After half a month of intermittent rain, the morning sun shines into the living room through the huge floor glass window, but it can't warm the cold heart at the moment.

Zi Teng's face was as usual and he couldn't see anything different, but it was just like this, quiet as water, telling about his family and identity that people couldn't help smacking his tongue, so that his warm heart was pulled up again and again.


I don't know whether Ziteng deliberately concealed it or wasn't ready to tell warmth. In short, he chose to avoid talking about what happened to him eight years ago.

The warm heart is clear, but it is not exposed, but it is so quiet.

Zi Teng's low and magnetic voice flowed slowly in the living room, the wall clock ticked, and the time passed bit by bit. For more than 20 years, it took less than an hour to summarize all the quilt.

His tone was always tepid and could not hear anything. But looking at his deep dark eyes like the deep sea, the bottom of his heart was in uncontrollable pain.

Until Zi Teng's voice fell and he looked straight at the warmth, as if he wanted to see the depths of her soul:

"I want to confess, I have confessed! Next, it's your turn!"

Hearing the sound, I felt a burst of tension. My hands hanging on my knees also unconsciously clenched tightly:

"I... I have nothing to say about my business!

I grew up in an orphanage. I don't know who my parents are! I've been in the orphanage since I can remember.

Later, I went to college alone by work study program and scholarship. Later, I met you! "

Warm try to make her voice sound calm, but she knows in her heart that Ziteng is such a smart and wise person that she can't hide it at all!

Zi Teng's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and two sharp and deep eyes projected out. He pursed his lips without saying a word. He looked at the warmth so straight. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth.

Warm thought he would ask, but unexpectedly——

"Go and have a rest!"

Warm some stunned raised his eyes and looked at Zi Teng's secretive face.

He didn't ask?

Seeing warmth stunned in place, Zi Teng then gently hooked his lips:

"What? Do you think of something else? Or——

You have something to hide from me? "

Zi Teng's voice was not loud, but it was like a heavy hammer, beating heavily on the warm heart.

She thought she and he could be honest with each other, but in fact, they both hid something.

"No! Why?

I went to have a rest, and you had an early rest! Next, I don't know what will happen! "


Zi Teng responded faintly. He immediately lowered his eyes. He was afraid that Zi Teng would see any clues in his eyes, so he quickly got up and walked towards his room.

However, when I came to the door of the room, the steps under my feet stopped unconsciously.

Turned around, looked at the sofa with his back to his son Teng, warm bit his lips, and then one of his men pushed the door and returned to his room.

The son Teng listens to the sound of closing the door behind him, and finally sighs helplessly.

What is warmth hiding from itself?

He thought he could be cruel to ask questions, but looking at the warmth, his heart softened after all.

What's more, he didn't tell the truth. How could he ask for warmth and be honest with each other? He is not ready yet. He is afraid, afraid of warmth. He knows that he used to be such a terrible person. He is afraid that warmth knows that his unclean hands, once stained with the blood of so many people, will leave him.


Since warmth is not ready, tell him everything, and he will simply stop asking!

However, no matter what warmth is hiding from him, he will always stand by her and protect her, just like his own life!


After tossing about for half a night, and having been in high mental tension since returning home, he suddenly relaxed, lay warm in bed and soon fell asleep!

During this time, she has not been able to have a good rest. Unexpectedly, this time, when the rain stopped, she could have a good sleep without dreaming!

However, in my sleep, it seems that there is always a voice at the bottom of my heart, repeating and ringing again and again.

She's coming back!

After sleeping until the afternoon, I woke up warm. When I opened the door and walked out of the room, I found that Ziteng and Linzi had already got up and sat on the sofa. I didn't know what they were talking about.

When they saw the warmth, they both stopped.

"Little girl, wake up!"

Lin Zi grinned as if nothing had happened and greeted him with a smile. Warmth also responded with a smile.

Sometimes, I really think Lin Zi's heartless character is very good. It seems that he is in a severe and dangerous situation. As long as he is there, the atmosphere will be relieved and relaxed.

Zi Teng raised his eyes slightly and looked at the warm eyes. He also restored his previous calm and calm. The depth and complexity of the morning completely disappeared. Seeing such a son Teng, he was still slightly stunned.

Is he really no longer suspicious?

"Have something to eat! There are prepared meals in the microwave oven. Go and heat them up!"

Zi Teng's voice came softly, just like the sunshine that had not been seen in the living room for many days, which made the whole person feel full of hope,


A clever response, warm immediately followed Zi Teng's instructions to heat the food, because they must have eaten at this time. Warm was not polite. They simply sat aside with the food and ate quietly.

Ziteng and Linzi resumed their conversation again. They listened while eating. It turned out that what they discussed was about their dialogue with black and white impermanence this morning.

"Zi Teng, do you really think that the reincarnation gate of hungry ghost road is opened by human beings?"

The forest looked positive and asked Ziteng with some doubt.

Zi Teng frowned and nodded gently:

"Although we don't have much contact with black-and-white impermanence, one thing is certain. If there were no conclusive evidence, they wouldn't come to a conclusion so easily!"

"I know that too!


What do you think? I don't think it's possible! It's not an ordinary thing to avoid so many ghosts and hell in the underworld, open the reincarnation gate of the hungry ghost road and put so many hungry ghosts in the sun!

Ordinary people can't do it at all!

Not to mention ordinary people, even I can't be 100% sure!

Who on earth would do such a risky thing at the expense of others? "

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