Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 102: Fu Xishen should be hers

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But Fu Xishen just reached out and touched her head, said a little lightly, and then no more.  Fu Xi deeply saw the disappointment in Gu Ninghuan’s eyes, why didn’t he understand what Gu Ninghuan was thinking, but in such a business dinner, the people attending were all people with iron style in their fields, no matter how superficial

The clothes are well-dressed, but in private, they are cruel and hand-to-hand, which is too dangerous.

And that kind of party often attracts the attention of some people who want to make a fortune and get rich. Last year, a kidnapped wife participated in a rich man's case.

Even in the end, the rich wife was rescued, but he still suffered for two days, not to mention that he did not want to take Gu Ninghuan to such a banquet full of calculations.

Gu Ninghuan watched Fu Xishen go further and further away, and the loss in his heart grew bigger. Why was Fu Xishen unwilling to take her to Jiangcheng?

She dropped her head and walked outside the airport.

Fu Xi went away clearly, but she had already begun to miss him.

Gu Ninghuan returned to Fu's home. Fu Ximing knew that he was usually very busy and had little time to accompany her, and Gu Ninghuan was usually in school. In fact, he could only see him when he returned home.   But at this time Gu Ninghuan returned to Fu’s house, but felt that the home was empty and empty, the maid was busy in the villa, the sunlight reflected from the floor-to-ceiling windows, it was a bright and cheerful picture, but Gu Ninghuan felt that his heart was never

None have been so empty.

"Ning Huan, Ning Huan, what are you doing?"

Song Ci's WeChat prompt sounded, Gu Ninghuan clicked on it, still a lively voice.

Gu Ninghuan replied feebly: "I'm thinking of my husband, but telling you, you won't understand. After all, how can you understand the thoughts of having a husband and girl like us for a single dog like you?"

Song Ci was lying in the rocking chair, eating fried chicken happily in the right hand, and Gu Ninghuan's voice was spoken in the left hand, but after listening, the fried chicken in his hand was almost annoyed by Gu Ninghuan.

For Gu Ninghuan's forced feeding of dog food, it really makes them feel aggrieved.

But she hadn't had time to refute, Gu Ninghuan passed another voice again.

"Actually, I also envy single turtles like you. The long holiday for you is happy fried chicken and drinks. Unlike me, I have to worry about my husband."

Song Ci heard Gu Ninghuan finish talking and silently put down the drumstick in her hand. She now only wants to go to the corner to be quiet.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Song Ci was like a storm, and the screen sent her a variety of crying emoticons, which seemed to be very exciting for her.

Seeing Song Ci so sad, Gu Ninghuan felt a lot better in the moment.

Gu Ninghuan took the phone and saw that there was a request to add friends from the contact.

She opened it at random and saw that she was a woman with a strange picture and nickname.

Almost subconsciously wanting to refuse, her WeChat never likes to add strangers.

But when she refused, Song Ci's message suddenly sounded, and her finger flicked, and she agreed.

But since I agreed, Gu Ninghuan was too lazy to delete it, and ignored Song Ci’s crying expression pack. She reached out and entered the strange woman’s circle of friends. The moment she saw her photo, Gu Ninghuan wanted to pull Black her.

Because the woman who added her was Meng Jingwen just now, it made Gu Ninghuan unable to figure it out. Hasn't she and Meng Jingwen's relationship been so bad?

In this case, why did she add her WeChat.

When Gu Ninghuan was planning to delete Meng Jingwen, he saw a photo from Fu Xishen's back.

Her hand holding the phone tightened suddenly, and her heart sank. Fu Xishen and Meng Jingwen were actually on the same plane.

No, this must not be true. Fu Xi said clearly that he did not go to Jiangcheng with Meng Jingwen. Was he cheating her?

Meng Jingwen put down the mobile phone that secretly photographed Fu Xishen's back. Now Gu Ninghuan is very angry to see her and Fu Xishen sitting on the same plane.

"President, when I went to get things, I saw Miss Meng." The assistant said to Fu Xishen.

Fu Xishen heard that, just a faint hum, and there was no response.

Why Meng Jingwen appears on this plane is not concerned or interested.

The assistant was surprised when he saw that the president was obviously not interested in Meng Jingwen.

Meng Jingwen's eyes have always looked at Fu Xishen affectionately, how hope Fu Xishen can turn his head to look at her.   Just for Fu Xishen to be able to turn her head to see her best-looking appearance at all times, Meng Jingwen kept taking makeup from time to time to make up, but until the plane landed, Fu Xishen did not

Turned her head to meet her.

Meng Jingwen waited for Fu Xishen for five hours, and did not wait for what she wanted. She watched Fu Xishen get off the plane, and finally couldn't help it.

She followed Fu Xishen out of the VIP exclusive channel: "Xi Shen, Xi Shen, you wait for me."

Fu Xishen heard her voice and stepped slightly, looking up at her sideways: "What's the matter?"    "You are coming to the business party held by the Westin Hotel this time, so coincidentally, I was also invited to participate. I Look, the secretary assistants around you are all men, otherwise I will be your female companion for the banquet." Meng Jingwen will dial straight and long hair

Behind the ears, the smile is gentle and quiet.

"No need." Fu Xi refused faintly, without much emotion in his tone.

Meng Jingwen was stunned in the same place, and he was at a loss when faced with Fu Xishen's unabashed rejection.

For them, even if a man and a woman have the other half, it is quite normal for a business party to be a male or female partner.

But why Fu Xishen rejected her. "Xishen, but this is the first time I have attended such a high-level business party. If there is no one familiar with me, I will be very scared. So, can you stay with me and be my male partner?" Meng Jingwen With a tone

Pleading, the assistant standing next to Fu Xishen was a little bit soft.

But Fu Xishen is still so indifferent: "I will let my assistant help you contact a gentleman to be your male partner. I still have something to do, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, Fu Xishen stopped staying and turned away.

Meng Jingwen stood there, even though his heart wanted to catch up with him, but he still didn't keep up.

Men do not like women who take the initiative over and over again. She knows this very well, but no matter how Fu Xishen rejects her, she will not give up easily.

A woman like Gu Ninghuan, in addition to having a little bit of appearance, simply does not have any sufficient qualifications to occupy Fu Xishen's wife.   Fu Xishen should be hers! Mrs. Fu Jiashao’s position should also be hers.

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