Go see him! Go see him! Go see him! Go see him!

At this time of warmth, there is only one idea in his mind. No matter what cruel and hurtful words Zi Teng says, no matter what reason he wants to push himself away, he will not leave half a step again!

Running in warm strides, beside me are passing vehicles and gorgeous neon lights. Beside my ears are the roaring wind and the cry of Zhao Xin behind me. But she doesn't care at all!

She just wants to see Ziteng and stop him! Leave him!

No matter what happens, no matter who dies in the world, she won't let go!

Zhao Xin never thought that after hearing his words, he would make such a crazy move without saying a word. Her slim body shuttles through the streets like a midnight elf.

Zhao Xin could only follow behind her. No matter what he shouted, warmth was unheard of and ran straight forward.

Just, he never knew that warmth would run so fast! Perhaps this is the power of love!

Warm through the street, through the crowd, I don't know how long I ran, and finally came to the high-end residential community where Zi Teng's family is located. Downstairs, she suddenly stopped.

Looking up at the familiar huge floor glass window on the 23rd floor and the familiar figure sitting on the sofa beside the window, I felt warm and misty in front of me.

Chest, still violently undulating, breathing, still in rapid disorder, and the heart, beating wildly.

Ziteng! Ziteng! Ziteng!

Standing in the moonlight, I seem to forget everything.

Originally, he is also a fool! The stupidest, stupidest fool in the world!

Behind him, Zhao Xin had followed up panting. Seeing that warmth stopped downstairs, he couldn't help gasping deeply. Such a long way, the warmth hardly stopped. Rao is a big man and can't say a word at this time. Can only stand by the warm side, bow, let yourself calm down bit by bit.

It was warm, his cheeks flushed and his eyes were burning, but he didn't look at Zhao Xin.

"Zhao Xin! Do me a favor!"


"Let me go up by myself!"

The warm voice is low, but firm and can't be refused. A breeze gently floated, blowing her hair hanging on her chest, enchanting, people can't move their eyes.

Zhao Xin did not answer, silent, but already represents the best language.

After a warm pause, he looked back and burst out a gentle smile towards Zhao Xin. Then he turned around and walked firmly towards the community step by step.

Zhao Xin looked at the back of the warmth gradually disappearing in front of him, but inexplicably peaceful at the bottom of his heart.

He knew that if it was warm, it would be OK! You can stop Zi Teng!

Go to the mission of ****** family, Zi Teng, you shouldn't bear it!

Warm into the elevator, looking at the number rising bit by bit, the mood seems to be like this elevator, climbing and jumping.

I didn't see Zi Teng these days. I found that the original man's appearance, voice and tone had already penetrated into the marrow and could not be removed.

Walk down the elevator, walk through the corridor, stand warm at the familiar door, take a deep breath, raise your hand, not light or heavy, and knock on the door of the room.

At this time, Ziteng was sitting in a daze in front of the glass window of the living room. He didn't know what he was looking at or thinking. It seemed that he was not interested in what to do without the warm days around him.

The whole person seems to have become lifeless, like a dead body.

"Dudu --

The knock on the door suddenly rang out in the living room. Zi Teng suddenly excited, but the next second, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

How could someone knock at the door? He must be hallucinating!

However, the knock on the door, which he regarded as an illusion, sounded again, and it was much heavier than the last time.

Zi Teng listened carefully and identified that it was not an illusion. Then he slowly stood up from the sofa and walked to the door.

Home address, only a few familiar people know. But these people, one died, one disappeared, one was driven away by his bad lies, and another was arranged by him to protect her.

Who will knock at this time?

Standing outside the door of the warm, at this time, the nervous palm is full of fine sweat, and the heartbeat is also crazy and unclear. At this time, Zi Teng, standing in the door, suddenly asked:


The long lost voice passed through the door and into her warm ears. For a moment, her eyes were moist again.

Habitually biting his lips for a moment, he replied warm:

"Zi Teng, it's me!"

Ziteng's slender and straight back, at the moment of hearing the warm voice, he could not help but freeze in place.

He... Heard right!

It's warm! How can it be warm? How did she come back?

At this moment, the heartbeat began to get out of control. The tide called missing surged like a breakwater, overwhelming and almost wanted to swallow him.

God knows how much he misses her these days!

However, he also knew that if he gave up at this time, all his previous efforts and all his pain would fall short of success.


"What's up?"

He didn't open the door, but asked in the darkest and coldest voice he could reach. However, the big hand hanging on the side of the body raised involuntarily at the same time and gently stroked the door in front of him.

Warm at this time, she was already standing in this position, her face and her eyes seemed to be under her own touch.

Seeing that Ziteng refused to open the door for himself, the warmth could no longer be controlled, he shouted loudly:

"Du Ziteng, open the door for me!"


Zi Tun has as like as two peas of the lip Cape, her temper is exactly the same as before.

"Did you hear what I said? Open the door quickly! You have the ability to lie to me. Why don't you have the courage to see me?"


Originally, she knows!

Zhao Xin told her! But even if you know the truth, what can you do? What can it change?

Warm clenched his teeth, looked at the door in front of him and clenched his fist!

Sample! No! He can't help it when she's there, can he!

"Du Ziteng! I'll give you one last chance. If you don't open the door again, don't regret it!"


He was afraid that he could not control it and opened the door. Then he would really regret it!

Warm, let's go!

Don't insist, insist again, I'm afraid I really can't help it, hold you and hold you in my arms!

Seeing that Zi Teng still didn't respond, warm immediately stretched out a finger and pointed hard at the people in the room across the door:

"OK! Don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

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