Mubai's laughter was cold, as if from hell, with full confidence:

"The little beauty's reaction just now is enough to explain everything!"

Explains everything?

Warm, suddenly stunned, suddenly understood!

Mubai was deliberately provoking her before!

"The person in this picture is Xu Ziling, Lin Zhenting's sister! And Lin Zhenting must have contacted her!"

Sure enough, mubai paused, and then came to a conclusion.

Warm bit his lips, supported a pair of big eyes and stared at mubai straightly. He seemed to be very angry with his treachery, but at the same time, he was annoyed that he couldn't hold his breath. But on second thought, what could she be upset about?

Linzi's sister is his sister. Linzi is Linzi. They haven't been in contact for a long time. What's the matter?

Zi Teng's eyes moved slightly, slowly put down his mobile phone, raised his eyes and looked at mubai:


Three words, not warm and not fire, but enough to make the wood white full of momentum just now, choked and couldn't say a word!

Looking at the face that mubai just ordered, it suddenly became crimson purple. It was warm and almost couldn't help laughing! Why did she forget that the best skill of a millennium old demon is to be angry and not pay for her life!

"Zi Teng! You want to protect your weaknesses openly!"

Mubai held it for a long time and finally said a word!

Zi Teng pursed his lips, but didn't reply. Let wood white face is a burst of embarrassment!

Seeing this posture, Zhao Xin could not help but shake his head, turn his eyes to see the warmth, and then turn back.

Others may not understand, but he knows very well that according to Ziteng's previous code of conduct, he will first find out the cause and effect of the matter and the real purpose of mubai's trip.

But just now, Ziteng obviously had a conversation with mubai just now to warm him.

forget it!

Since Zi Teng is deliberately partial, he will inherit the image of being rational, calm and able to deal with things!

"Mubai, tell me what happened!"

"Finally there is someone who is willing to speak!"

Seeing Zhao Xin's words, Mu Bai's face eased slightly:

"Early this morning, the wooden family sent someone to my home, gave me this photo, and told me an amazing news!"

With that, mubai suddenly gathered up his look, his black eyes narrowed slightly, and said word by word:

"Peng, Lai, Xian, Zhi, were stolen!"

In a word, I felt the warmth obviously, and the surrounding air began to solidify quietly.

Penglai Xianzhi?

What's that?

There was doubt in my heart. Warm immediately looked at Zi Teng and Zhao Xin and found that although they both kept silent, they seemed to be turning over huge waves in the bottom of their eyes.

Warm suddenly understood one thing, and suddenly understood why mubai had to use tricks to deal with himself.

The stolen Penglai fairy branch stolen by Xu Ziling must be an unusual thing!

Unfortunately, in the current situation, it is not the time for her to ask for details, so she can only close her lips and lower her eyes, and look at the frozen picture lying quietly on the desktop in mubai's hand.

Although she still didn't see the front of Xu Ziling, the totem of the ancient god on her wrist seemed to have life and was sending a fatal call to him.

Phoenix Fire, holy water of the heaven and now Penglai fairy branch are more important than each other, but they have no practical value for ordinary people!

What is Xu Ziling doing to steal these things?

Mubai seemed to give Ziteng and Zhao Xin time to digest the matter. After a slight pause, he continued to speak again and said in a low voice:

"Believe the people in this picture, I don't need to say, you know who it is!

Originally, I left the Mu family. I shouldn't take care of the affairs of the Mu family! But this time his sister in the forest took something different. As you know, this Penglai fairy branch fell into the hands of ordinary people, which is no different from ordinary branches.

But how serious would the consequences be if they fell on the hands of Xu Ziling who was born with great spiritual power... "

Mubai wants to stop talking, but the warmth can be felt from his words and the expressions of Ziteng and Zhao Xin. He is definitely not exaggerating!


Where is the forest? I have to find the forest, find Xu Ziling and find Penglai fairy branch! "

Mubai's voice was still low and calm, but it was warm and cold, which had never been seen in him.

Ziteng still locked his eyebrows. His thin and sexy lips pursed into a straight line, revealing a clean and white chin. His eyes were deep, but he didn't answer.

Zhao Xin seemed to hesitate:

"The woods are really not here! The plane last night has gone back to my hometown!

And now that you've found us, I'm not afraid to tell you! It's not just the Penglai fairy branch of your Jiangnan Mu family that has been stolen. Lin Zi's purpose in returning to his hometown this time is to check this matter, find Xu Ziling and get back the things stolen by her! "

Mubai narrowed her eyes and looked at Zhao Xin:

"Are you bluffing me?

Xu Ziling and Lin Zhenting left kuidao Lin's house eight years ago. Few people in the circle don't know about this!

If, as you said, Xu Ziling stole other things, would she come back to Lin's house at this time?

If Lin Zhenting really wants to find her, will he go back to Lin's house?

Ha ha! "

Mubai smiled coldly, and his face was full of undisguised ridicule: "Zhao Xin, we haven't dealt with each other for several years. Do you think my IQ is really low enough to be cheated by you so easily?"

Although mubai's provocative tone makes her warm and uncomfortable, she can understand such a big thing now! If she lost something important, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better than mubai's reaction!

"Mubai, believe it or not, brother Lin is really back home!

We are also very anxious and worried. Although I don't know what Penglai fairy branch is and what role it plays, we also want to recover other stolen things!

So -- "

With warm eyes, he looked straight at mubai with an incomparably magnanimous expression:

"Please believe me! Believe Ziteng! Believe Zhao Xin!"

Mubai suddenly stunned. It seems that he didn't expect that such a seemingly soft and weak little girl as warm would have such a righteous speech.

But he was really persuaded by her magnanimous and righteous words!

The muscles around her cheeks seemed to move: "what do you mean, Lin Zi doesn't know where Xu Ziling is now or what she did when she stole these things?"

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