The night Chen only said a word, let the warmth feel that the scalp exploded, and the whole person's nerves seemed to collapse together at that moment. The back is cold and sweaty.

The night Chen says: "you!"

Not afraid! I don't know why. What I'm facing is the ghost king. Normally, she should be afraid!

But at that moment, I felt warm and clear that there was no fear in my heart! She has seen the ghost of a child entrenched in a cloth doll, the fierce ghost who jumped out of a building in red, the monster Yange who waited for his beloved man for thousands of years, and the sword spirit attached to the ancient cadres... Every time, she will be more or less afraid, more or less afraid.

But this time, she was stared at by the ghost king yechen with such terrible and ferocious eyes. It was strange that she had no fear in her heart.

"If you really love Liancheng, why should you let her live in the past forever?

She has forgotten everything. She can start a new life. Why should she recall it, and why should she be tortured in those painful memories? "

When he said this, he kept himself from looking at the approaching figure behind him.

Her words seemed to be for ye Chen, but in fact they were also for Zi Teng! She hopes that Ziteng can understand. She hopes that when she leaves one day, Ziteng can forget her and start a new life!

Good, bad, are memories! Since it is a memory, forget it! Even if she is to be tortured, just leave her alone!

Hearing the warm words, a dark awn flashed at the bottom of yechen's eyes.


Yeah! Why?

There were countless dark nights like tonight, and he also asked himself. Why not give up looking for Liancheng, and why not let her start a new life alone.

He didn't think about it, but every time he had that idea, he would soon be swallowed up by the endless loneliness and pain. That feeling, too hard!

After all, he is selfish!

He has been lonely for so many years. Under the ground where he can never see light, he bears endless cold and darkness. He is alone silently! Unconsciously, looking for the reincarnation of Liancheng seems to have become a part of his long life.

It's like flesh and blood. I can't give it up!

However, just now the woman, the woman in front of him, asked him if he really loved Liancheng!

Of course he does!

It's all this woman, not her words, and even the city won't say that! If it wasn't for her, maybe now Liancheng has promised himself to re conclude a ghost marriage with himself, again!

It's all her! It's all her! It's all her! It's all her!

All the blame was suddenly blamed on the warm body. Yechen seemed to be manic again. His fiery red robe and dark hair as black as ink were dancing wildly in the wind, like a ghost hand stretched out from hell, stretching out his teeth and claws towards the warm, as if he wanted to catch her to hell.

The black ghosts that swayed before no longer floated on the ground. But stiff, gloomy, shaking in the direction of warmth.

Zeng min'er, standing aside, noticed the smile. Because of her previous experience, she wanted to stand up in front of the warm again to protect her from harm.

She knew that yechen would not hurt her! But others

However, as soon as Zeng min'er moved, it seemed that ye Chen noticed his intention. He just raised his hand gently. Zeng min'er felt that his body was as motionless as if it had been cursed.

But in her eyes, Zeng min'er found that when two ghosts had come to her, they imprisoned her.

The hands of those ghosts seemed invisible, but they were cold and piercing, just like... The feeling on yechen!

Warm frowned, but did not move. He looked at yechen so straight. When he looked at himself, his eyes became more and more murderous.

He wants to kill himself!

Once the belief is suspected or even found to be incorrect, it may collapse and crazy to kill!

Warmth knows that yechen must have been moved by herself!

"Yechen! You can't be so selfish because you are the ghost king!

You love Liancheng! You hate Liancheng even more! Hate yourself! Why were you still stubborn when you knew that being together was contrary to the cycle of heaven.

You hate Liancheng. Why should you promise, fall in love with you! Marry you!

You hate yourself for hurting Liancheng and making her suffer the punishment from heaven. So you try to keep Liancheng's soul. In order to make her not suffer the punishment again, let her reincarnate forever.

But you can't stand the torture of loneliness and self blame, so you look for it all your life.

Yechen! You are a selfish ghost! Selfish ghost! "

Warmth almost shouted such words hysterically, and everyone present, including yechen herself, was shocked. He looked at the warmth with some disbelief, and the light in his eyes was a little flat, hot, and then flat until——


He pursed his lips, did not speak, but raised his hand in an instant, his index finger facing the direction of warmth.

Those shaking ghosts suddenly moved quickly towards the warmth as if they had been ordered.

yes! you 're right! Not shaking, no longer swaying, but fast!

Warm heart was surprised, subconsciously stepped back, but accidentally bumped into a solid and warm embrace.

The lingering breath at the tip of the nose was so familiar, warm and sour in the eyes. For the first time, I wanted to keep Zi Teng away from here. It was too dangerous.

However, before she could speak, Zi Teng's voice was low, gloomy and cold, even a thousand times more piercing than the ghost king yechen:

"The ghost king yechen!

Those who want to touch me, have you asked me? "

Somewhere in the warm heart, he was suddenly hit. She widened her eyes and looked up at Ziteng.

The angular face and exquisite facial features are still Zi Teng. But those eyes and the voice that just spoke

At the bottom of my heart, a strong and bad premonition quickly rushed out and spread to my whole body.

The next second, yechen's words, like a startling flash thunder, mercilessly chopped on the warm heart.

"I thought it was someone who dared to talk to me like that!

Originally, it's the ghost Lord of Yangming company!

Be all right! "

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