The intermittent rain has been falling for half a month. Originally full of vitality in spring, but fell into a gloomy.

Such weather, people can not help but fall into bursts of depression and depression.

There was only one class this morning. After that, I hurried to the office.

During this time, I still rarely met Zhou hang, but they talked on the phone several times.

After getting off the bus, I looked up and looked at the sky covered by dark clouds. I couldn't help sighing and opened my umbrella.

I always feel that the recent weather is somewhat abnormal. It's not a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and there's no plum rain season. How could it rain for so long?

Thinking with a warm heart, he unknowingly walked to the downstairs of the high-grade office building where the office is located. He couldn't help pausing.

A figure just came down from the car in front attracted warm attention.

Black thin jacket, casual pants, some messy hair, light stubble on the chin, a pair of eyes, full of blood because of lack of sleep for a long time, but they can't hide the bright light.

Warm recognized the man at a glance, and the man seemed to notice the warm inquiry eyes, paused slightly, and immediately nodded to warm.

"Captain Yin, you..." warm looked up at the towering office building: "come to find Ziteng?"

"Well, he was just on the phone. Let's go up together."

With that, Yin Zheng took the lead in taking steps towards the office building, took a warm pause, put away his umbrella, and followed him in.

The elevator is slowly rising. Looking at the mirror wall in the elevator, I have some distorted and unreal shadows, but my heart is depressed.

The appearance of Yin Zheng here proves that something bad has happened again. And it's the kind of problem that can't be solved.

When the elevator rose to the 27th floor, Yinzheng rate got off the elevator first, and the two people walked into the Guiling office one after another.

In the office, Linzi is playing with his Octopus Xiaolin with great interest. Ziteng habitually sits by the huge floor glass window with a thick book in his hand. Hearing the sound of pushing the door, both of them looked at the door.

"Yo? You two met downstairs?"

Lin Zi asked first. He walked into the office and put his umbrella in the corner by the door:

"Well! Captain Yin said he had called before!"

Zi Teng closed the book, got up and walked slowly to the sofa, indicating that Yin Zheng also went to do it. Warm went to the open kitchen, made two cups of tea and put them on the tea table. Looking at the tea leaves rotating and falling in the tea cup, I couldn't help sighing.

"Say it!"

Zi Teng smiled warmly and shallowly, then converged his expression and opened his mouth towards Yinzheng.

Yin Zheng took out a folder from a briefcase and handed it to Zi Teng:

"This is a series of cases in this city in the past half a month. There are five victims, all of whom are male infants just born or under the age of one year. Some of these children were killed in their own homes or in hospitals!"

All children?

Warm curiosity was suddenly hooked up, and then sat next to Zi Teng and looked at the opened documents in his hands.

Just a glance, the warmth can not help but expand the eyes, the face is unbelievable.

The photos of the injured babies appeared so impressively in the warm sight. One by one, their death looks very strange. They don't seem to have any wounds on their bodies, but their skin is white and terrible.

It's like... The blood in the body has been evacuated.

"There is only one cause of death for these children, severe anemia, or

No blood! "

Yin Zheng's words completely printed the conjecture in his warm heart. No wonder, in her opinion, the skin color of these children is a little strange.

"How could this happen? Is it a new type of blood disease?"

Warm and calm, looking at those who were still fresh not long ago, but finally turned into lifeless life, I couldn't help feeling a little sad at the bottom of my heart.

"If so, I wouldn't bother you!"

Yin Zheng shook his head reluctantly: "this possibility has been ruled out! Moreover, these children were drained of all their blood almost in one night. Before they died, their families or doctors did not find any signs.

We investigated all the surveillance in the hospital and the dead community, and we didn't find any suspicious people!

But the death of these children is too strange. The Bureau has ordered us to investigate thoroughly as soon as possible!

One every three days. If this goes on, the whole city of M, families with newborns, will fall into panic! "

Although Yin Zheng's voice was not big, his tone was very sharp and warm. When I first saw him on M University campus, I was just different.

The center of the eyebrow, unconsciously frowned, and his eyes fell on those photos again.

The whole body's blood is drained, the blood is drained, drained

Suddenly, in my warm mind, an old and mysterious name emerged.

What should I call it?

Zombies or vampires?

At the thought of this, warmth couldn't help staring at a pair of big eyes and raised his head. Zi Teng stared at the documents in his hand with an expressionless face and lowered his eyes, so that warmth couldn't see the waves in his eyes at the moment.

Seeing the warm look, Yin Zheng couldn't help pulling the corners of his lips and smiled bitterly:

"You must have thought of it, didn't you?"

Warm bit his lips and didn't know how to answer. At this time, Lin Zi standing aside also heard some clues:

"Do you suspect that this is the work of zombies?"

"Zombie? Is it similar to the vampire on TV?"

Warm heart has questions, can not help blurting out.

Lin Zi shook his head at the sound:


We often say that zombies are different from vampires in the West.

After death, the corpse can't rot for some reasons. After some special conditions, it changes from static corpse to active corpse. It is bloodthirsty and afraid of the sun. There are white stiff, black stiff, jumping corpse, walking corpse, flying corpse and zombie.

Although vampires also live on blood, they have been transformed before they live. After death, they are reborn as vampires. They move quickly and have great power. They are afraid of garlic, holy water and cross, but they are not afraid of sunshine!

So those in novels and movies can only be used for reference, not all of them!

You see! Little girl! "

Warm and thoughtful nodded:

"Are these children vampires or zombies?"

Lin Zi was suddenly asked by warmth. After thinking for a long time, he just wanted to speak, but he heard Zi Teng, who had been silent nearby:

"I'm afraid not!"

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