He stared at Mary with big eyes and looked straight at her

"Mary, I..."

"I know, I've told you! As for those children... I don't know what's going on! Someone came to me before you! I can't feel a strange smell on those children!"

Mary's tone was faint. She couldn't hear any emotion. She knew that she was telling the truth.

It's just that even Mary can't feel the difference. It's too strange!

After thinking about it, warm decided to leave first and tell Zi Teng about it before discussing it.

"I'll go first!"

She said softly to Mary, then got up and was ready to leave.

Mary didn't respond. She still turned her back to the warmth and looked out through the window. She didn't know what she was thinking. She left with warm hands and feet. As soon as she came to the door and was ready to push the door, Mary suddenly heard a low voice behind her:

"Sometimes, sacrifice is not the only way!"

Warm the steps under your feet, then stopped. Hold the finger on the door handle and hold it unconsciously.

What does Mary mean?

Isn't she aware of something?

For a moment, warm felt his heart began to beat violently. His feet seemed to be filled with lead and couldn't move!

Mary knows, that Zi Teng and Lin Zi

Warm just stood at the door, like a sculpture, motionless. I feel that the air around me seems to solidify in an instant, suffocating and unable to breathe.

It seemed that she noticed the warmth, and Mary sighed in an invisible low voice:

"You go!"

Warm habitually bit his lips. Under his clear black eyes like midnight, there flashed a light that was not easy to ponder. After a little hesitation, he pushed the door and went out.

I don't know why, at this moment, she chose to believe Mary!

Either because she is the same woman, or because she loves the most extraordinary man in the world, or if she was Mary, she might make the same decision as warmth.

In short, warm choice believes that she will keep a secret for herself!

Moreover, she just said such a sentence without warning, which doesn't mean anything. Maybe it's just her own guess.

Leaving Ma Li's house, the disturbing continuous light rain finally stopped for a while. But the sky is still convoluted with layers of dark clouds, as if the warm heart is pressing a kilogram of boulder at the moment.

Isn't sacrifice the only way?

Unfortunately, she can't think of any other way!


When he got home, Ziteng and Linzi had not come back. Warm and complicated, she began to prepare dinner alone. During this time, she took the initiative to do it.

Every time, watching Zi Teng eat his carefully prepared meal, the warm bottom of my heart will irresistibly ripple a burst of warmth.

Now, being able to do little things for Ziteng is a luxury for warmth, because she can't do anything if she doesn't know when it's possible!

Just getting ready, the door of the house suddenly opened. Warm homeopathy looked at it and found that the person who came back was not Zi Teng.

"Brother Lin, you're back!"

Lin Zi's face was a little dark. He didn't make fun of her as usual. He just spilled a low noise from his throat, went straight to the sofa and sat down.

I had a bad feeling in my warm heart and hurried forward to ask:

"Brother Lin, did you find anything?"


Lin Zi's interest was still not high, and his handsome face was no longer free and easy, but was replaced by deep distress.


For a moment, warmth couldn't help recalling that he showed the same expression when talking about Mary with Lin Zi during the day.

Is it because of Mary?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help hesitating a little. Finally, I turned around and prepared to leave for a while to give the forest a quiet and alone space.

Perhaps, at this time, he doesn't want to talk more!

However, just after taking two steps, I heard the low voice of the forest behind me:

"Little girl, talk with me for a while!"

The sound of the woods was not loud, and it was very different from that in the past, just like a different person.

Warm pause: "OK!"

The continuous light rain has not bathed this prosperous city in the sun for a long time. In the evening, the light rain that had just stopped for a while began to rain again.

Small raindrops hit the huge floor glass window, making bursts of dumb and mysterious sounds. The room was very quiet. The forest leaned his whole body on the sofa and looked up weakly.

Warmth did not say a word, so quietly accompanied by the side of the forest.

After a while, the forest finally opened its mouth slowly, and the low and magnetic voice began to flow gently in the room:

"Mary and I have known each other for more than twenty years."

Sure enough!

It was clear from his warm heart that his depression at the moment was really due to Mary. In other words, from that time of day, it has begun to be affected by this matter.

Suddenly, a burst of remorse filled my warm heart. If she hadn't mentioned it first, I'm afraid she wouldn't have

"The Ma family and the Lin family are family friends. We have known each other since childhood! At that time, I had not inherited the family mission, and she was just a little girl with special abilities!

We live in such a family. Naturally, we know that our identity is different from that of other children from an early age.

But fortunately, we are both careless, so we haven't been troubled by it all the time.

I remember the first time I saw Mary, she was still a little girl, with two pigtails, walking up and down! I thought at that time, this little girl is so beautiful. As a result, she gave me a bloody face in less than five minutes

Ha ha! "

Lin Zi said, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, which seemed to add a ray of sunshine to the face originally covered by melancholy clouds and haze.

"Since then, I have nicknamed her bloody mary!

You can't believe it. I was almost beaten by Mary from childhood!

If I have a girlfriend, she will beat me! If I say more words with other girls, she will beat me! What's the name? Don't let other female compatriots be poisoned by me!

Shit! I was wondering, is there something wrong with this girl film!

So in general, I hide as far as I can, until once... "

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