Qinghai Lake is quiet at night.

Ziteng avoided the place with prosperous facilities in the tourist area, because there will be many staff stationed there even at night. The other side is relatively remote.

Remote, seems to have entered another world.

Warm standing by the lake, looking at the sky, the red moon, and the water waves at your feet with the breeze, motionless.

Zi Teng and Zhao Xin are looking around. No one notices the warmth. At this time, there is no trace of blood on their white face.


As like as two peas in her dream!

She always thought that the piece in her dream was the sea. Unexpectedly, it would be a lake!

Zi Tengcha explored around, looked at the rolling mountains with snow around, pursed his lips without saying a word, and his deep eyes were like wolves in the field, sharp and cold.

Back to the warm side, Zi Teng found that there was something wrong with his warm face.

The center of the eyebrow unconsciously frowned: "what's the matter?"

Warmth can't tell what it feels like in my heart at the moment. My chest rises and falls, my breathing is short, and I shudder. My body seems stiff and can't move.

Without a warm response, Ziteng suddenly had an ominous premonition:

"Warm? Look at me!"

He ordered seriously and moved to the warm opposite. His tall body blocked all the moonlight and shrouded his warm and petite body under his figure.

Warm eyes, on a pair of black eyes like an owl eagle, deep and bottomless.


She tried her best to control the trembling of her body, but she still couldn't restrain the trembling in her voice. She raised her hand, crossed Ziteng and pointed to the sparkling Qinghai lake behind him:

"As like as two peas in my dream!"

The low voice soon dissipated in the wind, but it surprised Zi Teng and Zhao Xin.

Ziteng frowned tightly and twisted into a word "Chuan". Looking at the warmth, he looked back at the mysterious and seemingly calm Qinghai Lake. His narrow eyes could not help narrowing slightly:

"You said, here is the same as in your dream?"


I don't know why, as soon as she stood here, she felt fear without reason. It seems that the next second, the cold and beautiful woman who appeared in her dream will appear.

What's going on? Why did she dream here?

God, it's gray! The moon is red! The lake is blue! The heart is cold!

Zhao Xin looked at warmth and Zi Teng: "Zi Teng, this is definitely not a coincidence!"

Ziteng's thin and sexy lips closed in a straight line, and his lower jaw tightened hard, showing a strong line as carved by a knife and axe. That handsome and extraordinary face was like falling into a frozen snow mountain. It was cold and breathtaking.

At this time, in the air that was quiet and could only hear the sound of wind and water, a cold voice suddenly sounded:

"It's hard for you to find here!"

It's a woman!

Several people's attention was instantly attracted by the sound. They warmed their eyes and found that the look on the faces of Zi Teng and Zhao Xin was even worse.

They have just checked carefully. There can't be anyone around! And when did the speaker appear?

The night wind is still blowing, but it seems colder.

The cold takes away almost all the temperature on the warm body.

"You are here!"

Suddenly, Zi Teng suddenly opened his mouth without warning and said to a slender black figure standing by the lake not far away. Just a voice, but it seems to come from hell.

"You're here to find me. I don't show up... Ah!"

The woman said with a quick sneer. Slowly turned his head and faced Ziteng and warmth.

Warm stared at a pair of eyes, which saw the woman's appearance.

"Xu Ziling!"

Warm subconsciously blurted out, unexpectedly, she just took the keel ring from herself. This meeting son unexpectedly appeared in front of her.

In face of the warm exclamation, Xu Ziling's face was not strange, but cold and disturbing.

"Now that you've all found here, you must know what I'm going to do!"

"I don't know!"

Unexpectedly, Zi Teng replied that he was negative.

Xu Ziling was obviously surprised by Zi Teng's answer. She frowned and stared at Zi Teng, as if judging the truth in his words.

Zi Teng's face was expressionless. Xu Ziling looked at it for a moment and didn't see the clue. He simply shrugged his shoulders

"Whether you know it or not, in short, no one can stop what I want to do!"

With that, Xu Ziling suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the mysterious and majestic Qinghai Lake in front of her.

Warmth could see clearly. On the hand she raised, the light was dull. It was Ziteng's keel ring.

Heart, at that moment, suddenly pulled up.

"Zi Teng, keel ring! She's going to throw the keel ring into Qinghai Lake!"


Xu Ziling responded faintly, with an undisguised unbridled smile on her face:

"But you can't stop me!"

Said, a force, really ready to throw the ring into the lake.

Warm and anxious, seeing that Zi Teng and Zhao Xin seemed indifferent, he couldn't help but instinctively wanted to come forward to stop, but Zi Teng seemed to have noticed her intention for a long time, took advantage of the situation and held the warm wrist with a big hand.

Looking at Zi Teng with warm staggered Leng and red eyes:

"Zi Teng, she's going to throw the ring away!"

Zi Teng still didn't answer, as if he didn't see or hear. The throat moved up and down:

"Your brother came to you, you know?"

In a word, it was not warm, but it was enough to make the figure that seemed unable to stop anything freeze in place.

Xu Ziling couldn't seem to believe what Ziteng said at all. She gathered her hands on her head, stood straight, turned her head, widened her eyes, and looked at Ziteng:

"You... What did you say?"

I don't know whether it was shock or fear. Xu Ziling's voice trembled at that moment.

Watching her finally stop, warm couldn't help but breathe out gently. But the heart blocked in the throat still beats badly.

There must be a way. Zi Teng must have a way to persuade Xu Ziling.

No matter what she wants to do, no matter what reason, she can't throw the keel ring into Qinghai Lake!

Holding a warm hand, Zi Teng unconsciously used his strength, but his face still looked calm, light, word by word:

"The woods, right here!"

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