several times, bright and dark, like the eyes in the dark night, locking something.

At the same time, the locked and tightly closed door at the innermost end was opened without warning, making a strange friction:

"Squeak -- squeak --"

Class 3 of senior high school, at this time, is the math class of head teacher Lin Man.

I don't know whether it was because the math class was boring or the rest was too late at night. In short, Li Yuqing closed her eyes unconsciously!

Is this a dream?

What, she's back in this bathroom?

I just left here. Shouldn't I be in class now?

"Squeak -- squeak --"

In the originally quiet girls' toilet, a strange sound suddenly sounded. Li Yuqing couldn't help but excite her spirit and shrink her body, but she still had the courage to look at the place where the sound came.

The sound seems to come from the innermost part!

Li Yuqing didn't feel that she swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. Her throat moved up and down. She immediately took steps and walked slowly towards the inside, step by step.

When she came to the compartment door at the innermost end, the originally closed door suddenly opened vigorously, and then made a loud "touch"!

"Ah --"

Li Yuqing subconsciously raised her hand to cover her ears, closed her eyes and screamed!

However, there was no other movement except the violent collision sound when the door cup of the compartment was opened just now!

It's her. Make a fuss!

Thinking of this, Li Yuqing couldn't help but exhale heavily. The whole person also relaxed, slowly opened his eyes and looked at him.

It doesn't matter. Li Yuqing suddenly widened her eyes. She just felt that her scalp was numb. Her hair seemed to stand upside down at this moment, and there was a cold wind on her back.

At the moment, it was clearly scarlet, on the wall, on the ground, and even on the door. Blood was everywhere, bright red, like white foam.

In this pile of blood, there was a girl sitting quietly.

The girl, wearing a school uniform and long hair spread over her shoulders, blocked her face. On her curled legs, she was holding an arm and wrist. There was a deep wound, bright red and ferocious!

At this time, the girl who had been sitting quietly on the ground suddenly raised her head slowly and said it was slow. It's not too much at all! Because her neck seems to be a little stiff, she pauses every time she moves, accompanied by the sound of muscle and bone friction:

"Cluck - cluck -"

Suddenly, the slowly moving head suddenly lifted up and matched Li Yuqing's eyes!

That face - that face - was so pale that there was no blood color, as if all the blood in the body had passed away. Only those eyes were scarlet, as if they were the fire of hell devouring everything.

It's Li Zihan!

It's Li Zihan who killed himself by cutting his wrist in this compartment!

Li Yuqing suddenly widened her eyes and opened her mouth. She couldn't stop shaking violently at the foot of the mountain. She wanted to run, but her legs were filled with lead. She trembled and couldn't move!

Around, suddenly came a burst of violent impact and friction! One by one, like a curse of hell, penetrated into her eardrum.

Li Yuqing finally couldn't control it. She raised her hands, instinctively covered her ears, and gave out one violent scream after another:

"Ah -- ah -- ah --"

"Li Yuqing! Li Yuqing!"

Li Yuqing suddenly opened her eyes. As far as she could see, there was no women's toilet, blood, Li Zihan!

She's at school!

Originally, it was a dream!

Fortunately, it's a dream!

Li Yuqing gasped violently. Her clothes had been soaked in cold sweat. It was clear that the dream was real, as if it had just happened!

"Li Yuqing, what's the matter with you?"

Lin man angrily yells at Li Yuqing, who tries to calm herself down:

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I..."

"All right! Sit down and have class!"

Li Yuqing sat down slowly. All the eyes in the classroom focused on the blackboard again.

However, no one noticed that in the corner, there was a man with a soft and strange smile on his lips!

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