Lin Zi said it casually, but after telling the story, he found that warm and Zi Teng's face showed strange expressions, and he couldn't help but straighten himself unnaturally:

"Cough! Well, do you two take this story seriously?

It's said that it's handed down from the family. Almost no one has seriously mentioned it. This was told to me when my grandmother coaxed me to sleep when I was young.

When I asked my mother, my mother said she had never even heard of it! "

Lin Zi's words did not let warmth put down her doubts, but she knew that the story was too old to be verified. It would be far fetched if I had to connect what happened now with that story.

But why, there was a strong feeling in her heart, as if the story told by linzikou was true.

Not to mention whether it has something to do with these murdered children, it seems that there is a constant connection between his dream and the story.

At the thought of this, the warmth could not help but have a headache. Subconsciously, he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He was calm. Suddenly, Ziteng's low and magnetic voice came to his ears:

"Warm! Go to Mary and give her your dream, the story of Lin Zi's family and the information brought by Yin Zheng. Ask her for her opinion!

Lin Zi, you go and check to see if there are monsters or anything else who eat baby blood!

Now I have no clue. I can only investigate like this first!

I have something to go out for a while. After you are busy, just go straight home! "



Hearing Ziteng's words, warm and Linzi couldn't help responding with one voice. Warm looking at the figure of Zi Teng slowly standing up and gradually disappearing in the office, I couldn't help feeling in my heart.

The man, finally, returned to his former appearance.

When she was working, she would shine. When she was facing anything, she would be orderly, calm and calm. When she was alone in private, she would smile at her doting tenderness.


Can see Zi Teng like this, and also know that she will always be like this in the days when she is away, then everything she has done is worth it!

At present, inexplicably confused by bursts of water vapor, the line of sight is somewhat blurred, but I know that the corners of my mouth must be smiling at this time.

"Little girl? What are you doing?"

The forest, which had been cleared up, came to the door at this time. When I was about to leave, I found that a warm man was still clubbing in place in a daze, with a strange smile on his face. I couldn't help calling out with some doubts.

Hearing the sound, warm, he quickly collected his mind and wiped the water drops from the corners of his eyes without trace:

"Ah! Just thinking about something, it's all right now! Let's go! Let's go! Give me a ride and take me to sister Mary!"

Linzi was still staring at the warmth suspiciously, but suddenly heard Mary's name from her mouth. The whole person immediately seemed to become a frightened bird. A handsome face suddenly darkened:

"I'm not on my way. Go yourself!"

With that, the woods immediately turned around and wanted to escape. Warmth naturally saw his intention and certainly wouldn't give him that opportunity!

"Brother Lin, why are you so afraid of sister Mary now!

Last time, we stayed at her house for so long. I think you two get along well! "

Good, your sister!

Lin Zi felt sick in his heart. If it hadn't been for your two little ancestors, if it hadn't been for Zi Teng's request, how could he know that it was a tiger's nest and drill into it!

"How long did you sleep last time and how much do you know?"

Lin Zi shuddered when he mentioned the days when he worked with Mary every day:

"Don't join in the fun! Go by yourself. I'm still busy. You heard that Ziteng gave me so many tasks. I have to finish them and go home early!"

Lin Zi said that just as the elevator opened, the Lin Zi jumped up and thought while jumping up. Why did Zi Teng go out a few minutes earlier than him?

Naturally, warmth won't let go of the forest so easily, and then he joined the elevator:

"Brother Lin, are you a little too nervous?

I just want you to take me downstairs. Why do you look like I'm going to push you into a fire pit?

Besides, it's still raining outside. I haven't had time to take my umbrella in order to chase you. Do you have the heart to let me go in the rain? You know, I'm so poor and still owe Zi Teng 4 million... "

Warm said, but also made a serious look of grievance.

"Hey! OK! OK! I'll take you downstairs to her house! But you can't say I sent you!"

Unable to resist the warmth, Lin Zi was defeated and agreed. Just get out of the elevator and load the warmth. I still pray in my heart. Don't meet me at the door, but don't meet me at the door!

The sultry red Mercedes Benz trot is driving rapidly in the street, and everywhere it passes, it brings bursts of water spray, causing people's eyes to stay.

Looking at the light rain outside the window for half a month, I can't help frowning:

"Why did it rain so long this spring?"

"Who knows it's the monster coming out of the mountain! So there's a vision in the sky!"

Lin Zi casually said that warmth was just listening, but they didn't think of it. A joke at that time became a prophecy!

The office is a certain distance from the community where Ma Li's family is located. Although Lin Zi tries his best to speed up, it still takes some time. I sat in the car warm and bored, and suddenly I was interested:

"Brother Lin, what is the relationship between you and sister Ma Li?"

Although she had seen that the relationship between the two must be unusual, she had never known the inside story.

As soon as the woods heard this, they immediately followed the fried monkey. Yes, they stared at two big eyes and looked at the warmth in horror:

"What does it matter? What can it matter?

Your brother, I'm a great preacher. What can it have to do with a bloody mary? Don't think about it. Kill your curiosity in your brain cells! I don't know Curiosity Kills the cat! "

He smiled warmly and looked at the woods with a natural smile. In his black eyes like midnight, there was an undisguised cunning:

"Brother Lin, don't you know that your extreme reaction is just a sign of guilty conscience?

And even if you don't admit it, I can see it clearly!

Sister Mary likes you!

And you -- like her! "


Lin Zi only felt that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. Just when he wanted to refute, a delicate and white face suddenly appeared in his mind.

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