You'll die!

Li Sa uttered every word, almost hysterical, and soon drowned in the dark night.

An Nuan's eyes were dim and motionless. He looked at Li Sa for a long time, but he finally recalled the lips with slight ridicule, pursed his lips slightly, and pushed Li Sa a long distance away again without saying a word.

Li Sa's tall and straight body, in front of an Nuan's magic, was like a kite with a broken line, light and weak!

Warm, a heart pulled up, the wrist quilt was tightly clenched, and couldn't move!

"Zi Teng! No, we can't put out the fire!"

Behind him, suddenly came Zhao Xin's low voice. Zi Teng frowned gently, and then turned his eyes. Just when he wanted to speak, he saw a burst of thick smoke floating on the original bright rooftop.

Smoke curled up and appeared without warning, but everyone held their breath at the same time.

Warm stared at a pair of big eyes and felt the suddenly cold air around her, as if all her body temperature had been taken away in a moment.

At the bottom of my heart, a strange feeling suddenly rose. Warmth immediately turned and looked at Ma Li standing behind her. Ma Li looked slightly restrained, but in her eyes, she had the same judgment as her.

She and Mary use the same feeling, doesn't it mean——

An Nuan seemed to be unable to believe what was happening in front of him. Holding a pair of cold black eyes, he looked at the sudden smoke and the figure in front of him in the almost transparent and faint light.

"An Nuan!"

The shadow gently opens its lips, and its pleasant voice is like a nightingale in a deep valley, ethereal, but with refreshing warmth.

An Nuan stared at the figure in front of him, his thin lips playing back and forth, but he didn't spit out a word in the end!

For some time, she has been using various methods to isolate the ghost of Li Zihan. Mary couldn't recruit Li Zihan's ghost in school before, because she was obstructing it.

But this meeting, before her soul appeared, how could she run out of control?

"Zihan, is it... You?"

At this time, Li Sa, who had got up from the ground, seemed to be walking incredulously, step by step, close to Li Zihan.

Li Zihan smiled like the bright moon in the sky. He slowly turned his head and looked at Li Sa:

"Dad! I'm back!"

Li Sa, a big man, couldn't help but shed two lines of tears at the moment he heard Li Zihan speak.

For a moment, warmth was also moved by such a scene. I feel as if there is something at the bottom of my heart, quietly releasing.

"Zihan... Dad, I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for your sister, and I'm even more sorry for your mother!"

Li Sa's voice was choking, but it still reached everyone's ears.

Li Zihan smiled, as if she had never had a smile when she was alive!

His sight shifted slightly and fell in the center of the fiery border. Lin Man, Xiao Shumin and other students looked at the scene with incredible and frightened eyes.

What happened tonight has long exceeded their consistent outlook on life and cognition.

Li Zihan's eyes moved slightly and waved gently. The originally burning flame, no matter how hard they tried in the forest, went out at once.

"Li Zihan, you!"

An Nuan couldn't believe that Li Zihan would do such a thing. He couldn't help shouting out of control.

Li Zihan turned slowly and looked straight at an Nuan:

"I never knew that I had a sister like you! But now I know, but it doesn't prevent me from telling you, I'm very happy!

After I'm gone, you can take care of Dad!

The most rare thing in the world is family affection. My mother and I will always look at you in the sky and see you spend your life safely and happily! "

"What nonsense!

You are the only one of my relatives. I want to revive you now. No one can stop it! "

Ann Nuan shouted loudly. Her mood seemed to be out of control. She was very different from her cold and abnormal appearance in the past!


Li Zihan gently shook her head, but with a very firm refusal:

"I didn't know that the strange energy in my body was because of the witch's blood flowing in my body.

It is precisely because of ignorance and vulnerability that I made such an unwise choice!

But I'm dead!

An Nuan, I can face such a fact myself. Why can't you face it? "

"Stop talking!"

An Nuan still shouted loudly, suddenly looked up at the bright moon in the night sky, and began to recite the spell regardless of everything:

"How can the twilight of the morning be compared with you, the king immersed in the night, the holy light..."

An Nuan's spell was just half read. Suddenly, the body lying quietly behind her burst into flames.

Body, burning!

An Nuan couldn't believe it, and couldn't accept it. His angry eyes fixed on Li Zihan.

"Without the body, you can't revive me!"

"Why -"

An Nuan finally couldn't control himself and roared loudly. The sound was like a beast hidden in the midnight, cutting through the silent night sky.

"Why did all of you leave me?

Why leave me alone in this world! I have no friends, no relatives, only myself!

Only myself...... "

As he spoke, an Nuan's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally began to choke.

"Mom is dead and you are dead. Who else will I have?

I dare not let people know my identity as a witch. They will despise, dislike and fear!

I don't want to be alone, no! No! "

At the moment, annuan no longer has the smell of danger. Instead, he is like a wronged child, squatting on the ground at a loss and burying his head in his knees.

Li Sa looked at an Nuan's distressing appearance. He only felt pain in his chest. For the third time, he took a step and approached her.

The outstretched arm seemed to hesitate and pause in mid air, and finally landed on annuan's thin and slightly trembling shoulder:

"An Nuan, you still have your father!"

An Nuan slowly raised his head when he heard the sound. His beautiful white face was covered with water marks.

A burst of suffocation at the bottom of her warm heart. Whether she is a witch or not, whether she has performed terrible black magic or not, at the moment, she is a child who needs family warmth and family love!

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