Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 103: She feels sick!

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Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa and magnified the photos of Meng Jingwen's back view numerous times.

Every time she looked, she felt that her breathing was tighter, but she couldn't control her torture and watched it again and again.

That back is Fu Xishen's, she is very sure.

But why Fu Xishen and Meng Jingwen take the same flight, is it a coincidence or artificial.

Gu Ninghuan sat up and she should take a look no matter what.

She didn't believe the photos Meng Jingwen sent to her, and she would never think that Fu Xishen and Meng Jingwen had any embarrassing things because of a back view.

But if you don't ask for proof, then this photo will become a hidden danger between her and Fu Xishen.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan immediately took out his mobile phone to start booking air tickets, and hurried upstairs to start packing.

——   People who come to the Westin banquet this time will of course choose to stay at the Westin Hotel, and Fu Xishen is no exception, but the reason for his stay is that it is close to the banquet hall, so that he can attend the banquet after Fastest time

leave here.

If it weren't for this banquet, it was a banquet that he had already arranged before marriage, presumably he would not come to Jiangcheng at all.

The banquet was held at 8 o'clock in the evening. Fu Xi hurriedly left the Westin after absently attending the banquet. The assistant booked a flight to Kyoto early.

But on their way to the airport, the assistant's phone rang and the caller was the general manager of the US branch.

The assistant gave the phone to Fu Xishen. The more Fu Xishen heard, the worse his face was, and finally hung up the phone: "Buy a ticket to the US immediately."

The assistant immediately booked the flight online and found that the last flight to the US was three hours later.

But now it is too late to transfer a private plane. There is no way for the assistant to open a presidential suite in the best hotel room away from the airport. Fu Xishen also took advantage of this time waiting for the plane to process emergency documents from the United States.

Before they fly to the United States, they also need to use the shortest time to understand how serious the accident in the United States is.


At this time, Meng Jingwen in Westin did not know that Fu Xishen had left the hotel.

She was in the room, looking forward to the **** lingerie she had already prepared.

Then she wore a white bathrobe outside, always with long straight hair, and this time she made it into a big roll with a rich and charming atmosphere.

Tonight, she will take the initiative to dedicate herself to Fu Xishen.

No matter how cold Fu Xishen's appearance is, after all, he is a man. He has the inferior roots that all men in the world have. Facing the women who take the initiative to send them to the door, I believe that few people will refuse.

Meng Jingwen was a little nervous, so actively wearing **** underwear to knock on the door of the man's room, this is the first time.

In order to prevent Fu Xishen from underestimating her, she drank a lot of wine deliberately. After she had a relationship with Fu Xishen, she could also refrain from saying that it was because she had drunk too much.

Meng Jingwen took out her mobile phone and went out. She looked at Gu Ninghuan who was lying quietly on her WeChat list, and she sneered in her heart. At this time, Gu Ninghuan should be in a difficult situation.

She walked in the quiet aisle of Westin wearing a bathrobe and reached out to knock on Fu Xishen's door, but she saw that the door was not closed.

Meng Jingwen walked in boldly and saw that there was no light in the room. Her hand had just touched the light switch and was grabbed by someone before it was pressed.

Afterwards, the lips with alcohol squeezed towards her face. Meng Jingwen remembered that Fu Xishen had just drunk a few glasses of champagne at the banquet. How could the alcohol taste be so obvious.

Moreover, the cloth of the clothes seems to be very rough, which is not like the pajamas Fu Xishen would wear.   Although Meng Jingwen had doubts in her mind, she did not put it in her heart. Even though she grew up with Fu Xishen, she had never walked into the heart of the lonely and cold man. Maybe Fu Xishen turned off the light.


Thinking of this, Meng Jingwen kissed the man in front of him warmly, sliding his fingers unconsciously on the bright screen, and finally could not hold the phone and dropped it on the carpet.

When Gu Ninghuan arrived in Jiangcheng, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. It was already ten o'clock in the evening when she took a taxi to the Westin Hotel. She had Fu Xishen's room number, which was requested by the secretary before she came.

She walked into the elevator and watched the numbers on the elevator keep changing. Finally the elevator stopped on the top floor, but I don't know why she didn't want to go to Fu Xishen suddenly.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she flew here thousands of miles just because of a photo of Meng Jingwen. Does it seem too distrustful of Fu Xishen?

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan's footsteps moved forward slightly, and he felt like calling a phone and asking what happened to Fu Xishen's photo.

But as soon as she took out her mobile phone, she saw that Meng Jingwen's network call came over. She hesitated again and again, but still answered.

As soon as the phone's microphone touched her ear, she heard an unbearable voice.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't believe it, she thought Meng Jingwen must have lied to her. She dragged the suitcase and walked out of Fu Xishen's room number, and saw that the voice of men and women was clearer from the door of the hotel that was not closed. .

In particular, she can clearly hear that Meng Jingwen is indulging in the joy of men and women, and the name is Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan stood at the door. She knew what she had to face as soon as she opened the door. When she was reborn, she told herself.

No matter what difficulties she encountered in this life, she would never allow herself to escape, and she would have to face it herself.

But at this time she felt that even if she had exhausted all her courage, she didn't have the strength to push open the door that was not tight.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know how she got out of Westin, and she didn't know how she took a taxi to the airport.

She closed her eyes, and the time was really ridiculous. A day ago, she felt that even if she had lived with Fu Xishen for such a lifetime, it was an extremely happy thing.

But now, Gu Ninghuan only feels sick, she feels sick at the time!

Obviously it was just a marriage of giants, but she took the drama seriously, is there anyone in this world who is even more stupid than her?

Fu Xishen and the US branch had finished the video call. It was already late at night. He wanted to tell Gu Ninghuan that he was going to the United States for an emergency business trip. However, considering that he might affect Gu Ninghuan’s sleep, he decided to wait until the United States to tell her.

Gu Ninghuan sat in the airport cafe for one night and bought the earliest flight in the early morning to return to Kyoto.

When she walked out of the airport, she saw Fu Xishen send news to her that he was going to the United States on a business trip.  Gu Ninghuan sneered, business trip? Why didn't I hear Fu Xishen said he was going on a business trip, but after sleeping with Meng Jingwen for one night, could not wait to have two people go to the United States to live the duo world?

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