The world is quiet!

In Meiji's dream city, everything is static, even time.

But at the moment, suddenly, in the dark and strange hall, there was a strong wind, Meiji's white clothes and feather clothes were flying, and the round mirror in her hand was flashing a dull and mysterious light, which made people unable to turn their eyes.

Warm eyes were straight on the round mirror, and Ziteng's big hand held her tightly. Mubai and Zhao Xin stood aside. Behind them were Linzi and Xu Ziling, who was held in Mali's arms.

Everyone, at this moment, pursed their lips and stopped making a sound, because in the round mirror in Meiji's hand, there was a bright red and ferocious moon.

However, what surprised everyone was not the red moon in the mirror, but the figure in the red moon.



The warm bottom of my heart suddenly raised a strong premonition, and the son Teng beside me turned pale at this moment.

"Come on, Lord!

Look at the darkness in your soul and see what you want to become in your heart! "

Zi Tun as like as two peas, almost moved his eyes, and looked straight at the mirror in his hands. He looked inside, the one who looked exactly like him but looked more cold and cold.

"Zi Teng! Don't look! Close your eyes!"

Warm subconscious exclaimed and wanted to raise his hand to cover Zi Teng's eyes, but... It's too late!

Zi Teng seemed to be summoned. His whole body was very stiff. He suddenly shook off and held his warm hand. The warm body was unstable, felt a great force, and threw his body to one side.


Zhao Xin hurriedly stepped forward to hold warmth, but warmth can't care about herself now. Her heart is completely hanging on Zi Teng's body.

"Stay away from me!"

Zi Teng seemed to be oppressing something in pain. He couldn't help shivering all over his body. Green veins appeared on his forehead, and bean sized beads of sweat rolled down his smooth forehead.

Seeing this situation, Lin Zi immediately flashed a touch of fear in his eyes:

"Zi Teng! Wake up!"

Linzi wanted to come forward, but before he got close to Ziteng, his body seemed to touch something containing a strong current and bounced him away from him.

"Mubai! Help quickly!"

The forest shouted, and mubai seemed to be overwhelmed by the sudden scene in front of him. After hearing the words of the forest, he quickly calmed down and wanted to stop.

Meiji looked at several people trying to get close to Ziteng and couldn't help laughing coldly:

"How, may let you get in the way!"

Then he raised his arm over his head and whispered a spell. Then, a black light flashed, and a long black sword was held in her hand.

When the long sword was waved, mubai and Linzi's body seemed to have been greatly hurt, and they were severely thrown far away.

At this time, Ma Li was protecting Xu Ziling and Zhao Xin was protecting the warmth. Linzi and mubai were obviously injured. When they got up from the ground, their bodies shook obviously and their feet faltered.

But warmth can be seen from their eyes that things are much more serious than expected!

Meiji saw that they got up and wanted to stop Zi Teng. She quickly waved her long sword again. Their bodies were scattered on the columns on both sides of the hall.

The pillar was like a growing vine, stretching out long branches and binding them to it.

Looking at the scene of this sudden change in front of me warmly, the strong premonition at the bottom of my heart is becoming stronger and stronger. She knew Zi Teng's identity and how terrible and dark power was contained in his body.

And obviously, Meiji just wants to release the power in his body.

no way! Absolutely not!

"Ziteng! Ziteng! Wake up!"

Warm and loud shouting, almost exhausted all the strength in her body, but Zhao Xin is firmly imprisoning her. She can't move at all.

Zi Teng's dark and deep eyes became scarlet and ferocious, and his clenched fists and tight muscles in his arms showed how painful he was at the moment.

Meiji smiled on her lips, and her voice like a ghost still recalled in the hall:

"Yes! That's it! Don't bear it, don't suppress it! Let the power in your body release! With power, you don't have to be afraid of anything! Do you have anything to fear? Anything you can't do?

Then release your strength! "

"Ah --"

Suddenly, Zi Teng roared, his body seemed to be occupied by another force, and there was a thick, terrible dark smell all over his body.

"Ha ha!"

Meiji couldn't help laughing. At last, she could see the real power of Lord Siming!

Mubai may not know that nishang feather clothes can not only suppress Meiji, but also maximize the physical strength of sleeping for 16 nights. If it weren't for nishang feather clothes, I'm afraid she can't release another force on Ziteng at the moment.


Zhao Xin's voice sounded low above his head. Warmth couldn't help looking up. Zhao Xin's face was showing unprecedented fear and shock.

Zi Teng

Warm only felt that his scalp was fried. When he looked back at Xiangzi Teng, he found that his eyes had completely turned scarlet. The child Teng she knew seemed to have fallen asleep in the round mirror in Meiji's hand, closed her eyes and didn't move!

"Zhao Xin! Zi Teng him..."

"Remember the story I told you?"

Behind her, Mary's voice suddenly came. It just sounded calmer than others.

Warm of course remember!

"I'm afraid the events of that year will be repeated!"

Mary whispered. She didn't know whether it was for herself or for warmth!

"Yes! Once Ziteng releases the dark power of the Dark Lord, I'm afraid all of us will not live!"

Zhao Xin followed Ma Li's words, but warmth can't hear anything at the moment!

no may not!

She must not let history repeat itself. She must not let Zi Teng wake up again and find his hands stained with blood again. She was the one who was going to die. She couldn't let Zi Teng be immersed in endless pain and remorse forever.

What should I do? What should she do to call back Ziteng?

Lucifer! Where's Lucifer? Didn't he conclude a covenant with himself and say he would protect Ziteng? Why is he not here at this time?

The warm brain was in severe pain. The fundus of the eyes and the bottom of the heart were all Zi Teng's appearance at this time.

Suddenly, she didn't know where the strength came from. She suddenly broke free from Zhao Xin's imprisonment and ran towards Ziteng

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