Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 111: One man with a wild man

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As soon as Gu Ninghuan's brain hole was opened, he could not restrain himself at all.

She looked at Fu Xishen's eyes with vigilance.

Fu Xishen saw that for no reason, Gu Ninghuan looked at him with an extremely unpleasant look, which made him feel very unhappy.

The reason why he put all his servants on holiday was to use this time to get along well with Gu Ninghuan. Originally, he thought Gu Ninghuan would be very happy. After all, did this woman say that she liked him before?

As a result, she looked at her present look, but wished she could fly directly away. "You seem reluctant to stay with me for three days." Fu Xishen looked at Gu Ninghuan dangerously, and her eyes fell on her slender neck, like if she dared to say yes, he would Stepped forward without hesitation


Gu Ninghuan licked her lips, she made a smile: "No! But just staying together for three days, but since you chose to let the servants take their vacation, then these three days should be you cooking?!"

Fu Xi deep smiled and said: "Why am I cooking."

"Because what you cook is better than me, and compared with the food you cook, the takeaway is too difficult to import." Gu Ninghuan grimaced, she knew that Fu Xishen was very busy with work, of course, she would not be free every day. Cook at home.

But it is very strange that it is obviously the same ingredients and seasonings, but after Fu Xishen has made it, it is delicious.

Fu Xishen was silent, but Gu Ninghuan was not willing to give up such a good welfare. She wiped her lips with a disinfected wet towel, a pitiful appearance: "To know that I stayed up late a few days ago until my body collapsed, it was just when I needed a good nursery, if I could not eat and sleep well, I Body one

It must be difficult. "

"I kept you up all night? I think you were very happy when playing games upside down day and night." Fu Xi said coolly.

Gu Ninghuan was blocked by Fu Xishen for a long time, but there was no way to find a sentence to refute the man.

But even if she said nothing, she should never stay in place to lie down and ridicule Ren. She got up and planned to leave.

I'm thinking about the big deal and let Gu's maid deliver meals over the past few days, hum! Fu Xishen's cooking is delicious. She doesn't believe that Gu has so many chefs, and no one can do three-point cooking for men.

"But if you really want me to cook in these days, it's not impossible, but I have any advantage." Fu Xi said lightly when he saw Gu Ninghuan standing upset unhappy.

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen say this, and felt that she could continue to please her. She turned to Fu Xishen's heel and reached for Fu Xishen's long legs: "Will I massage you?"

"Gu Ninghuan, just as you have beaten your legs like you haven't eaten in three days, and dare to take it out and embarrass you?" Fu Xishen picked up the red wine in front of him and took a few sips. Obviously, there was nothing to Gu Ninghuan's request. reaction.

Gu Ninghuan thought about it, but she had nothing to exchange.

"So what do you want?" Gu Ninghuan's hammer leg movements continued, and he asked with some displeasure.

This man is too difficult to please.

Fu Xi looked deeply at her beat rhythm with no rhythm and strength. Leng Chi: "Gu Ninghuan, you still don't understand, besides this face you can see, what else can you take Advantages?"

"Do you mean to make me seduce you? Fu Xishen, you may have misunderstood me. I am not the kind of person who will sell the hue for three days of food!" Gu Ninghuan stopped his thumping hand , Said seriously.

Facing her, Fu Xishen picked up the goblet and shook the scarlet liquor in it: "What if it was added with dessert?"    "Husband, I don't think my color can be compared to you at all. What tempted you, did you say that?" Gu Ninghuan heard the word "dessert" and sat spontaneously on Fu Xishen's lap, holding his waist softly, soft


Fu Xi looked down at her exquisite face with a low tone of voice, "You are just as good as you?"

Gu Ninghuan raised his head and released his hand in dissatisfaction: "Forget it, don't eat, it's a big deal. I'm hungry for three days!"

After she finished, she was about to get up, but was stretched out by a man to buckle her waist. Her back slammed into Fu Xishen’s chest, and there was a chuckle: “Okay, I do.”

Gu Ninghuan said, his eyebrows curved.

Since she hasn't made a decision on Fu Xishen's relationship, she might as well go with her heart and wait until she thinks about it.

Gu Ninghuan's summer vacation is not so boring. For someone like her who doesn't like to go out, it is the happiest thing to spend a day at home comfortably.

But Song Ci, who has an active personality, is simply going crazy.

She has a particularly annoying older sister, but also returned from studying in Australia this time. According to Song Ci, every day she stays at home is the youngest and most painful day of her life.

"Ning Huan, I tell you, I'm really tortured to death by my sister now, if you don't come out to hide with me at night, I'm going to die!" When Song Ci's voice came, Gu Ninghuan was Reading on the sofa.

"There is no such exaggeration, you can play the game! No matter how brutal your sister is, you will not enter the game to kill you." Gu Ninghuan quickly returned a message. "What game is the game! I tell you, that game doesn't know what went wrong, all the friends around me can play that game, but I was banned as soon as I went online! I changed countless regions and small ones today Number, but all

It's no use, you say it's annoying! "

"In this case, as your best friend, how can I not be able to play a round of anger at you without going online!" Gu Ninghuan picked up the phone and started playing the game.

She had just entered the game lobby, and her account was blocked instantly.

Gu Ninghuan thinks if there is something wrong with her eyes, why is she so good that she will be banned?

Obviously, she has always cherished her account, and has never appeared to hang up. When she was puzzled, Song Ci's phone call came in.

"Ning Huan, how can you treat me like this." Song Ci voice was very wronged.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the phone screen: "Song Ci, my account has also been blocked..."

"I'm relieved to see you as miserable as me, Ning Huan, you are really my best friend."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."  "Then let's go out to watch the drama together, I happen to have four tickets, we each take a wild man to watch! Then after watching...we can each hehehe."

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