It was dark at night.

Because dinner was messed up, several people had to order takeout. During the meal, Lin Zi teased the warmth and Zi Teng with malicious eyes.

As usual, Zi Teng was expressionless and ignored it directly. But warm but eager to find a seam to drill in, she never felt how good her heart quality was.

After a hard meal, the warmth almost escaped and returned to his room.

The woods did not forget to joke and shouted a few words towards the warm room. For a long time, it was quiet. Warm guess, they should go back to their rooms!

She sighed heavily like a relieved burden, and then walked to the window. Looking out of the window like ink dye, the cloudy sky, at the bottom of my heart, I struggled uncontrollably again.

He raised his hand and gently rubbed his slightly swollen lip flap. In his mind, he involuntarily came up with the picture of the night.

Zi Teng's overbearing and presumptuous kiss actually made her heart beat uncontrollably even now.


She is also greedy for that feeling, but she knows that everything is just luxury!

Because one day, she will leave!


At a quarter past three in the morning, the warmth woke up from the dream again, but this time the dream was clearer than before.

The sea, the blue sea, suddenly turned red. Like blood, scarlet eyes.

Warm and gasping, he wanted to calm his disordered breathing caused by panic. His eyes looked straight at the ceiling, but Ma Li's words echoed in his mind.


What is the revelation of this dream? What do you want to tell her?

"Boom -"

Outside the window, there was a huge noise. The light rain that lasted for half a month seemed to be dissatisfied with such gentle dripping, and began to turn into pouring rain. The big raindrops quickly knocked on the glass window, making bursts of dull noise.

The warm heart shrank violently with the roar of thunder, got up in a conditioned way, went to the window and opened the curtains.

In the dark sky like ink, there was a dazzling white light, followed by another deafening sound.

In my heart, a bad premonition suddenly rose. Very strong, overwhelming, can not be ignored!

Something big is going to happen!

The door of the room was suddenly knocked at this moment.

Warm turned, walked quickly to the door, opened the door and saw that Lin Zi and Zi Teng were standing in front of her door, looking at her with a very complex and dignified expression

"What happened..."

"Little girl, something's wrong!"

What happened?

"Is there another child accident?"

Warm a heart and hold it tightly.



"Clean up, five minutes, let's go out!"

Zi Teng said a low voice towards warmth. He paused warmly. Looking at their unusual look, he immediately took the door, turned around and began to change his clothes.

The sudden heavy rain tonight, lightning, thunder, that bad hunch, and the expressions of Zi Teng and Lin Zi

Everything reflects that sentence!

Something big is going to happen!

Several people didn't even have time to fight for umbrellas. They went out quickly. The black Maybach was driving fast in the dark street. Until you see a light.

He sat in the co pilot's seat, pursed his lips, looked at the approaching light through the blurred windshield, and saw several familiar figures.

Yin Zheng, head of the serious case team of the criminal police team, Lin Nanze, and——

Mr. Yin and Yang, wood white!

Why is he here?

Although she was surprised to see mubai appear, her eyes were soon attracted by the center of the circle surrounded by these people.

That's a man!

If it can be called human!

The body was lying prone, head south and foot North. From the scattered hair and body shape, it should be a woman. There are many torn wounds on the body. Even though they are washed by the heavy rain, they still can't cover up the bloody misery.

Several people quickly walked to the front. Mubai saw that it was warm and quickly moved the umbrella in his hand.


"Girls, don't get wet!"

"Thank you!" warmth stopped pushing off, took the umbrella and held it on his head.

Wood white just said a faint sentence, did not show too much emotion, but turned to a serious face and looked at the son Teng and the forest beside him.

"There's no evil spirit near the body. It's not the monster!"

Not a monster

"Our forensics preliminarily examined the wound. It was dozens of wounds, each of which was lacerated. However, the tooth marks were similar to those of humans, so it was determined that it was not a beast attack.

But if it's a person, such a scene, I'm afraid... "

Warm looked at the miserable corpse and felt the churning in my heart. Fortunately, she had seen something more terrible than this before, so she could control herself from spitting out on the spot.

The heavy rain is still wanton and wasteful, and the big raindrops fall on people, but everyone seems to feel it.

The warmth widened a pair of eyes, looked at the forest and Ziteng had squatted down and began to examine the body, but in front of them, it seemed as if there was a strange and terrible scene.

A woman with long hair was attacked and bitten by countless hungry ghosts with disheveled hair, green faces and ferocious faces. The woman struggled, resisted, and wailed. But everything, completely useless.

Until, the woman lay on the ground, motionless, and let the rain gather around her into a river of blood.

"Don't --"

Warm and uncontrollable shouting, until the body was violently shaken, it suddenly slowed down.

"Warm? Warm? Wake up! Wake up! What happened? What did you see?"

The warm chest fluctuated violently, gasped with some thin oxygen, widened a pair of eyes, and looked at the worried Zi Teng and Lin Zi in front of him.

"Little girl, what do you see?"

For a long time, the warmth seemed to slow down. I tried to recall the scene I just saw. I opened my lips hard and spit out a few words trembling:

"I saw that many hungry ghosts killed that woman alive!"

In a word, everyone present fell into silence.

Zi Teng frowned and turned his eyes to look at the dead woman on the ground. Lin Zi and Mu Bai also looked at each other with a sad face. Yinzheng and the criminal police were even more surprised and couldn't say a word.

For a moment, Zi Teng slowly opened his lips and whispered:

"It's a hungry ghost!"


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