When warm opened his eyes again, he found that Ziteng was still sitting by the bed quietly guarding her.

The bright moonlight outside the window fell on Zi Teng's slender figure through the window, plated with a layer of silver brilliance.

Warm and calm down. Now that it has been decided, let the rest of the days stay with Ziteng, accompany him and care about him! Because I don't know when she might die.

Thinking of this, the warm corners of the lips couldn't help pulling gently and blooming a knowing smile towards Ziteng.

"Haven't you rested for a long time!"

Although Zi Teng still looked like a king, he was still a little excited at the bottom of his deep eyes.

"How are you?"

"I'm all right, Lucifer... I've left!"


Zi Teng could not help but frown gently. How could he leave like this?

"Are you sure?"

Obviously, he doesn't believe in warm words!

This is also within the warm expectation: "yes! I'm sure he has left! He won't come back now or in the future!

Moreover, there is another point, Zi Teng, you don't have to worry in the future! "

Zi Teng was stunned.

What does it mean to be warm?


"Zi Teng, what's the matter with Lin Zi and Mary? Have you found an Nuan?"

Seeing Zi Teng, he seemed to hesitate. The warmth immediately turned the topic to another thing without trace. Even though she had hidden too many things in her heart, she didn't forget that there was another important thing to solve at the moment and now.

Zi Teng seemed to be aware of the warm intention and paused slightly, but he didn't reveal it:

"Annuan is gone!"


Warm a pair of show eyebrows, unconsciously wrinkled up, how, will disappear at this time?

"Linzi and Mali have gone to find it. You just woke up. Don't worry about these things. I'll call Zhao Xin now and let him come back to see your situation!"

Although warmth has made it clear that there is nothing in his body, Zi Teng doesn't seem to be very relieved! He gave a warm and irrefutable order, then went aside, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Warm staring at the slender and straight back of Ziteng, there was an uncontrollable pain in his heart.

She doesn't regret it!

Even if she sees Zi Teng by her side, even if she knows that one day she will leave, she still won't regret it!

Her life, from birth, has been unknown and mediocre. Even before meeting Ziteng, she thought she would go to school, get employed, marry and have children, like many girls, until she finally died.

However, at the moment of meeting Ziteng, everything has changed.

It was him who made her realize that there was another world in this world!

It was him who let her know that the so-called demons and ghosts were actually just a group of poor creatures!

It was him who made her ordinary life meaningful!

When in danger, he will not hesitate to stand in front of her and protect her. No matter what happens and under what circumstances, Zi Teng will stand on her side and trust her unconditionally.

On the contrary, it seems that she doesn't believe him enough all the time!

Such a man, appeared in her life, changed her, let her know what is pain, what is warm, this life, enough!

In his eyes, dense water vapor sprang up unconsciously. Looking at Zi Teng's line of sight, it gradually became blurred. It was like that one day, he would become more and more blurred until he disappeared in front of his eyes.

Zi Teng simply explained to Zhao Xin, then turned around to check the warm situation. His eyes touched each other. He just saw the tearful scene in the warm eyes.

"Warm, you..."

A heart in the chest has experienced too many ups and downs today!

If he is warm and sleepy, he will worry. If he wakes up, he will be happy. But at the moment, she was clearly in front of herself, so quietly staring at herself, but with tears.

For a moment, Ziteng's heart began to twist again.

"I'm fine! It's just that I've experienced too much these days. Some can't slow down!"

He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and smiled at Ziteng:

"I'm a little hungry. Do you have anything to eat at home?"

Zi Teng frowned: "can you? I'll go to the kitchen and cook a bowl of noodles for you!"

"Hmm! I'm fine! I'm really fine! If I can eat the noodles you cooked by yourself, I'll recover soon!"

Looking at the warmth, it seems that it has really changed back to the energetic girl before. Zi Teng put down his heart a little, took a step, walked slowly to the warmth, bent down, and printed a hot kiss on the warm and smooth forehead.

Warm subconsciously closed his eyes and felt the heat brought by Ziteng's thin and sexy lips.

It was the first time that he did what ordinary lovers would do to her!

But is it a little late for all this!

Late, let her some, don't give up! More cherish!

When Zi Teng left the room, he looked back at the warmth for a while. Under the urging of warmth, he finally walked into the kitchen.

In such a big room, there was only one warm person left.

Strange to say, she had been lying in bed for a long time, but when she woke up at this time, she didn't feel anything except that she was hungry and stiff.

It's like, I really had a big sleep!

Warm and so quiet lying, a pair of big eyes, fixed to look at the ceiling, recall everything that has happened since these days, thrilling, sweet, sad, happy

Bit by bit, so deep, printed in her mind!

She doesn't want to forget, only firmly remember!

"Oh, sleeping trough! Am I right? Zi Teng, you're cooking?"

Suddenly there was a vibrant voice in the woods.

"Well, I woke up warm and hungry!"

Zi Teng responded faintly: "by the way, Mary, warm just woke up and said that the things attached to her have left. Please go and have a look!"

"The little girl woke up?"

The woods suddenly relaxed and strode towards the warm room.

He sat up warm and slowly, looked at the forest staring at a pair of big eyes, and rushed in directly. Behind him was Mary, who looked indifferent but couldn't hide her joy.

A smile bloomed on his lips again:

"Brother Lin, Mary!"

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